"Then let me explain briefly. Bronya got up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet and was attacked by men in black. The noise of the resistance process woke you up. After that, Lin Mengjie and Wang Yan went to help Bronya, and Zhao Ximeng ran down to find us. ”

Bronya nodded, "That's about it."

"That's it." Ye Guangxu felt a little happy after hearing this.

Fortunately, there are two people in this dormitory who are martial arts masters, otherwise something big might happen tonight.

"We will continue to report this incident to our superiors, and you can continue to sleep. Don't worry, no one will show up again."

After investigating and confirming that the target man had been subdued, most of the instructors left first.

Otherwise, with so many people crowded in the girls' dormitory, there would be too much noise and a bad impact.

Only Ye Guangxu and two female instructors remained. Ye Guangxu was responsible for questioning the four people, while the female instructor was responsible for investigating and on-site.

After Ye Guangxu finished speaking, the two female instructors also came out with the man in black.

"Take care." They said to Ye Guangxu.

Ye Guangxu ordered: "Take him down. The police will take over later."


The female instructor nodded.

Ye Guangxu also left.

Before leaving, he called the students in other dormitories who were woken up and told them to go to sleep. Stop looking, they have classes tomorrow.

Bronya and the four of them also returned to the dormitory.

"Huh, that's really scary."

Lin Mengjie patted her chest and let out a long breath.

Zhao Ximeng also felt the same: "Yeah, when I woke up and saw the man rushing towards Bronya with a knife, I was scared to death. If Sister Yan hadn't told me, 'Go down and look for her. "Instructor, I probably didn't know what to do at that time."

"What age has it been? How come there is still such a stupid man breaking into the girls' dormitory?"

Wang Yan cursed.

Listening to Wang Yan's words, Bronya couldn't help but think of Lin Jue.

——He really didn’t break in. He seemed to walk in with a big show.

Thinking of Lin Jue, Bronya also thought of the words she heard when her brain was confused.

Bronya could not mistake those two voices.

One is Xi'er, the other is Lin Jue.

Previously, the instructor had recognized the man in black as a murderer wanted by the police.

The people he killed had nothing to do with him and were considered perverted murderers with abnormal psychology.

The murderer usually stumbles upon a person he particularly wants to kill, begins investigating that person's address, and then brutally murders the person at that person's address.

The most common method of killing is to cover the person to death with a towel. Every killing leaves a mark.

His face was photographed early on, but the police were never able to find him.

This time, he probably targeted Bronya at some point, which is why tonight's incident happened.

The police will then come and arrest him.

The matter can come to an end here.

Is it really?

For Bronya, there are still many things that cannot be explained.

The man's killing method is very simple and rather strange. He usually steals towels associated with the person he wants to kill, either her own or those of someone close to her.

Then sprinkle the special drug on the towel, put the towel on the towel, and then cover the person to death with the towel.

However, the sense of chaos that Bronya encountered at that time was definitely not a simple drug.

Looking back now, her mind seemed to be locked by some shackles. She was in a dazed state until the voices of Lin Jue and Xi'er woke her up.

This is not something that drugs can do.

Moreover, she seemed to have a premonition of this incident before it happened.

At that time, when she was hanging clothes, she heard Lin Mengjie mention the red bear towel, and she felt uncomfortable in her heart.

It's like she instinctively rejects this red bear towel.

At that time, she was so obsessed with thinking about whether she had seen this towel that Wang Yan called her several times without any response.

In addition, the calls she heard from Lin Jue and Xi'er also felt strange.

Xi'er's voice sounded very close to her, and Lin Jue's voice sounded far away from her.

Bronya lowered her head and thought about these things without saying a word.

"Bronya, are you okay?"

It’s a familiar question that Bronya has heard several times recently.

Bronya raised her head and saw three people looking at her.

"Don't think about it, we ignore such idiots. Get a good sleep, tomorrow will be another beautiful day~!" Zhao Ximeng reached out and cheered.

"That's right." Lin Mengjie held Bronya's hand, "We don't want that bad guy, so go to sleep well."


Feeling the sincere friendship between the three of them, Bronya felt warm in her heart.

The lights in the dormitory were turned off again.

Everyone fell asleep again.

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