The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 164: The Hare Rabbit is in Danger


An imperceptible vibration sounded. Google search reading

The girl who had previously placed the gun in front of Xi'er clicked on the headset, and the light blue virtual light screen unfolded from the headset to her left eye.

"It's me." She said softly while moving around various high-rise buildings.

A figure appeared on the virtual screen, "Brownie, what happened to you?"

"I underestimated the strength of this world and was overtaken by a group of people." Brownie said.

"Can it be solved?"

"If I hadn't been able to take action, if I could have taken action, I would have dealt with these people long ago." Brownie said angrily.

"Where are you now? I'll go pick you up."


Brownie stopped on a rooftop and looked at the crowd below, his eyes gradually becoming dangerous, "I'm afraid it's too late."


"They surrounded me."

Although no one else was seen, the killing intent of this group of people was too obvious.

Behind the window on the 13th floor on the left, there are three men with guns.

There are four on the rooftop at the back.

There were 13 people in the building in front, probably ambushing her.

There is another person on the right floor.

"Really," Brownie laughed contemptuously, "I just accidentally saw your ulterior secret, and I won't tell it. That's all."

"Tell me your coordinates and I'll rush there right away."

In Brownie's left eye, the figure on the virtual screen looked very anxious.

"It's not necessary. It may not be useful if you rush here."

There were at least 60 more people in the crowd below.

With so many people, even if that person comes, he will die.

Brownie, who was in deep danger, was not too panicked. Her brain was working rapidly and she looked around at the surrounding environment.

After a moment, she turned her attention to the largest floor in the building.

It was a comprehensive commercial building, with different things sold on different floors. There are also various restaurants, as well as amusement arcades, arcades and other facilities. The street below is the famous snack street.

This kind of place has the largest flow of people.

It is also the easiest to hide.

"Yiquan Center Daxia." Brownie reported his name, "Meet me outside later."

The figure on the virtual screen was stunned for a moment, then understood what Brownie meant and said: "Be careful."

The virtual screen faded, and Brownie jumped off the rooftop without much hesitation.

On the floor opposite her, there was a middle-aged man sitting quietly drinking tea.

There were a group of people standing around, who looked like bodyguards.

"Sir, the target suddenly jumped off the building."

Around him, a man wearing black clothes opened the door and said respectfully to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man paused while drinking tea, shook his head and ordered: "Let everyone take action, she discovered it."


The man retreats.

The middle-aged man drank the tea in one gulp. Then, he stood up, picked up the teacup sitting opposite him, walked to the window, poured it over, and let it float in the air.

He sighed, "Oh, I just wanted to invite you to have a cup of tea together, but it's a pity, it's a pity."

It's a pity that this, the most tortured poison in my body, was wasted like this.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Several gunshots exploded in the air, causing the crowd on the ground to look up.

The middle-aged man sat back calmly.

After a while, the man in black came back again.

"How's it going?" The middle-aged man packed the tea set.

"Report that your Excellency has been escaped by the other party."


The surrounding air suddenly became cold, and a teacup fell to the ground.

The man in black felt his heart skip a beat.

The middle-aged man picked up the tea cup with an expressionless face.

Then he hit the man in black hard on the head.

The broken pieces were stained with blood and scattered on the ground.

The man in black lowered his head and said nothing.

The people around him also lowered their heads.

"try to find!"

The middle-aged man uttered one word calmly.


The man in black stood up and walked out of the door as if he had been granted amnesty.

The moment he walked out of the door, a bullet penetrated his head. The blood and brain matter exploded instantly, contaminating the door wall.

The middle-aged man put away his gun and took out a communicator, "Let the hunters take their pet beasts and scatter them around, constantly narrowing the circle of encirclement. The Taoist priests quickly deduced their whereabouts, the berserkers searched on the four streets, and the wizards hid in the dark. Look for it. The other unemployed people hold their guns and follow the hunter to narrow the encirclement step by step."

After finishing speaking, the middle-aged man walked out of the door as if nothing happened.

The rest of the room quickly followed.

Brownie leaned against the wall and breathed.

A few strands of blood flowed down her arm and onto her palm.

"Ha, almost." Brownie raised the corners of his mouth, revealing a contemptuous smile.

She had to jump at that time. If she didn't jump and chose to walk back, the other party would notice it immediately and start to get involved. On the rooftop without shelter, she was a living target.

After jumping down, the speed of falling can affect the opponent's aiming time. Then she can predict the time when the opponent will shoot, take out the rope she prepared in time, throw it, let it wrap around the iron pillar next to the window, and then swing to the corridor. He walked in front of the window on the road and broke in through the window.

This is a bold move. Only the prediction was too late, or the rope was not wrapped properly, or she failed to break in through the window. They will all be shot into sieves by the next hail of bullets.

Fortunately, she succeeded.

She was just a little too late - the bullet hit her arm.

Brownie didn't stay here too long. As he walked out, he took out the medical supplies he brought with him and briefly treated the wound.

Instead of leaving through the main entrance, she went to the women's bathroom on this floor and jumped out of the window there.

Because all fools know that there must be an ambush at the main entrance.

Behind the bathroom window is a drainage channel.

After landing, she originally wanted to get out quickly and blend into the crowd.

But she changed her mind and gave up the move.

There were many people on the other side, and she was not sure whether this group of people would dare to attack in public again.

If they dare, being in a crowded place will affect her performance.

But it's not a good idea to stay here,

Although it is a bit quieter, if the other party starts a blanket search, this place will definitely be searched.

what can we do about it?

Brownie frowned and walked along the drainage channel.

Suddenly, her eyes lit up.

She found a manhole cover.

After opening the manhole cover, there is a sewer underneath.

On the street, all kinds of people come and go.

The student party went to school and discussed how their test scores were this week, and how good the students from which school were. It doesn’t matter which school’s goddess she is.

Of course, what more people are discussing is about the Hunter Association being broken into.

Among the people talking and laughing, there was a group of people with tense expressions and looking around.

Their goal is to search for the enemy's location in the open, create an illusion for the enemy, and make the hidden enemy think that they have escaped, leaking flaws, and thus being captured by the wizards who are searching in the dark.

"Report, the wizards didn't notice it." On the street, the middle-aged man listened to the servant's report.

This routine is useful against enemies who are not smart enough, but has no effect against those who are clueless.

The middle-aged man didn't point out what they could find, and waved his hand, "Where are the others?"

"The hunters are still narrowing the encirclement, and the Taoist priests have made no progress for the time being."

The middle-aged man nodded, "Keep looking."

The Taoist derivation of this thing is very confusing.

Because you don’t know when they will be able to deduce the results, and you don’t know whether the results they speculated are correct.

For example, let him deduce a person's location now. He may give a specific location of a person, or he may give a ridiculously wide range of location, which may be correct or wrong.

This is still the case if the derivation is successful. If the derivation fails, nothing will be obtained.

Moreover, under normal circumstances, Taoist derivation has a high probability of failure. No matter how strong you are.

——Because of this, when Lin Daoyin found out that his deduction was successful, he would not hesitate to sacrifice his life to seize the secret.

Even if the result may be wrong, he still has to grab it.

Because he knows that there is only one chance, and he doesn't know when the next success will be. Even if he succeeds, he doesn't know if there will be any news about "natural disasters" and "variables".

Time passed minute by minute, and the middle-aged man stopped.

"The Taoist priest sent news that the other party is in the Yiquan Center Building. In addition, the hunters' encirclement has gradually narrowed to include the Yiquan Center Building, Snack Street, Star Square, and Tile Street."

The middle-aged man raised his head and looked at the building in front of him. ???

This is the tallest, largest and most gorgeous building in the neighborhood.

"She is indeed here." The middle-aged man took another step, "Let the berserkers and wizards stay outside and be careful not to be discovered. The hunters disguised themselves and went in to search. The others put away their guns and hid in the crowd. .Allow them to play in the snack street or Star Plaza.”

Seeing the middle-aged man walking towards the building, the people on the side couldn't help but said: "Sir, are you going too?

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