The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 190 The Uneven Far East

This time, he got more news. Google search reading

"Otto Apocalypse, current Archbishop of Providence"

"Bishop Otto of Destiny donated money again and said that he must let everyone live a good life."

"Destiny creates another innovation! Another technology was developed under the leadership of Bishop Otto."

"Bishop Otto announced that he will integrate the old system and eliminate officials who abuse their power."

Lin Jue browsed countless news about Otto.

Until this one.

"Looking back at the contribution of Bishop Otto to the world over the past five hundred years."

Five hundred years?

Lin Jue's pupils shrank, and he added a new keyword "five hundred years" to the original one.

After pressing Enter to search, all the messages found contained the words "Otto has been the Bishop of Destiny for five hundred years."

"He lived for five hundred years?" Lin Jue was confused.

In the Honkai World, because of the existence of Honkai Energy, the average life span of human beings is not very long.

Even without Honkai Energy, a person would not be able to live for five hundred years under normal circumstances.

Lin Jue tried to search for the reason why Otto could live for so long, but found nothing.

"I'm afraid these messages were released only after screening by the Destiny Organization. There is no reason why Otto can live for five hundred years."

Lin Jue leaned back and sat on the chair, thinking in his mind.

Something is wrong with the Destiny Organization, there is definitely something wrong.

The first problem is that he lied about discovering his traces.

This might be a mistake of admitting the wrong person, but Lin Jue felt that an organization like this that controlled the world would not make such a mistake.

Why did the destiny organization lie about discovering his traces?

The second question is about the information blockade and Otto.

Lin Jue still understands the news blockade.

For most people, it is better not to know about the collapse.

Because most people are completely helpless against Honkai. People who do not have good adaptability to Honkai energy will die if they are exposed to too much Honkai energy.

If you tell them the news about Honkai, the consequences will be both good and bad.

The good thing is that more people will care about this matter, so that the career of Valkyrie, who fights for the world, will be recognized by the world.

At the same time, people who do not have good Honkai adaptability can actively invest in scientific research and develop new technologies to deal with Honkai.

But the disadvantages are also obvious.

The damage caused by Honkai is staggering, and its arrival is also unpredictable.

No one knows where the next collapse will occur.

When ordinary people are told about the Honkai Impact, widespread panic will occur.

If this emotion cannot be controlled, it will explode.

The disaster it brings is no less severe than the disaster caused by collapse.

The Destiny Organization probably couldn't bear the consequences, so it chose to block the news.

As for Otto?

The news about him on the Internet is unanimously positive.

Of course, any negative reviews will also be deleted by the Tianming Organization.

But this man is definitely not simple

In the following time, Lin Jue was not idle either.

What are you doing?


What he said to Joyce was not an excuse. He really wanted to use the computer to learn something.

Lin Jue is also very interested in all kinds of knowledge here.

Lin felt that he had learned a lot about mecha control, ballistic calculations, detailed explanations of dead soldiers, etc.

Learning makes him happy.

Before I knew it, the afternoon passed.

Lin Jue turned off the computer, stretched, stood up and walked out of the study.

Going downstairs, Joyce had already prepared the meal.

"How did you learn?" Looking at Lin Jue's tired eyes, Joyce asked.

"Read all the knowledge you need to learn in the future." Lin Jue took the bowls and chopsticks and started eating.

An old man and a young man chatted with each other.

From time to time, Lin Jue would ask Joyce some history and ask Joyce to answer it for him.

While chatting, Lin Jue suddenly asked: "By the way, Lao Qiao, you said before that it was not peaceful outside. Is it because something happened recently?"

Joyce paused for a moment, then said: "You should have heard that there was a big battle in Changkong City not long ago."

Lin Jue also paused for a moment, nodded and said: "I remember it was the battle with the aliens. At that time, we were forced to terminate the actual combat drill. What was the result of that battle?"

Lin Jue looked calm on the outside, but he was screaming inside.

Damn, I'm so stupid, couldn't I just ask Lao Qiao directly? I foolishly went to search on my computer

"Although we won that battle in the end, we also suffered heavy losses." Joyce sighed, "Destiny's Valkyrie troops were reduced by two-thirds. Some people took this opportunity to cause a reaction and wanted to overthrow the Destiny organization. , there are also many young people who take the opportunity to cause chaos, making the world a mess. "

"Because there are not enough Valkyries, the order of the Far East side, destiny puts the Saint Freya Academy of the Far East branch in charge. But Saint Freya was also a party participating in the war at the time, and there was a shortage of manpower. We could only let some teachers Go on patrol after class.”

"So, it's not peaceful outside now. There's been a lot of trouble." Joyce put down his job. "Not long ago, some unscrupulous people robbed passers-by late at night. Fortunately, Teacher Himeko and Teacher Yaezakura happened to be passing by. , otherwise the passerby may suffer."

"It turned out to be like this." Lin Jue frowned.

This development can only be said to be unexpected, but it is reasonable.

"So you should pay more attention when you go out at night recently." Joyce warned, "These people who dare to do evil are all in groups and they all have someone in their hands. When you meet them, don't show off easily. , come back and report soon. Don’t be like Kiana’s classmate last time.”

"Qiana? What happened to her?" Lin Jue was stunned.

"I heard from Teacher Jizi that Kiana couldn't stand this kind of behavior. She sneaked out to patrol alone late at night. After discovering this kind of phenomenon, she stepped forward to help, but she was almost shot in the head. ”

Lin Jue's mouth twitched.

Okay, this is very Kiana.

Lin Jue just finished eating and put down the bowl and chopsticks.

"Old Qiao, have you gone on patrol?"

Joyce shook his head, "I'm just an ordinary person, but I'm relatively good at history, so I entered St. Freya Academy. This kind of patrol is done by the powerful Valkyrie teachers." ”

Joyce put away the dishes and went to wash them.

Lin Jue was sitting on the sofa with a bold idea in his mind.

After he obtained his natural origin, he has yet to test his current strength.

Besides, he still has a lot to practice

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