Instead of following him back to the girls' dormitory, Lin Jue said something was needed and left first.

He returned to his dormitory and entered his own little world again.

As soon as he entered, a wave of pleasant information came to him.

"Master! Master! You are here (Joy), come and see my results!"

Lin Jue suddenly felt that the perspective in front of him changed and became God's perspective.

According to Lin Jue's request, the world consciousness used the existing conditions to process the small world.

From the outside, the small world now consists of only two parts.

They are the endless sea area on the periphery and the vast land in the center.

If you look closely, you will find that whether it is the sea or the land, there are different scenery and landforms.

Such as the dark and silent bone burial land, the magical and magnificent mountaintop cave, the floating clouds high in the sky, the blue ocean with endless aurora, and the extreme storm full of thunder and lightning.

Lin Jue used God's World and carefully checked every corner of the small world. Then he nodded and praised: "It's well done."

"Wow!!! Master praised me so much!!! I'm so happy, so happy!!! (Twisting around)"

"What should I do, what should I do? Master, I am so happy that I can't stop now!!! (cheers and cheers) (rolling all over the floor)"

"Ahhhhh, I'm so happy, Master!!!"

Lin Jue: ""

"The system and world consciousness are all like this." Lin Jue thought for a long time and finally found a compromise adjective, "Is it strange?"


System: "World consciousness is actually the same as human newborns. Its natural personality is not fixed. It's just that generally world consciousness is relatively mature and stable, and some are humorous."

"This is mine"

"It hasn't grown up yet."

The system experienced a rare hesitation. Maybe even it has never seen such a world consciousness.

Lin Jue twitched the corner of his mouth.

"The world" Lin Jue suddenly paused mid-sentence.

"Well, what's wrong, Master? (Confused) Is something wrong? (Suddenly) Don't worry, no matter what, I will complete it well! (Slaps chest)"

Feeling the information emanating from the world consciousness, Lin Jue couldn't help but secretly thought.

It's really like a child.

He just paused, mainly because he suddenly realized something.

You can't keep calling this guy world-conscious.

World consciousness has to be given a name.

"Well, do you want a name?" Lin Jue pondered for a moment and then said to the world consciousness.

"Name? (confused) Isn't my name the world consciousness?"

"World consciousness is indeed your name. But you can also have another name, a name that is convenient for others to call you."

"You mean, a name like a nickname? (Gradually understanding) I don't know any good nicknames (confused) Just let the master give it to me. (Looking expectantly)"

Lin Jue: ""

He asked World Consciousness just because he couldn't think of a good name. If he could think of it, of course he would just give it a name.

As a person with a bad name, Lin Jue said that he is very useless now.

"Okay." Lin Jue agreed.

Forget it, you asked for it yourself.

So, Lin Jue began to think for a long time.

after a long time

Lin Jue suddenly asked.

"Hey, are you a boy or a girl?"

"Eh? I should have no gender."

Lin Jue realized that he had asked a stupid question.

"Well, if you have a choice, you would rather be a boy or a girl."

"No, I guess it's a woman, because I feel like the master prefers women."

Lin Jue: ""

No, don't look at him strangely. What's wrong with him being a boy and liking girls?

What’s wrong with liking women?

He's not gay.

"Then your name will be Lin Weilan from now on. I will call you Xiaolan from now on."

Lin Jue exhausted all his life's learning and finally came up with a name that he felt was good.

"Okay!!! Then my name will be Lin Dilan from now on!!! (Happy)"

"Okay Xiaolan, next, I still have something to ask you about you."

After that, Lin Jue asked many questions about world consciousness.

By the way, I also asked about the characteristics of world consciousness itself and other questions.

After getting a satisfactory answer, Lin Jue left another task for Lin Bolan, and then left the small world.

Destroy the world.

Lin Jue opened his eyes and found Wuming looking at him motionless in front of him.

"What's wrong Wuming? Who are you in this picture?!"

Lin Jue was still confused at first, until he took Wuming away and suddenly noticed a figure in the room.

Before seeing the figure, Lin Jue didn't feel anything about it.

It seems that the figure did not exist in this world before this.

However, the moment he saw it, Lin Jue instantly felt the strong threat emanating from the figure, heading straight towards him.

Almost instantly, Lin Jue took out the Lingxi Knife, and at the same time, the power of nature burst out, turning into vines and attacking the figure.

The vines pierced the figure without any resistance.

Then, the figure exploded.

What followed was the black power it exuded.

This black force rushed forward instantly and enveloped Lin Jue.

Lin Jue held the Lingxi Knife in front of his eyes, contracting the force of nature and erecting a rock wall at the same time.

However, this black power seemed to have no entity and passed directly through all Lin Jue's defenses.

The next moment, the surrounding scene changed, and Lin Jue found that he had come to a strange space.

The surrounding area was red and nothing could be seen.

His first reaction was that he had entered some kind of illusion.

As a result, Lin Jue released the induction of his spiritual consciousness and at the same time the induction of the Purgatory Ghost King's Staff.

The two inductions quickly told Lin Jue the result.

——This is a real space.

So, this was the opponent's method, instantly pulling him into a strange space.

Suddenly, Lin Jue felt cold all over.

He looked up and saw a black figure suddenly appearing in the blood red in front of him.

The figure raised his hand, and in an instant, endless dark power emerged.

The feeling of death enveloped Lin Jue's heart in the blink of an eye.

Lin Jue didn't even think about it and concentrated all his strength.

"The stars are falling in the sky!"

The galaxy cut out a piece of light in the darkness, and Lin Jue swung forward with all his strength.

As soon as the man held his hand, the dark power swept forward and surged towards the galaxy.

"It can't be stopped." Lin Jue immediately made a judgment.

The opponent is far stronger than him.

He has no chance of victory.

At this moment, the galaxy collided with the dark force, giving Lin Jue some time to think.

During this time, he must clear his mind and figure out a way to break the situation.

He had never heard of the other party's methods, and they were obviously not methods to destroy the world.

He has several trump cards - Shura Blood Killing Blade, a small world, a strange story, and the power of the origin of the world in his body.

He had never used the Shura Blood Killing Blade a few times, and this knife was also very weird.

Lin Jue could send his body and soul into the small world to escape. But this person can appear in the Collapse World. If he avoids it, there is no guarantee that this person will attack the Collapse World. Kiana was even less able to stop him.

Lin Jue had never used that strange story.


Lin Jue instinctively felt that this strange talk might not be able to trap the other party.

With that strong dark aura, maybe the other party is a supernatural monk, and throwing this weird story up will give it away.

The power of the world

This is the strongest and buggiest power in Lin Jue's body. It is also his most powerful trump card.

However, the risks and consequences of using him are also the biggest and most terrifying.

But in this situation, I'm afraid


After all, the galaxy couldn't hold on anymore and was shattered by the wash of dark power.

The Lingxi knife was bounced away, and Lin Jue was knocked back several steps.

"Ha." Lin Jue chuckled, looking at the figure walking towards him step by step.

A flash of madness flashed through his purple eyes.

But at this time, a voice sounded in his mind.

"No need to fight hard."

This voice is strong and powerful, and for some reason it makes people feel safe.

The next moment, Lin Jue's whole body was radiating light.

Seeing the change in the situation, the figure made a seal.

The dark forces gathered together and formed a long knife, which was slashed straight at Lin Jue.

Lin Jue looked at the long knife and slowly closed his eyes.

And at the moment when it was about to be cut.

Another figure appeared in front of Lin Jue, and endless light focused on his hands.

He will punch out and smash the long knife in front of him directly.

Seeing this, the dark figure from before immediately turned around and tried to escape.

Tianxing sneered and clasped his hands, the figure was instantly frozen, unable to move.

"Let me see, who is behind you?" Tianxing showed a dangerous smile, then pressed forward, and a ray of light rushed into the figure.

After a moment, Tianxing seemed to sense something and took out an object similar to a communicator, which conveyed something unknown.

After that, he turned around and looked at Lin Jue.

"Boy, don't look so surprised. I don't believe you haven't sensed the fact that I've been in your mind."

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