The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 188 Why are you so shy? Bronya~

Lin Jue nodded: "I just had a chance, so I bought some for everyone. But they are not ready yet. I need time to prepare them."

This sentence is half true and half false.

Lin Jue didn't have time to buy any gifts at all. Even when he was playing in the secret realm with Brownie, Stargazer, and Xier, he didn't think of buying gifts for everyone.

But this doesn't mean that he doesn't have everyone in his heart.

In fact, at that time, Lin Jue also thought of everyone and wanted to pick something back.

However, Lin Jue chose right and left, and finally found that the things sold in the secret realm were not as good as the piles of things he bought for free in the world of sea beasts.

So Lin Jue didn't buy it, and wanted to pick out some of the things from the sea beast world for free.

But it's true that he wasn't prepared.

It takes time for him to pick out a suitable gift from a lot of things.

You can't just throw a lot of things over and tell them: "Well, there are only so many things. Take whatever you like."

That would not be a gift.

When giving gifts, especially to girls, special attention should be paid to the sense of ritual.

Most girls like this sense of ritual.

So although the first half of Lin Jue's sentence was a lie, the second half was true.

Bronya raised her silver eyes, looked at Lin Jue, and said lightly: "It can't be that I didn't buy it at all."

Lin Jue heard this and took out two game consoles.

The machine is brightly colored and pink, and its complex control interface makes it look extraordinary.

The other surface is composed of simple stripes of blue and black. The entire game console looks full of technology.

Lin Jue left his position, walked to Bronya's side, handed two game consoles to her, and opened them.

The next moment, a virtual screen with a pink background and another virtual screen with a blue and black background unfolded from the two game consoles at the same time.

Many games were displayed on the screen, all of which Bronya had never seen before.

"This, this is!" Bronya looked at the two virtual screens in front of her in surprise.

"Since Bronya doesn't believe me so much, I won't prepare anything for Bronya." Lin Jue turned off the virtual screen and put the two game consoles in Bronya's hands, "These two All of them are yours.”

Bronya was stunned and looked down at the two-day game console.

Inexplicably, she felt deserved.

"Bronya Bronya cannot be accepted"

Seeing Bronya suddenly cooing, Lin Jue suddenly felt that Bronya was quite cute at this moment.

He smiled and his eyes softened: "It's okay. If you feel worthy of it, just give me one as well next time you have a chance."

""Bronya was silent.

At this time, Kiana burped and glanced at Bronya.

She approached Bronya and smiled: "Why are you so shy? Bronya~"

Bronya's face was expressionless for a moment, and she stretched out her hand to push Kiana away from her face.

"If you want to accept it, Bronya will only accept this one." Bronya left the blue and black game console with a strong sense of technology and handed the pink game console back to Lin Jue, "This style is not suitable for Bronya. ”

Lin Jue pushed back again, "The game console can be connected online. You can give this game console to others and then play together together."

"This" Bronya was still hesitating.

"It's okay, Bronya." Yayi smiled and touched Bronya's head, "As Lin Jue said, if you deserve it, you can give him one on his birthday next time. A great birthday gift, another one for all of us to play with, especially Kiana. I think she’ll want to play with it too.”

Kiana nodded excitedly and acted the moment she saw the game console.

Bronya thought for a while and finally sighed, "Okay, in this case, just think that Bronya owes Brother Lin Jue a gift."


Lin Jue said silently in his heart.

While Jizi was eating and watching a show, she suddenly remembered something and said, "Bronya, don't take Kiana to play with you recently."

"Ah!" Kiana was confused, "Why? Teacher Jizi!"

Theresa laughed out loud when she saw this: "Maybe it's because the final exam is coming soon. Kiana, you have to pay more attention. If you still fail the final exam, Jizi will have to intensify her tutoring intensity."

This means that she has to work more overtime.

This means that she has less time to drink.

Lin Jue heard the implication of Theresa's words and felt moved in his heart.

Himeko-sensei, if you like wine

Kiana collapsed instantly, "Ahhhhh, no!"

Suddenly, Kiana seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw and rushed towards Lin Jue, "Lin Jue, Lin Jue! Do you have a gift that can make me pass the final exam!!! Give it to me! Give it to me!"

Everyone: ""

Lin Jue's mouth twitched.

This kind of gift may exist in this vast world, but sorry, he doesn't have it here.

"Alas." Ji Zi covered her head and sighed. Then she remembered something and said to Lin Jue: "And Lin Jue, you too!"

"Um, Teacher Ji Zi, how many classes have I missed?" Lin Jue said weakly.

"I can tell you accurately that you have basically not attended any of the courses this semester." Ji Zi's face was expressionless.

"Isn't this for special reasons? Can you please be accommodating?"

"Ahem." Theresa coughed and rolled her eyes at Lin Jue, "There is about a month until the final exam. During this time, the teacher will give you special assault training."

The implication is: If you don’t have to be accommodating, just learn from me!

Lin Jue suddenly felt that the world was not so wonderful.

"By the way, Xiaojue." Yae Sakura also intervened at this time, "Because you have fallen behind too much, all your physical education classes will be cancelled. They will be changed to theory classes."

"Isn't it?" Lin Jue's expression almost became tense.

"And Kiana, you too."


"Anyway, you two, prepare well for the exam in the next month." Yae Sakura smiled softly.

Lin Jue took a deep breath and comforted himself in his heart.

Forget it, study is good, study makes me happy, study makes me progress. Knowledge is power, and you should learn more knowledge.

Thinking of this, Lin Jue suddenly felt much better.

Kiana took a deep breath and comforted herself silently.

Forget it, final exams are indeed important. I must work hard this time and not let everyone down for their help.

Thinking about it this way, Kiana felt much better.

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