The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 159: One flirts with two

"No, take it." Lin Jue took out a set of skirts and a giant scythe with his backhand.

Honkai energy does not exist in this world.

Therefore, Xi'er's strength here has been severely weakened. Even Hei Xi was cut off by 80%.

After comprehensive consideration, Lin Jue decided to hand over Li Zhuo Luo Xinqun and Nine Death Dragon Soul Scythe to Xi'er.

Xi'er was a little confused when she saw Lin Jue suddenly taking out a set of skirts and a giant scythe?

Where did Brother Lin Jue get this dress?

Where did you get that giant scythe?

Why did it appear so suddenly?

Xi'er wondered if she had just lost focus.

Seeing Xi'er in a daze, Lin Jue shook the things on his hands and asked, "What's wrong?"

Will Xier refuse to accept it?

right! What if she thinks like this: I haven't done anything for brother Lin Jue, how can I accept his gift? what to do?

Did he say that he gave it to you because he was afraid that you would get hurt?

What should I do if Xier in turn assures me that she will take good care of herself?

Oops, I didn’t think clearly beforehand, now it’s going to be difficult.

Just when Lin Jue was thinking wildly with an expressionless face, Xi'er calmed down and took over the skirt and the giant scythe.

"Brother Lin Jue, why is there a skirt?" Xi'er asked the question she wanted to know most.

Forget about the giant scythe, it’s understandable if you carry it with you.

How could Lin Jue carry such a delicate and beautiful little dress with her?

Hearing this, Lin Jue smiled and said: "I have prepared this dress for Xi'er for a long time, but I forgot it yesterday. Come on, Xi'er, let's try it on first to see if it fits."

[The host is really good at spreading panic. 】The emotionless electronic sound was spitting out.

【you shut up. 】

Of course the innocent Xier chose to believe Lin Jue and replied: "Okay."

Luo Xinqun needs to recognize her owner, and the old-fashioned way is to do it with blood.

Under Lin Jue's guidance, Xi'er touched the delicate and white fingertips on Lizuo Luoxin's skirt without hesitation. As a drop of blood sank into it, Lizuo Luoxin's skirt bloomed with dazzling light.

Xi'er couldn't help but close her eyes.

When he opened it, the skirt was already on his body.

Xi'er felt it and exclaimed: "It's amazing. Xi'er feels comfortable like never before. And"

Xi'er felt the toughness of the skirt again, "I'm afraid the other one can't cut this skirt with all my strength."

Hei Xi couldn't cut through it even with all his strength, so the defense should be stable.

Lin Jue said to Xi'er: "Xi'er, this skirt is called Lijuo Luoxin skirt. Try to change its appearance. Just think about what you want it to be like, and it will become whatever you want it to be." Sample."

Xi'er nodded in understanding, followed by another dazzling white light.

Luo Xin's skirt turned into a light blue dress.

"Well, this light is a bit dazzling." Xi'er thought in her mind: It would be nice if this skirt deformed and stopped shining.

Immediately afterwards, Rizhao Luoxin's skirt turned into a set of dark purple slim-fitting shirts.

This time no light came from it.

Xi'er turned around and looked at herself.

After that, she blinked, as if she had discovered some new world.

Lin Jue stood aside, watching silently as Xi'er ran to the creek and kept changing her clothes. While changing, he kept looking at himself in the reflection of the creek.

A sky blue shirt with rainbows and clouds printed on it, and a blue plaid skirt. Wearing a pair of blue high heels, two anklets rest naturally on top, fresh and cute.

There is a blue suspender on the straw hat, a long skirt composed of a beige upper body and a light blue lower body, and a pair of small white socks with light blue sandals. The breath of spring is spreading.

The pure white clothes are embroidered with blue butterflies, and the white stockings are worn with a slim skirt. Pure and sexy.

Wear black uniforms with denim hot pants, a few black hairbands scattered naturally, a pair of black sunglasses and a pair of black running shoes, you look so dashing!

Lin Jue focused his attention on the giant scythe again and twitched the corner of his mouth.

It turns out that women are so interested in clothes?

This Lizhao Luoxin skirt is also outrageous. Originally, he thought he could just change his clothes freely, but he didn’t expect that all the outfits on his body could be changed.

Xi'er was not proficient at the beginning and could only change clothes. Now that she is proficient, she can do tricks.

If I had known earlier, I would have made it clear to her that the person with the giant scythe was handing her the skirt. Seeing Xi'er's expression as if she had discovered a new toy, Lin Jue couldn't bear to interrupt.

Forget it, let's wait until Xi'er gets over it and come back.

After all, seeing Xi'er so happy made Lin Jue very happy.

After thinking about this, Lin Jue wanted to continue checking the things he had won in the previous lottery, but he didn't expect Xi'er to come over by himself at this time.

Xier finally chose a dark purple dress with various violets embroidered on it. The deep purple was like Lin Jue's eyes, full of magic.

"Brother Lin Jue, does Xi'er look good?" Xi'er's eyes were full of expectation.

"It looks good." Lin Jue nodded. Not only is Xier's look in her eyes irresistible, but this outfit is indeed very good-looking.

Hearing Lin Jue's praise, Xi'er smiled again.

The sun shone on Xi'er's body and put on Xi'er's smile. A word came to Lin Jue's mind.

Blooming violets.

"Although, Xi'er, don't you want that giant scythe?" Lin Jue finally chose to remind him loudly.

Xi'er came back to her senses, turned around, and looked at the giant scythe that she had thrown to the ground at some point.

I feel a little embarrassed for no reason, how can I break it?

Xi'er trotted over and tried to pick up the giant scythe. At this time, the giant scythe burst out with a burst of elasticity and bounced Xi'er away.

Lin Jue: ""

Xier: ""

I wonder if it was an illusion, but they seemed to feel a sense of grievance?

"Xier, let Heixi come."

Lin Jue suggested to Xi'er.

Hei Xi is the name given to Xi'erli's personality. Lin Jue named it for the convenience of distinction when he was in the Chevalen world. Xi'er and Heixi both agreed.

However, Hei Xi refused to let Xi'er call her Hei Xi. So Xier still calls her "another me".

"But" Xi'er was a little embarrassed, "Recently she got angry with me and hid. I can't find her either."

No wonder she didn't show up last night. So it turns out that you are hiding and not paying attention to Xi'er?

No, no, it's impossible for Hei Xi not to pay attention to Xi'er.

Lin Jue knew Hei Xi's arrogant character very well. He immediately figured out the reason why Hei Xi couldn't come out, and felt speechless in his heart.

To put it simply, it was because Xi'er was jealous because she was facing him instead of Hei Xi.

But no matter what, Hei Xi will definitely pay attention to Xi'er's condition secretly.

Therefore, I am afraid that Hei Xi is somewhere in the corner of Xi'er's mind, secretly watching Xi'er's helpless and embarrassed expression, secretly satisfied.

It is estimated that after waiting for a while, when Xi'er goes in to beg her, she will casually arrogantly shirk it, and then come out to help with an expression of "I really can't do anything to you."

However, this is too much trouble.

Lin Jue raised his eyebrows and said, "Forget it, I'll take the giant scythe away first."

【etc! 】

In Xi'er's mind, an anxious voice came, [Xie'er, let me out quickly! 】

【ah? ] Xi'er heard Hei Xi's voice and saw Lin Jue's confident look.

Then she decisively gave up control of her body and let Hei Xi come out.

Lin Jue's hand reaching for the giant scythe was opened by Hei Xi. Hei Xi stared at Lin Jue fiercely: "Forget it that I peeked at Xi'er taking a bath last time, do you still want to give Xi'er a gift this time?"

Ignoring the unreasonableness in Hei Xi's words - after all, that's how she is - Lin Jue's face showed a playful smile: "If I say, this giant scythe is not for Xi'er, but for you. What about?”


Finally, this time it’s Heishimon Circle’s turn.

"The Nine-Death Dragon Soul Scythe is actually not suitable for Xi'er. Because Xi'er is not good at controlling the endless death energy in this giant scythe." Lin Jue picked up the giant scythe with one hand, and the powerful power in his hand made him The giant scythe couldn't be deflected, so he turned to Hei Xi, handed it to him, and said, "On the contrary, if it were you, this giant scythe would be a perfect match for you. So, this is a gift for you."

Hei Xi looked at the giant scythe in front of him.

The dark red hilt is engraved with countless mysterious lines, and the bright red blade exudes endless death energy.

She had to admit that she was slightly attracted to this giant scythe.

However, she was still a little entangled. After all, accepting this gift meant accepting the goodness of this man.


"Moreover, this is a strange world. Most of your strength has been cut off. With it, you can better protect Xi'er."

In the end, Lin Jue's serious words hit Hei Xi's weakness. Hei Xi finally made a choice.

She stretched out her hand and grabbed the giant scythe with a look of disdain on her face: "Forget it, since you are so sincere, for Xi'er's sake, I will reluctantly accept this gift."

Hei Xi picked up the giant scythe and felt the power of the giant scythe erupting to bounce her away. She frowned and yelled angrily: "Just settle down!"

After saying that, the giant scythe really became quiet.

Hei Xi waved the scythe, and the unobstructed comfort made her happy - she had to admit that she really liked this gift.

[Since it’s mine, then I’ll take her away, is that okay? Xier. 】

Rarely, Xi'er actually heard a hint of fear of her rejection in Hei Xi's words.

However, this tone of voice is very hidden. If Xi'er and Hei Xi didn't live together day and night and coexist with each other, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to discover it.

【No problem at all. ] Xi'er said as a matter of course, [Since it was given to you by Brother Lin Jue, you can do whatever you want with it. 】

Hei Xi didn't say anything more and went back.

Lin Jue saw that his pupils turned back to blue like the sea, and said with a smile: "Is she going back now?"

"She is very happy." Xi'er also smiled and said, "I am very happy too. Thank you brother Lin Jue for the gift."


"By the way, didn't brother Lin Jue say he was going into the forest today?" Xi'er recalled that last night, Lin Jue told her the purpose of coming here.

Lin Jue rubbed Xi'er's smooth short blue hair and said, "Go in later."

"Then, can Brother Lin Jue take Xi'er with him?" Xi'er's eyes were full of expectation again, "Xie'er didn't mention it yesterday because Xi'er knew it was dangerous here and didn't want to cause trouble to Brother Lin Jue. Today, Xi'er With this dress, the other me also has an extremely powerful scythe, and I will definitely not cause any trouble to Brother Lin Jue.”

Lin Jue thought about it for a while and finally nodded, "Okay, we'll set off in the afternoon."

"Yeah!" Xi'er agreed and jumped to the creek.

Lin Jue watched Xi'er change into two or three more sets of clothes in front of the stream before finally leaving.

Shaking his head, Lin Jue continued to check the next shipment.

"Next is the exciting moment." Lin Jue's eyes were full of anticipation.

——Maybe it was affected by seeing Xier like this twice——

[Spiritual practice of minding the soul (Basic)

Introduction: The most widespread and basic soul cultivation method in all the worlds. Whether you are practicing mind cultivation, soul cultivation, or spiritual cultivation, you can learn this method.

Evaluation: The foundation of foundations. 】

[Soil——Zhuanshi Dunan

Introduction: The earth method of Five Elements Physiology, a powerful defensive technique. Disadvantages: This technique cannot be used if there is no earth element around. 】

These two gains made Lin Jue's eyes light up.

Not to mention the first one, for Lin Jue, whose spiritual consciousness is half-impaired, this is nothing more than giving someone timely help.

As long as he can cultivate his soul power back, his spiritual consciousness will naturally come back.

At that time, his ability to inherit knowledge will be further strengthened, and he will be able to unlock a small part of the "Secret of the World" knowledge that has been lying in his backpack, and maybe he can also unlock "The Inheritance of Nature - Lin Jue Edition".

The second one also provides timely assistance. His physique is still being repaired. Although a certain amount of the world's original energy has been collected, he does not dare to touch these things. With defensive skills, you have a chance to turn around when facing powerful enemies.

He had already mastered the Seven Meteoric Styles to perfection, and he had also mastered Lieyang Fallen to perfection, and there was no room for improvement and no need for repairs, so the appearance of these two was just right.

Lin Jue accepted this technique with satisfaction and checked the last three items.

【Resurrection Pill】

[Introduction: Ammunition that can give birth to dead people, flesh and bones. 】

The introduction is concise and clear, but the functions are very powerful.

[Military Type—Dragon Robe Guard Training Method]

[Introduction: One of the special arms in a certain world. 】

[Attached: Dragon Cannon Casting Method. 】

Seeing this, Lin Jue could only say that there is everything in the world.

It’s hard to say what this thing will be in the future, but it’s really of no use to him at this stage.

Keep it first.

Lin Jue clicked on the last icon, which was full of eerie flavor.

[Strange Stories about Rules—Friendly Library]

[Introduction: One of the strange stories of a certain supernatural world. 】

[Function: The host can drop it at any location, and the rules will take effect immediately. (Note: Once released, you need to bring the regular monster to devour at least one person before you can take it back! The regular monster is not immune to the host! The host is in danger of losing his life! You can choose to leave at any time, so the host should use it with caution!)]

Lin Jue clicked to view the details.

【Library Notes:

1: Registration is required first. Please prepare your ID card and go to the front desk to register your information.

2: The library is a place for reading. Please concentrate on reading and don’t do anything irrelevant. Don’t disturb other people’s reading!

3: If you hear any strange noises while reading, please ignore them.

4: If you go with others, please be sure to sit at the same table. Note, when someone asks you to stop reading and do other things, please treat it with caution.

5: The library has only three floors and no other floors. Please firmly believe this.

6: There is no book in the library without a cover, no book without words, and no book with a human face on the cover. If you see it, please don't touch it and go to the manager immediately to explain the matter.

7: The first floor of the library is absolutely safe, but you can only read books for 6 hours.

8: There are toilets in the library, but please be sure to go to the toilet together. Note that when you go to the toilet (or your friends go to the toilet) and hear sounds similar to a baby crying or a cat screaming, please leave the toilet immediately and report to the management on the first floor. If it’s any other sound, don’t panic. Maybe it was just a kid's joke.

9: Please put the book back to its original place after reading it! And come to the front desk to register. You can only leave after registering.

10: Each person can receive one candy at the front desk. But note, you can only take the candy if and only if you notice someone staring at you, or someone tiptoeing up and down the stairs, or you find yourself reading a book on the first floor for more than 6 hours. After taking the medicine, please note that you should go to the second floor to find the management staff to register. After registration, go to the front desk on the first floor to register and leave.

11: Except for the situation mentioned in Article 10, when you feel any discomfort, take the candy immediately and follow the second half of Article 10.

12: The library is not open for renting books. Please be careful not to take books out of the library in any way, do not damage books, and do not open book covers.

13: If it is not necessary, please try to go to the third floor as little as possible.

14: Please remember the above and consciously abide by it. 】

For some reason, while reading, Lin Jue felt an inexplicable feeling of palpitations.

Lin Jue once again lamented that there are many wonders in the world, and then took back this strange story.

This strange story about rules can be regarded as another life-saving technique.

If he encounters an enemy that Lin Jue cannot resist, Lin Jue can release it and let the enemy in. Lin Jue took the opportunity to escape.

Or, when Lin Jue wanted to kill someone, he would release the rules-based ghost story, suck the target in, and kill him inside. However, considering that he would also be at risk of dying in it, Lin Jue did not intend to use it to kill people unless necessary.


Lin Jue took out the Purgatory Ghost King Staff.

He felt a message coming.

This scepter wants to eat up this weird story

In fact, he doesn't need to be afraid of this strange rule-based rumor at all. The artifacts of Huangquandao can be said to be their nemesis.

"After a while, when I don't need this weird talk, I'll give it to you." Lin Jue soothed softly, and the Purgatory Ghost King's Staff slowly calmed down.

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