Lin Jue had basically nothing to do with the Chamber of Commerce. Lin Jue was just a figurehead. The real manager of the Chamber of Commerce was Vas.

When he came to the Chamber of Commerce, the scenery inside made Lin Jue almost think that he had come to the wrong place.

The shabby tables, simple decorations, and dust everywhere on the floor made the entire Chamber of Commerce look like a factory workshop, dirty and messy.

The walls outside were golden and gorgeous. And the walls inside were broken.

There was no window around, only a small piece of ceiling was not covered, allowing the sun and wind and snow to pour in.

Looking at the scene in front of him, an inspiration flashed in his mind, and Lin Jue suddenly understood something.

"This Chamber of Commerce doesn't look like it was built for the sake of building."

Outside the door, Vas had already left.

From the beginning, he just wanted to trick Lin Jue here.

He deliberately used "hypnosis" to tell Lin Jue about his life experience, his purpose of coming here, etc.

All to make Lin Jue come here more naturally.

Whether Lin Jue had amnesia or not, Vas would use this method to get Lin Jue here.

Thinking of the sight he felt when he entered the door, it was strong and dangerous.

That was a person that Gas could not defeat. He knew that if he controlled the soul, he would be discovered, so he used this method to make Lin Jue come here naturally.

Lin Jue's purpose of coming here was not to establish a chamber of commerce.

It would take several months to build a chamber of commerce. This place was probably built in an emergency. Only the outside was decorated. The inside was basically a garbage dump.

"Gas's purpose was to lure me here. What's the benefit of luring me here?"

Lin Jue carefully recalled every move of Gas after coming to Tianqing Street. After thinking for a long time, he still got nothing.

Recalling what Gas said to Lin Jue again.

After a short period of contact, Lin Jue could be sure that Gas was a cunning man.

In other words, Gas was not sure whether Lin Jue had lost his memory at that time, but in order to make Lin Jue go in the direction he imagined, he would definitely use some means.

For example, setting traps in words, true and false words are the easiest to deceive people.

At that time, Vas said that he was instructed by his superiors to bring Lin Jue to Fengxue City for training. When Lin Jue walked on the street, he would hear some pedestrians discussing this matter.

If Lin Jue had amnesia, it would be good. If not, then Lin Jue had blue eyes, and he must be a prince of the Saselki Kingdom, who knew about this matter.

In addition, Lin Jue had been controlled by Vas's soul at that time. In order to protect himself, Lin Jue would only follow Vas's words.

So, Lin Jue was led here.

"What if it is to use me to attract certain people?"

Suddenly Lin Jue thought of a possibility.

Because Vas said that Xier should be taken special care of, and because of the same blue eyes, Lin Jue thought Xier was the so-called "prince".

Later, Lin Jue realized that Xier completely replaced a person. What if her eyes were originally blue?

Then he remembered what the system said at that time: In order to conceal that Xier was not from this world, she was allowed to completely replace a person.

Since it was for concealment, the original figure and appearance of the person Xier replaced should be similar to Xier, and even the eyes should be the same. Only in this way, people around will not find that Xier has suddenly changed.

As for whether the system directly modifies other people's consciousness so that they can't find abnormalities, Lin Jue is not sure, so he asked the system at that time.

"System, can you attack people in this world?"

An emotionless electronic voice sounded: "No."

That's it, Xier's original body also has blue eyes.

Therefore, Lin Jue judged one thing: for what purpose did Gas hide Xier's identity and use Lin Jue to block the gun.

However, later Lin Jue saw a sentence in the book "The First Idol of Sasierki Country Teaches You: How to Play Two Boats".

"The royal family of Sasierki Country is easy to recognize. They have special blue eyes. Only the royal family of Sasierki Country has them in this world. This is a mysterious power that runs in their blood."

Therefore, blue eyes are unique to the royal family of Sasierki Country. Of course, it is not ruled out that other people have them but have not discovered them, but this possibility is too low.

If we think in a more likely direction, now, Lin Jue and Xi'er both have blue eyes, so it stands to reason that their original bodies should be princes or princesses.

However, according to records, there are no women in the younger generation of Sasierki.

After Chervalen became king, almost all the descendants of Sasierki were boys - because girls would disappear soon after they were born.

The specific reason is not clear. This is the news that Lin Jue found in a letter in a corner of the bookstore. This phenomenon has been going on for more than ten years. The strange thing is that ordinary people are not aware of it at all, and only some high-level figures in some countries know about it.

There are fewer and fewer women in Sasierki now.

"The relationship between Sasierki and me is getting more and more entangled."

"Really, it's getting more and more chaotic."

The current king of Sasierki is Chervalen - the person Lin Jue wants to kill.

What a coincidence.

There was another pain, and Lin Jue pressed his eyebrows.

"This headache is really annoying for you who gave birth to a son."

He hammered the wall a little irritably.

The snow outside was too heavy, and Lin Jue could only helplessly stay here and wait for the heavy snow to pass.

Rubbing his eyebrows again, Lin Jue calmed down and calmed down.

"Forget it, I'm not panicking anyway."

No matter how big the chess board Gas is playing, Lin Jue will not be afraid, because he is not a chess piece on this chess board. All he had to do was kill Chevalen.

But he still couldn't fall out after drinking gas. Chervas was in the distant country of Sasirki, and it was not easy for Lin Jue to get there.

"Let's take a step and see."

Lin Jue waited quietly for the snow to fall. After staying for almost an hour, Lin Jue got up and went home.

"General, I have a letter from you."

In Snow Wind City, in the General's Mansion, Lin Hong was listening to his subordinate's report.

Suddenly, a man in black appeared in front of Lin Hong out of thin air.

"This is the 'Pylorus ghost', one of our own."

Lin Hong stretched out his hand and pressed down, steadying the subordinate who wanted to take action.

Pylorus ghosting is a secret skill of the Lin family. I heard that only members of the royal family and direct descendants of the Lin family can learn it.

After hearing Lin Hong's words, the subordinate's tense body relaxed, and he came to the man in black and handed the envelope to Lin Hong.

After the envelope arrived in Lin Hong's hands, the man in black disappeared out of thin air.

Lin Hong opened the letter and said to his subordinates: "You go down first."


After reading the letter for a long time, Lin Jue lit it with a candle.

Looking at the burning envelope, Lin Hong murmured

"What is supposed to come will come. I should have understood it when the incident happened at the city gate."

In the country of Sasylki.

Today's Sasirki country is very uneventful.

The door of the Sasirki Kingdom to the Far North was open, and all the people of the Sasirki Country had dull eyes and walked out of this gate like walking zombies.

The spies hiding in Sasirki from various countries were trembling and hiding in unknown places.

However, it was no use hiding.

Not long after, like all the Sasirki people, they walked out step by step towards the door with dull eyes.

Like zombies besieging the city, the dark crowd poured out of the gate. Their destination was - the Great Martial Kingdom!

In the kingdom of Sasirki, in the castle where the king lives, countless broken limbs and arms are scattered on the ground, and the blood on the ground has solidified.

"My lord, everything is ready."

A Sasirki soldier said with empty eyes.

On the throne, a man shrouded in black mist waved his hand: "You can go too."

There are corpses everywhere around the throne, and they have uniform blue eyes.

"Oh, the plan has already begun. Dawu Kingdom, this time, I want to settle our scores with you!"

The black mist dispersed with the wind, and the people inside disappeared.

Deep in the far north, countless female corpses are floating in the sea of ​​blood.

The sea of ​​blood continued to gather, forming a tornado that was absorbed by a vortex above the sea of ​​blood.

In the distance, a little bird flew above the sea of ​​blood.

As soon as it reached the sea of ​​​​blood, its flesh and blood separated instantly, leaving only the skeleton falling feebly into the sea of ​​​​blood with a few splashes.

The letter tied in the birdie floated in the air leisurely.

After a while, the letter also disappeared.

"Hahahahahahaha, Gas, you are really stupid. Haven't you heard that you should never trust bad people?"

"I! Chevalen, am the master of this world!"

The vortex suddenly accelerated, and countless energy was absorbed by it.

"Old guy, I will definitely give you a surprise this time."

On a high tower in a small country, the walking stick of an eyeless white-haired man suddenly broke.

He stood up and sighed: "No one can escape! The careerists want to take advantage of the careerists, but they are taken advantage of instead. In the end, the self-righteous winner dies a tragic death!"

"Where will we, weak people, go?"

He stared directly at the sun in the sky with confused eyes

No one noticed that in the sky, a pair of huge eyes was peering at everything!

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