The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 162 How could there be no reversal?

It turns out that the quantum sea is really a sea.

The monsters in the quantum sea are also called sea beasts.

Lin Jue's three views have been expanded.

"You, you, you, what are you going to do!"

The crab-like dark blue transparent creature raised its pincers and made a frightened sound.

The voice still has a hint of milkiness.

"Hey! You can still talk?" Lin Jue was surprised.

"Well, it seems that it can be considered a member of nature? Or a member of animals?" Xi'er guessed, knowing that Lin Jue could understand the sounds of animals.

"Brother Lin Jue, what does it sound like?" Xi'er asked curiously.

Lin Jue thought for a while, "Like a child."

"Hey! You ignore me!" The dark blue transparent crab felt ignored, and cried out dissatisfied and aggrieved, "If you ignore me, I'm going to beat you! Ouch!"

Before he finished speaking, Lin Jue gave him a hammer.

"Don't make any noise. Are you from the Quantum Sea?" Lin Jue asked.

The crab didn't answer, but covered its head with its pincers. If it has an expression at this time, it must be the kind of "tears in the eyes"

Lin Jue raised his hand.

Seeing Lin Jue raising his hand, Crab felt his heart tighten inexplicably, and said hurriedly: "Yes."

"How did you get here?"

"A gap suddenly appeared in the quantum sea. I wanted to go in and take a look, and then I ended up here."

Hearing this, Lin Jue suddenly had a guess in his heart and asked: "Time."


Lin Jue realized that his question was a little strange and repeated: "How many days ago did you get here?"

"About a week ago." Crab recalled.

A week ago?

Lin Jue was thoughtful and turned to look at Xi'er, "Xie'er, did you come here almost a week ago?"

"Let me think about it, it should be about the same." Xi'er hesitated.

"It's just a week." Hei Xi said angrily in Xi'er's mind.

"Yes, just one week." Hearing Hei Xi's confirmation, Xi'er did not hesitate.

Lin Jue pointed at the crab to Xi'er, "If I guessed correctly, it should have come with you."


"It said that there was a crack in the quantum sea, and it wanted to take a look. This is where you go." Lin Jue explained patiently, "Do you have any impressions of this?"

Xi'er frowned and recalled carefully, "Xie'er did not notice it. However, Xi'er did arrive here in an instant."

The conversation between the two was overheard by the crab. Just as it was about to say something, it suddenly felt something tapping itself.

When he turned around, he saw a smiling cat face facing him.

Lin Jue sorted through the various clues in his mind and instantly realized that he had made a mistake.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!"


The milky howl and the sharp cat meow entered Lin Jue's mind at the same time.

When I looked up, I saw a big white cat facing a crab, scratching it back and forth.

"Brother Lin Jue, Wuming, what's going on?"

Lin Jue and Wuming figured it out and understood what happened in a flash, and said helplessly: "I found a new toy."

Wuming felt that this naked creature was very satisfying to catch.

"" Xi'er turned around and glanced, Wuming showed a very unrestrained smile.

Lin Jue stood up and narrowed his eyes slightly, "Xie'er, I'm afraid you have to go back alone."

"Ah?" Xi'er looked confused.

after one day.

That night.

The city is especially quiet at night.

The neon lights are bright and cars are coming and going on the road.

In the alley where the light does not shine, a girl is chewing bubble gum in her mouth, leaning against the wall with her hands folded across her chest.

It looked like he was waiting for someone.

Time passed by minute by second, and the girl suddenly opened her eyes.

On the other side of the alley, another person walked over.

She was wearing ancient clothes, which looked out of place with the modern facilities around her.

"How is it?" the girl asked the visitor.

The visitor shook his head, "What about you?"

"No gain."

The girl waved her hands, trying to appear nonchalant. But the unwillingness in her eyes still exposed her true thoughts.

"It shouldn't be like this." The visitor frowned.

"There's still a place I haven't found yet."

"time is limited."

The girl's eyes flickered with struggle for a moment, and then she said: "Try again."

The visitor was silent for a while, and finally nodded slowly.


A very weak voice reached the ears of the two of them.

"No one is allowed to move!"

Suddenly a burst of light shone in, and a group of people rushed in.

"Huh? Where are the people?" The group of people looked at the empty alley and looked at each other.

"what happened?"

A majestic-looking middle-aged man came from behind the crowd.

Wherever he passed, everyone gave way.

"Report, there is no one here."

One person reports.

The middle-aged man closed his eyes.

"Huh? Can't lock it?"

He hesitated.

The middle-aged man's eyes turned cold, "They can't run far, chase them!"


After a group of people left in a hurry, two people jumped down from the top of the alley and left in a hurry.

No one noticed that there was a pair of deep purple cat eyes watching everything from the window of a residential house not far away.

At the same time.

The Hunters Association has attracted a guest.

"Your Mightiness."

"The current president of the Hunter Association, Zhou Tong?"


In the dark basement, there was only a worn-out oil lamp, glowing with a pale yellow light.

There were two people sitting at the old table.

One person was completely covered by black clothes, and his face and figure could not be seen clearly.

The other person is Zhou Tong, the current president of the Hunter Association.

A famous figure in the Zhou family, he is also recognized as the number one hunter in the world.

The man in black said dumbly, "I need any information about the emergence of new monsters."

"Other than that?"

If you just need information, just go to the information seller and get it directly. The person in front of you will not find it here.

As expected, the man in black continued: "And all the information about the people who bought you about the Son of Nature before."

The expression on Zhou Tong's face changed and his pupils shrank.

How did the person in front of me know this?

But Zhou Tong was the president of the Hunter Association after all. He recovered in an instant and said in a leisurely pace: "You should know that the Hunter Association has always kept the identities of the buyers confidential. If not, I'm afraid this The Hunter Association has collapsed a long time ago.”

"Are the names of Lin Daoyin, Xu Yunru, and Zhou Lanzhi worth enough?" The man in black seemed to have expected it, and calmly reported the three names.

Upon hearing these three names, Zhou Tong's expression became completely unbearable.

His eyes flickered for a while, and finally he said slowly: "Deal."

"still have a question."

"What's the problem?" Zhou Tong frowned.

"Is this a shabby scene deliberately staged for the sake of ceremony?"

Zhou Tong's lips twitched, "Because I guess you like this kind of decoration style."

"Ha." The man in black sneered, and then disappeared in front of Zhou Tong.

"Tomorrow, I will come again."

There was only one sentence, echoing in the air.

The door was opened and a group of people poured in.


Zhou Tong nodded slowly and stood up.

At this moment, he realized that he had broken into a cold sweat at some point.

He paused and said, "Go down and collect all information about the appearance of new monsters!"

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