The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 211 Three reincarnations, I was actually the captain in the first life

After Wuming stopped crying and making trouble, Lin Jue just put it down.

After that, Lin Jue opened his system backpack and took out a piece of paper.

The paper was densely filled with countless small words, and the handwriting was clear and neat.

There is a line written in large font at the top, which seems to be the title of the content of this paper.

"Timetable of the Collapse of the World."

Lin Jue took out a red pen and drew a circle somewhere on the paper.

"Fu Hua became one of the Thirteen Heroes of Chasing Fire and fought side by side with Kevin against the Herrscher of the End"


Lin Jue murmured, sitting in front of the table, supporting his chin with his left hand, and holding a pen in his right hand, tapping slowly on the table.

His eyebrows were slightly furrowed, and his eyes were deep and mysterious.

This piece of paper is what Lin Jue made by integrating the contents of the illustrated book on the first day he got it.

The paper is filled with details about what each character did during each time period.

At that time, after reading everyone's identity and background, Lin Jue had a premonition that something was wrong.

And everyone has a lot of information, especially monitor Fu Hua's, which is 10 pages long.

In order to better integrate the information, Lin Jue took the time to write this piece of paper.

"It seems like Kevin should be the strongest being in the last civilization."

Lin Jue wrote down his guess, "According to what Tianxing said, Kevin's corresponding matter has reached the Dacheng state, and the enemy I have to face in the end is the near path state, which means that I have to become better than the above within this period of time." The strongest person in this era is even more powerful?"

"That's nonsense."

Lin Jue's mouth twitched.

"By the way, what realm does the Herrscher of the End correspond to?" Lin Jue suddenly discovered a question.

If you look into it more deeply, it’s actually hard to say. Because Honkai improves with the advancement of civilization. If civilization is not good enough, perhaps the Herrscher of the End will not be much stronger.

The pen that kept tapping paused for a moment, and then Lin Jue put him down.

"Forget it, let's ignore this issue for now."

Lin Jue stood up and came to the window, "Now, some plans must be adjusted."

Go back in time.

When returning from the world of sea beasts to the world of collapse, Lin Jue actually passed through a transit space.

In that space, Lin Jue saw a person.

"He" and Lin Jue looked almost the same, with the same height, the same hairstyle, and even the same perfect muscle lines.

The difference was that Lin Jue had purple pupils, while that person had ordinary black eyes.

Another difference was that Lin Jue's eyes were calm, while that man's eyes were terrifying. It was a look that seemed to be able to penetrate everything. It was a look that was as bottomless as an abyss of thousands of miles. It was a look that had experienced countless vicissitudes at a glance.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time."

"He" spoke with a calm and deep voice.

Lin Jue looked at him straightly and suddenly thought of something. "Stargazing and Brownie made you discover me?"

This is a two-in-one question, and the underlying question is: Are you the captain they call you?

"He" smiled, and the moment "he" smiled he was really handsome, warm and sunny.

Even Lin Jue felt this way.

"That's right."

""He" admitted it graciously.

"What is your relationship with me?"

"The past and the future, the established and the undecided, hopelessness and hope."

Lin Jue's eyelids twitched, "I don't think I'm a Riddler."

"He" smiled and said in a gentle tone, "But it does feel good to let others guess riddles."

With this smile, Lin Jue didn't feel handsome, but felt very unworthy.

"I could reveal a little more of the truth if I didn't ask the Riddler a little bit."

"He" waved his hand, and scene after scene flashed out in the space.

Among these scenes, there are countless scenes where he is with a group of people.

Lin Jue looked at these scenes and finally couldn't control his expression.

Because among this group of people, there were not only Stargazing, who Lin Jue had expected, but also Brownie.

And Kiana and the others! ! !

"It seems you have understood." "He" was very satisfied with Lin Jue's expression. "In the beginning, when you came to the world, you destroyed the world."

A bolt from the blue struck his mind. Lin Jue had speculated on various connections between himself and the collapsing world, but he had never made such speculations.

"You have experienced three reincarnations." He said, "This time is your third, and it is also the one that ends everything."

"I am your first time, and it is the one time that changes everything."

"He" continued: "I knew all my plans for the second time, but it was too slow."

A tear fell from "his" eyes, and his eyes were filled with nostalgia.

"I don't have many memories of them in my second reincarnation, so he doesn't know that they can't wait so long, and I won't let them wait for so long."

Lin Jue was silent and said nothing.

Although he has no memory, "he" roughly understands "him"'s feelings the first time.

I'm afraid, no, don't be afraid.

My first time should be a failure experience.

Otherwise, why would there be reincarnation?

"He" approached Lin Jue, and Lin Jue just discovered a terrible thing.

It turned out that the eyes before him were blind.

When he was far away, Lin Jue didn't notice it.

But when "he" got closer, Lin Jue realized that the eyes were just decorations.

Why is this happening?

Lin Jue suddenly felt uncomfortable, and he asked aloud: "What's wrong with your eyes?"

"You're crying." He said directly without any hesitation.

"He" walked into Lin Jue and hugged Lin Jue.

"I see hope and I can't wait any longer."

"Go ahead, take this imperfect story and make it what you want it to be."

"He" turned into light and dispersed into Lin Jue's body.

In an instant, countless memories appeared in Lin Jue's mind.

Lin Jue closed his eyes, but blurry lights and shadows flashed before his eyes.

In an instant, these memories were suppressed by something.

Lin Jue opened his eyes in shock and found that he was already in the passage leading to the collapsing world.

These memories are sealed.

Because there are too many of these memories.

But "his" purpose has been achieved.

Lin Jue didn't get all the memories, but he got many fragments.

These include but are not limited to:

Himeko took a big sword, burned herself and slashed at the figure that looked like Kiana, and then fell into an unknown abyss.

Kiana lost all color in her eyes, holding a gun and wanting to commit suicide.

Meiyi hung helplessly on the ground, and tears fell heavily.

There were many other fragmented fragments, but only these fragments were clearly engraved in Lin Jue's mind.

Those fragmented fragments should be memories that are already vague, but these clear fragments are probably memories that will not be forgotten no matter how long it takes.

Lin Jue could clearly feel the emotions in these clips - anger, regret, helplessness, and unwillingness. The strongest of these is anger. This is anger at myself, anger at myself for being insignificant and unable to change these things.

Lin Jue cannot truly experience these feelings because these memories do not belong to him yet.

These fragments were only perceived by Lin Jue before the memory was sealed.

After this, Lin Jue began to prepare a plan.

Time returns to the present.

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