The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 148 Return to the world of sea beasts

Lin Jue slowly opened his eyes.

Surrounded by endless grassland. Maybe it was morning, and there were still a few drops of dew faintly visible on the grass.

Lin Jue turned over.

The purple pupils reflected the beautiful blue sky and a white sheep.

This sheep looks very strange, like a goat and a wild horse.

There is also a white cat on the sheep's head, with small purple eyes blinking.

My head feels a little swollen and painful, but I'm not dizzy.

Lin Jue climbed up from the grass.

Wuming meowed and jumped on Lin Jue's head.


The cat's meowing was very cheerful, and it seemed that Wuming was in a good mood.

His head suddenly hurt again, Lin Jue rubbed his temples and stood up.

There is no Honkai energy in the air, this is not a Honkai world.

This is the only thing Lin Jue can judge. Nothing else.

However, the sheep in front of me

【Fenghe Luoyang】

[Introduction: A smart lamb was born, but don’t think it’s harmless to humans and animals. 】

[Skill 1: Extreme Speed: In times of crisis, the potential can be exploded to accelerate instantly. 】

[Skill 2: Grass Transformation: The power from the blood can transform enemies into their food - grass. 】

[Skill 3: Mud: The power from the blood can turn oneself into mud. 】

[Others: The meat is delicious and suitable for human consumption. 】

Fenghe Luoyang?

Lin Jue remembered that this seemed to be a pet he had raised in the world of sea beasts?

Then this should be the world of sea beasts.

However, I don't know whether it is the change in Lin Jue's own strength or something else. Lin Jue felt that this time he came here, he no longer felt as depressed as he did last time.

"Little sheep." Lin Jue called out.


Why is it the sound of a cow braying?

Lin Jue was stunned for a moment, wondering if he had heard wrongly.



This time Fengheluoyang's call lasted longer and was more melodious. Lin Jue heard it clearly.

——That’s the sound of a cow braying.

Without getting too entangled here, Lin Jue asked: "Do you still remember our original cabin?"

Since the system said that it gave birth to spiritual intelligence, he should understand what I am talking about.

As expected, Feng He Luoyang nodded.

"take me."

The world of sea beasts was the first world that Lin Jue came to.

However, things should have changed here.

When Lin Juegang woke up, he encountered two sea beasts fighting.

But now, Lin Jue has been gone for who knows how long, and there is not even a movement, let alone the sea beast.

The wind blew quietly, and Lin Jue frowned.

Along the way, he couldn't feel any breath of life.

"It seems like some kind of world-ending crisis has occurred?"

Lin Jue judged.

The technological development of the world of sea beasts does not have to destroy the world. There are many professions that Lin Jue has yet to explore clearly.

Originally, Lin Jue had thought about going back to the world of sea beasts to explore after the Hei Jia Maru incident was over and the final exam was over.

Soon Lin Jue came to a familiar place.

This is a beach, where Lin Jue first came.


Fengheluoyang barked again, its tail wagging everywhere behind it.

Strange to say, it is obviously a sheep, but its tail is as long as that of a cow.

Maybe that's why it makes a cow cry? ???

Forget it, sheep from another world are just weird.

Next, follow the route from memory. Lin Jue came to the grassland he was familiar with.

However, when he first arrived, the scene in front of him was something he never expected.

I saw Fengheluo sheep all over the mountains and plains. They were of different sizes, some big and some small. They were lying comfortably on the grass basking in the sun.

A small stream flows from the end of the grassland, leading all the way to the unknown distance. Lin Jue remembered that there was no such stream.


Feng Heluoyang, who had brought Lin Jue here, called out.

Then the Fengheluo sheep all over the mountains and plains climbed up one after another and responded: "Moo——"




For a moment, it was like a group of demons dancing wildly.

Lin Jue listened to the continuous calls and looked at the sheep all over the grassland. He felt as if ten thousand Fengheluo sheep were running past. He even selectively ignored the unusual sound in the calls.

Are these my sheep?

What have they experienced?

How did it become like this?

What has happened to this grassland? So many sheep were not eaten up?

Wuming was trembling on Lin Jue's shoulder at the moment.

Question: When you are a cat and it feels like it is out of tune with the world, how do you break it?

Suddenly, Lin Jue felt his sleeve being pulled. When he lowered his head, he saw that the Fengheluo sheep he had just brought was biting his sleeve.

Seeing Lin Jue watching over, the Fengheluo sheep opened its mouth and nodded towards the cabin.

"Where do you want me to go?" Lin Jue asked tentatively.


"I don't understand." Lin Jue twitched the corner of his mouth.

"" Feng He Luoyang nodded to Wu Ming.

Then, it raised its head again and called out.

The continuous sound stopped, and all the Feng He Luoyang fell silent.

Lin Jue walked step by step towards the small wooden house on a hillside.

During the process, all Feng He Luoyang stared at him.

An ordinary person would definitely be stared at and his scalp would be numb.

Just imagine, when you accidentally broke into a herd of sheep, all the sheep stopped their original movements and stared at you quietly and motionless.

However, Lin Jue was calm and ignored the gazes of the sheep.

It’s just a group of sheep, what’s the point of panic?

——Wuming climbing on Lin Jue's shoulder: Ah, yes, yes.

All the way to the cabin, Lin Jue slowly opened the door.


The old wooden door made a screeching sound.

The decoration in the house is as always, with a wooden bed with nothing on it, a wooden table, a wooden chair, and a small window that is not sealed by wood next to it.

At first, Lin Jue noticed a piece of paper the moment he entered the door. There is a legacy named Hunter Andre on it.

However, Lin Jue did not have the ability to obtain this inheritance at the time. He simply learned the above shepherding skills, but nothing else.

"Perhaps Master Mo brought me here for this?"

Lin Jue guessed in his mind and came to the wooden table.

At that time, this piece of paper could not be stored in the system backpack for some unknown reason. Lin Jue placed him on the wooden table.

Now it appears there is no damage to it.

It's just that the appearance has changed

At first it was paper letters, but now they are old and worn out and they are parchment.

Lin Jue picked it up and found that the content on it had also changed.

"Latercomers, this world has suffered a catastrophe. No one can resist it, and we implemented the Fire Plan. However, the strange thing is that when I came back here again, I found that it was as if it had not been destroyed. Full of vitality. Maybe this is the power of nature?”

"Originally, the inheritance I left here was to find a suitable successor. But now it seems that this idea will not work."

"Let me tell you the truth! This place was originally an inheritance place about the power of nature. It was abandoned for some unknown reason. I came here and entered by luck. Although I didn't completely pass, I got the knowledge about animals in nature. That’s why I, the hunter Andre, became famous.”

"Now, I have erased my inheritance. In front of nature, my inheritance is probably not worth mentioning. Oh, latecomers, although I don't know why, but at the request of my old friend, I will tell you how to enter the inheritance. You. And left some experience, I hope it can be helpful to you.”

"Also, express my gratitude to Lord Mo on my behalf. If it weren't for him, I would have died long ago."

That's all the parchment contained.

"Master Mo" Lin Jue shouted silently in his mind after reading the last paragraph, regardless of whether Master Mo could hear it or not.

"Hey! Someone said he thanked you!"


Although he didn't hear a reply, Lin Jue felt someone's speechlessness.

After satisfying his bad taste, Lin Jue opened the system backpack.

"I remember the inheritance of the power of nature."

Lin Jue clicked on something.

[The inheritance of nature - Lin Jue version]

[Introduction: The inheritance left by Lin Jue, who once obtained the origin of nature, can obtain a small part of his own origin through the inheritor. 】

[Evaluation: I pass on myself. 】

[Status: Unavailable]

If you say so

Lin Jue understood Master Mo's intention.

I'm afraid, if there is no such thing as the collapse of the world.

I should have experienced Andre's inheritance first, and then further gained the power of nature - an inheritance that originally belonged to my own power.

Then he wandered in the world of sea beasts, and after reaching a certain stage, he went to a wider world.

Maybe he should look for his own memory as a clue, after all, his first memory is special. My original memory is missing again.

However, after the collapse of the world, the original plan was disrupted because of the adventure in the world.

Lin Jue no longer needs Andre's inheritance and can directly inherit the power of nature.

The main reason should be the unknown joining.

In the original plan, he should have taken a certain Fengheluo sheep with a relatively strong spirituality to participate in the inheritance.

But now he is unknown again. Moreover, his relationship with Wuming is very close.

Although things have changed, he can improve his strength, which is great news for Lin Jue.

The system's lottery was too confusing. There was no guarantee of ten consecutive draws, and Lin Jue didn't even dare to touch it.

The mission was issued in a strange way. I don’t know if the mission of the castle tower has been completed. Anyway, Lin Jue hasn't received the reward yet.

Until now, he still had no idea about the ball of light that Master Mo had given him.

Now that he had found another way to improve his strength, Lin Jue was naturally very happy.

Andre writes in great detail. How to enter the inheritance, what is included in the inheritance, and his experiences in the inheritance are all detailed.

However, entering the inheritance requires completing a ritual, which requires a special time before it can begin.

Lin Jue decided to give up.

Who knows how long it is in the sea beast world.

Fortunately, he had a system, and the system told him that there were still 10 days left.

It just so happened that he took advantage of this period of time to get acquainted with these sheep.

By the way, prepare the materials for the ceremony.

Lin Jue was no stranger to ritual. He had heard of this term, but he didn't really understand the value of "ritual".

But when he looked at the tedious process, he found it troublesome.

Along the way, it was late at night.

Lin Jue yawned.

Lin Jue had not slept well since he entered Changkong City. He was also on tenterhooks in the castle tower and could not notice the passage of time.

He was here in the blink of an eye, and he didn't know how many days had passed since he last slept.

However, here, you should be able to have a good sleep.

Lin Jue didn't go to sleep on the wooden bed. There was nothing on it, so he slept terribly.

He found a spot on the grass outside and lay down directly.

——He did this before.

Feng Heluoyang noticed that his master seemed to be sleeping, and he also slowed down his movements.

The breeze blew gently. Lin Jue closed his eyes and fell asleep in the dim moonlight.

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