The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 26 Dark clouds over the city

Frota found out that Lin was awakening and let him go.

Fortunately, Lin Jue reacted quickly and stabilized his body in time.

"What are you doing?"

Looking at the surrounding environment, Lin Jue asked.

There is a basement here, and Xier is sitting quietly on a chair nearby.

"To give you a better chance of living."

Florta walked to the center of the basement.

"I was a dead man, but Lord Gas saved me and allowed me to stay in the human world longer."

"I'm sorry, although Lord Gas asked me to continue to protect Miss Seele, I can no longer hold on."

Frota's figure gradually shrank, and his original momentum was now gone.

"Now, it's time for me to leave."

"Here is the life-saving means that Lord Gas and I used. Take it and use it."

After Frota finished speaking, his figure slowly disappeared.

Lin Jue was silent, feeling a strange feeling in his heart.

That was a feeling that Lin Jue had never felt before.

Lin Jue was a little confused.

"They are all gone?" Xi'er's hand rested on her chest unnaturally, with a slightly sad feeling on her cheeks. She had an indescribable emotion about Frota's disappearance.

"Xie'er, don't think too much." Lin Jue picked up Xi'er.

"Just stay alive and I will take you home."

Listening to Lin Jue's flowers, Xi'er stopped thinking wildly and nodded and said, "Yes."

Lin Jue divided everything in the basement with Xi'er and then left.

When closing the door, Lin Jue took another look inside the basement.

Just because Xi'er is the child of Rendu, he is willing to pay any price for it.

Frota just wanted to protect Seele because of Gas, and he was willing to protect her at all costs.

How should I put it? It's silly. A senior dog licker once used dark means to achieve the purpose of lingering with the person he likes. He deserves this result. However, Gas can be considered a man if he can protect someone at all costs.

Xi'er felt grateful to Frota and Gas because of their special care, so she felt disappointed after seeing Frota dissipate in the end.

But neither Vas nor Frota protected Seele because they loved her from the bottom of their hearts.

He just used Xi'er as an emotional sustenance.

Vas will take care of Xi'er to make up for his mistakes.

Florta took care of Seele as repaying Gas for saving his life.

Xi'er is still young and there are some things she can't understand, so don't let her understand.

She just needs to feel happy and safe.

Lin Jue pressed the switch and the door fell, completely sealing the basement.

I am afraid that someone will discover this basement again in a few years, but that has nothing to do with Lin Jue.

One day later, Lin Jue used the last resort left by the gas to control the alien's soul control over the entire city's citizens.

While the citizens were still in a state of confusion, local officials from Fengxue City, who had been pretending to be dead for who knows how long, appeared.

These local officials discovered something was wrong early and went into hiding.

Now they came out because they heard that Emperor Mingwu had come to Fengxue City.

If you don't come out, don't think about continuing to work.

The three most powerful chambers of commerce in the city have been bloodbathed by unknown people.

The presidents of the three major chambers of commerce even separated their heads.

The wind is still blowing, the rain is still falling, and the thunder is still blowing.

The raindrops falling on the ground still make no sound, the wind blowing through the leaves still makes no sound. Only a few thunderclaps let people know that the world still makes sounds.

Everyone knows that Snowstorm City is about to face a catastrophe.

Countless civilians rushed to escape, but the soldiers guarding the gate just opened the door and paid no attention to it.

In a dark place in Snow Wind City, the sickly man murmured: "I didn't expect that something called gas could actually make these people break free from my control."

"Forget it, these are not things that cannot be given up anyway. As long as Chelvaren can reach the end, I will win."

"When the time comes, that big monster, I will definitely teach you a lesson!"

The sickly man's clothes were blown up by the strong wind.

If an ordinary person passes by here, he will definitely be scared.

Under the clothes of the sickly man, there was no skin, only bones.

Lin Jue and Xi'er followed Lin Hong to the top of the city wall of Snow Wind City.

Here, you can clearly see the blood-red sky above the far north.

Emperor Mingwu, Lin Yide, and Lin Hong are all here.

Below, countless soldiers are preparing war supplies.

"So why did you bring me and Xier here together?"

Lin Jue didn't know these people, not even any of them.

But he already had a guess in his mind.

Lin Hong couldn't answer his question.

Because he just followed the letter Lin Yide sent to him.

Whether he was pretending to be dead or bringing Lin Jue here, it was Lin Yide's arrangement.

Not far away, Emperor Mingwu was no longer looking at the blood-red sky. He turned around and looked at Lin Jue.

"Because you have to come."

"When Chevalen reaches the final step, he will lose all reason, but he can feel where his blood is, and he can go where he wants just by instinct."

Lin felt clear.

Of course, the last thing Chevalen wanted was Xi'er's bloodline.

However, this Xi'er was not Bi Xi'er. Lin Jue was a little worried about whether Chelvaren could find a way in the end.

If he didn't come, Lin Jue would still have to look for him, which would be troublesome.

If you find it, you may not be able to defeat it, and it will be even more troublesome.

"Report! The spies from the front reported that they found a large number of Sasirki people walking towards the city."

"Huh? Chelvaren doesn't want the country anymore? Since he dares to send troops here?"

Lin Hong frowned, obviously not prepared for this scene.

The reason why Dawu State and Sasirki State can maintain peaceful relations is actually because they are too far apart and have no direct interests in each other.

Moreover, both sides are powerful countries, so both sides established diplomatic relations with a peaceful attitude.

Why is there no war between the two sides?

The first is that the journey is long and the journey is through the far north. The bad weather makes the march difficult.

Second, if a large number of troops are to be sent to attack, the surrounding countries will not miss this good opportunity.

Taking advantage of the emptiness in your hometown, it is normal for you to join forces and ransack your home together.

That's why Lin Hong was a little confused.

Lin Yide and Emperor Mingwu were not surprised at all.

In the distance, dark crowds began to appear.

This group of people all had dull expressions and empty eyes. They walk slowly and very uncoordinated.

Black clouds pressed toward the city.

"These people don't look like humans at all."

Lin Hong's face was solemn, and he ordered the soldiers to enter a state of combat readiness.

Lin Jue and Xi'er stood together, looking at the countless crowds in the distance.

"Zombie siege."

"It's more terrifying than a group of dead soldiers."

They both said unconsciously.

"What are the zombies, brother Lin Jue?" Xi'er tilted her head and looked at Lin Jue curiously and asked.

Lin Jue didn't answer, but touched Xi'er's head.

"The climax of this drama is coming."

In the distance, the blood-red sky began to shrink, and Lin Jue knew that his opponent was coming.

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