The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 207 Hitamaru is back

One box couldn't hold so much, so Lin Jue took a few more boxes.

Then he took another bag and put the box in it.

After getting ready, Lin Jue set off, walked to Qiana and their girls' dormitory, and knocked on the door.

"Dong dong dong."

After a while, no one responded.

Lin Jue knocked again for a while before the door opened.

It was Kiana who opened the door.

Her eyes were still half-open and she looked like she had just gotten up.

"Ha~~" Kiana yawned and rubbed her eyes, "No, it's not Lin Jue. Come in."

After saying that, she shuffled towards the back room.

Lin Jue was not unfamiliar at all. He changed his shoes at the entrance and walked in.

On the sofa, Kiana and Bronya were lying down.

Kiana had obviously just laid down, lying on Bronya's belly, half of her body still on the sofa.

Bronya was lying on her back on the sofa, seemingly sleeping soundly, and was not aware of the weight on her belly.

There are two game consoles on the table next to the sofa, which are the two game consoles that Lin Jue gave to Bronya.

"These two people won't stay up all night playing games, right?" Lin Jue glanced at them for a few times and said speechlessly.

Yae Sakura came down from upstairs at this time.

Lin Jue greeted her: "Sister Ying."

Yae Sakura raised her hand and said, "Xiaojue, here you go."

She took the bag from Lin Jue's hand, glanced at the box inside, blinked, and asked curiously: "Are all the desserts you made in it?"

Although Lin Jue told her before, she was still quite curious.

Lin Jue nodded and said, "Of course."

There was a smile on his face as he spoke.

Xiaojue made the dessert by herself, but I don’t know how it tastes.

Yae Sakura thought to herself.

"Xiao Lin is up?" Lin Jue asked.

"Get up, principal, Mei and Himeko took her to play outside."

Hearing Yae Sakura's answer, Lin Jue felt confused: "Didn't you go?"

Yae Sakura shook her head: "No."

"Did something happen?"

Yae Sakura should usually stay with Yae Rin, especially during the holidays. If there is nothing else, Yae Sakura should not be left alone.

That's why Lin Jue had such a problem.

When Yae Sakura heard Lin Jue's answer, she naturally guessed what he was thinking and chuckled: "It's not what you think."

"Kiana and Bronya took me to play games last night. We played too late. So I got up late this morning. So they didn't wake me up. Xiao Lin left me a letter. Then he followed them out."

Yae Sakura was still a little embarrassed when she spoke.

Lin Jue smiled: "I didn't expect Sister Ying to also like to play games."

Yae Sakura blushed.

She didn't expect that playing games would be so addictive. Before she knew it, it was already dawn.

Remembering Yae Rin's words on the note, Yae Sakura blushed even more.

This is the first time that my sister has been laughed at by her sister.

Naturally, the change in Yae Sakura's expression could not escape Lin Jue's eyes.

It’s so obvious! They were all red to the base of their ears.

Lin Jue didn't expect that his casual ridicule could elicit Yae Sakura's expression.

He hurriedly changed the subject, "Then let's go find them. It just so happens that at this time, they can have some dessert after playing."

Yae Sakura came to her senses and said, "Okay, let's go."

"But" Lin Jue glanced at the two people still lying on the sofa, "Don't these two people call them?"

Yae Sakura smiled: "Let them sleep, they should have just slept not long ago."

She played until almost dawn and couldn't hold on to sleep. At that time, the two of them were still full of energy.

Lin Jue heard what Yae Sakura said and gave up the idea of ​​waking the two of them up.

Yae Sakura said in this post that she went to a nearby park to play.

After walking out of the door, the two walked towards the nearby park.

"This is the nearest park." Yae Sakura and Lin Jue came to the park and saw a girl with a cherry-colored ponytail playing with another girl from a distance.

The girl was holding something like a ball in her hand, with her back to the two of them. At this moment, she threw the ball to the girl with long cherry hair opposite her.

The girl with long cherry hair did not catch the ball but ran towards Yae Sakura and Lin Jue, waving as she ran.

"Sister! You're here!"

The girl's clear voice made Yae Sakura couldn't help but smile. She raised her hand and greeted: "Rin!"

The cherry-colored ponytail girl who had thrown the ball before also turned around, and when she saw Yae Sakura, an excited smile appeared on her face.


Then she ran over.

The two of them ran into Yae Sakura's arms one after the other.

Lin Jue was quite surprised: "Hitamawan is here too."

"I brought her back." Theresa's voice came from behind.

After the incident in Nagakora City, Higokumaru had completely dissipated, leaving Hitamaru behind as just an innocent girl.

However, the Destiny Organization was not at ease with her and took her away anyway.

After that incident, Teresa knew that Hitamamaru was just an innocent and pitiful girl who should not be treated maliciously.

So Teresa has been fighting with people within the organization, and finally recently brought Hitamaru back.

Lin Jue turned around and saw Theresa raising her head and holding her chest out, looking very proud, and couldn't help but laugh out loud.

It wasn't his intention, it was because Theresa looked too much like a child.

Seeing Lin Jue smiling happily, Theresa said dissatisfiedly: "Why, I see you acting like this, do you mean you don't believe in the abilities of the principal?"

As she said this, she turned around and took out Judas.

Lin Jue's expression changed and he became serious for a moment: "No, how is it possible? How can someone not believe in our most powerful principal?"

Theresa was very satisfied with this, "Humph, it's good to know."

"Okay, you know how to bully Lin Jue all day long." At this time, Ji Zi came from the other side.

Beside her was Mei Yi, and the two seemed to be walking around together.

"What do you mean I bullied him? Lin Jue, tell me, did I bully you?" Theresa retorted, then turned to Lin Jue, showed an extremely kind smile, and asked.

Lin Jue twitched the corner of his mouth.



Is there any other answer?


Ji Zi saw this and scolded with a smile: "Can you have some backbone?"

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