The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 171: First Game Experience

"In this game, there will be different levels for different groups of people. This is also my first time to play a four-player level." Lin Jue bit into pieces a biscuit and said.

"Zi Zhi Zi (onomatopoeia) ~" Brownie bit the straw and sucked the Coke in his hand, "Speaking of which, I don't see how this game is casual. The war theme is still a type of game with a relatively tense rhythm. To say casual , shouldn’t it be the kind of game that eliminates fun?”

"If you want," Lin Jue said calmly, "We can go play now."

"I think this game is still very casual." Brownie changed his mind.

Facing the disdainful gaze of the stargazer, Brownie turned a blind eye, opened the bag of potato chips, picked up a potato chip and put it in his mouth.


At the same time, Xi'er was also eating potato chips and curiously asked Lin Jue: "By the way, why did brother Lin Jue choose this game?

Lin Jue paused.

In fact, there are quite a few reasons.

Lin Jue thought for a while and explained the reason to Xi'er.

Generally speaking, this game is very similar to a game in Lin Jue's memory. There are only some differences.

The game in Lin Jue's memory is called "Star Wars".

And this game is called "Stars Imagination".

The gameplay is basically the same, build your own army and destroy the enemy.

However, the types of troops in the two games are different.

So Lin Jue also needs some time to get started.

In addition, the reason why he chose this game is that besides the fact that he has played similar games, there are other games that are not suitable for them to play.

Some games are specifically designed to provide exercise for those with a career.

Such as the exclusive game of Berserker - Battle of the Elites. This is to connect the whole body of the berserker to the device, virtualize it into the game world, and fight with others.

This effectively avoids the damage caused by the berserkers during their daily training and the impact on themselves.

There are many other games that are played by abnormal people.

There are very few games open to ordinary people.

That's why Lin Jue chose this game.

Also, this game is the only one without so many bells and whistles.

You can play with just one keyboard and mouse.

After Lin Jue explained, Xier nodded suddenly.

The game console's screen suddenly flashed, and the next moment, everyone entered the game.

Lin Jue took a look at the distribution of the people, and then put on a small object that came with the game console, which functioned like a headset.

He said: "Leave the command of the south to Brownie. Xi'er, just follow Brownie's words. Put on your headphones and use the 'M' key on the keyboard to create a channel. Use the 'K' key to switch channels. Use the space bar to type a message. mark.”

"After Brownie establishes the channel, bring Xi'er in, and you will be responsible for the specific command of the south. The team channel is fixed, and you can always go to the team channel when communicating."

After finishing speaking, Brownie and Xier could no longer hear Lin Jue's words.

Xi'er said weakly: "Why don't you just go to the team channel and tell us?"

Brownie explained for Lin Jue: "If everything is said on the team channel, it will easily cause confusion."

[Idiot, I understand this. ] Hei Xi mocked.


Games start.

"Xie'er, you build the resource collection station first, and collect resources first. I will be responsible for setting up the defense." Brownie was in high spirits, as if he was ready for a big fight.

"Okay." Xi'er nodded and used the mouse to click on the icon named "Resource Collection Station" in the list on the right.

Brownie first developed a technological outpost and then built an arsenal.

After the arsenal was built, Browne chose to produce a batch of nanorobots first and divide them into two groups. One group would wander around and be vigilant, while the other group would go to the middle of the map to explore.

Xi'er developed a heavy factory after building two resource collection stations.

The resource collection station comes with a resource collection vehicle, which goes to collect resources behind the two people.

Resources are the basis for the development of everything. Resources are needed to build buildings, train soldiers, build arms, tanks, machinery, develop technology, etc.

Therefore, the development of resources is the most critical.

"Xie'er." Brownie suddenly said, "The nanobots detected that an enemy was heading towards you. I was afraid that the enemy was attacking from east to west, so I only sent three tanks there."

Brownie has already built a heavy factory and is building the most basic space patrol tank at the same time. Five vehicles have been built, and many guard soldiers have also been built in the arsenal.

Xi'er responded with a "received" and at the same time canceled the sequence of building resource collection vehicles in the heavy factory and replaced it with building space patrol tanks.

This map is relatively large, and their enemies are in the middle of the map. The nanobots sent by Brownie were shot down midway. So they still don't know what the enemy's development is.

Fortunately, Brownie also defended the opponent's nanobots.

This time the enemy only came with 5 space patrol tanks, and they were not equipped with troops. The purpose may be to quickly come to Xier to destroy the resource collection station. However, they were discovered by the nanobots sent by Brownie to guard them halfway.

Seele also built a fortification called the Space Warning Bunker, which can fire bullets to attack enemies.

By the time the enemy's five tanks arrived, three tanks had already come out from the Seeer Heavy Industry Factory. Together with the three tanks from Brownie, they were equipped with space security bunkers to directly annihilate the enemy troops.

During the process, both Brownie and Seele showed wonderful operations, and neither of their tanks was damaged.

"Well done, Xier!" Brownie couldn't help but praise.

Xier smiled and built a space radar while building a space IFV. Go to another place to deploy, and let the three new tanks in the heavy factory follow.

Then, Xier prepared to build a space repair station to repair the units injured in the previous battle.

On the other hand, because she didn't have to worry about resource collection, Brownie's development speed was faster than Xier. She had built a scientific research station and was developing stealth technology and anti-submarine technology.

After the first battle, the enemy stopped probing, and all the troops rushed towards Brownie.

Brownie was not in a hurry. While controlling his troops to defend and counterattack, he extended the buildings, expanded the territory, and built fortifications.

Guard soldiers, cruise guards, and technology pilots cooperated with space patrol tanks, space frigates, 389-type missile system vehicles, laser unit armored machines and other units to fight with the enemy.

"Xi'er, the next step is to build a navigation space station and produce a space plane. Don't rush to build a scientific research station, I'm enough."


Xi'er decisively clicked on the navigation space station icon.

So far, she has developed 3 resource points and the fortifications are perfect. There is no worry about the enemy attacking her territory.

"By the way, how is Brother Lin Jue doing?"

The vision of teammates on the map is shared, and Xi'er and Brownie can switch the vision at any time to see the situation on Lin Jue's side.

Xi'er just had time at this time, so she switched over to take a look.

The result made her stunned.

Unlike Brownie who fought back and forth with the enemy, Lin Jue's battle situation was almost one-sided.

In the north of the map, Lin Jue occupied about 3/4 of the territory. He led his troops and had already fought to the enemy's city.

The development model chosen by Lin Jue was almost the same as Brownie. Lin Jue asked Guanxing to be responsible for resource collection.

Guanxing had already built a navigation technology station and built many airships and warships, and followed Lin Jue to launch an attack.

Xier cut back silently, feeling that she had to work harder.

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