The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 146 Praise from Lord Mo

Have you ever seen the real universe?

It was pitch black and endless.

Danger abounds and life is forbidden.

Rocks shattered the sky, and time and space flowed turbulently.

The above are all the feelings of Youlandel standing in front of the black hole and the scene in front of her.

The fragments from the starry sky were flying rapidly in space.

And the endless space-time turbulence caused by its rupture made Hollandelle feel tight in her heart.

——Because once you fall into it, you will definitely die.

In the pitch-black space, nothing can be seen.

Perhaps the energy fluctuation just now was too great, causing something unknown to Hollander to happen in the space in front of her, causing the light to disappear without a trace after passing through this space.

However, Youlandel clearly felt that the danger had temporarily disappeared.

At least that's how it is outside.

The black abyss white flower in his hand is constantly releasing energy to treat Walter's wounds.

After this battle, Youlandel had a heartfelt respect for the man in front of her.

The attack he launched just now must be the true power of the Lawyer.

This is a power that cannot exist in history.

Presumably, he successfully activated all Herrscher powers and used the extremely rare concentration of Honkai energy in the starry sky to launch his most powerful attack.

With this blow, tens of millions of artillery weapons were constructed to carpet bomb the enemy!

This blow stirred the starry sky, split it into pieces, and caused turbulence in time and space!

But again, the price of this blow is heavy.

Walter, with his human body, resisted almost all the Honkai energy in the starry sky, and as a result, he almost died directly.

The body was completely eroded, the internal organs were completely destroyed, and the brain was damaged beyond recognition.

So much so that he no longer even had the ability to construct a body.

Fortunately, Youlandel is still here, and Black Abyss White Flower is still here.

As the core creation of the Herrscher of Death in the previous era.

In addition to the eternal and absolute power of death, the White Flower of the Black Abyss also has the power of salvation full of holiness.

Since Walter's body was completely destroyed, all the Honkai energy he absorbed has overflowed.

These Honkai can be enough for the Black Abyss White Flower to heal Walter.

Suddenly, a strange idea came to Youlandel's mind.

If this is the case, let Walter continue to absorb the powerful Honkai energy to activate the true power of the Herrscher of Reason.

When he died, Youlandel would use the Black Abyss White Flower to extend his life.

Then loop wirelessly

——A strange perpetual motion combination appears?

Shaking her head and getting rid of the strange thoughts in her head, Hollandale carried Walter on her back.

The enemies outside were eliminated, but countless enemies still entered the black hole.

Walter has tried his best to deal with the enemies outside.

"Let me take care of the rest."

Youlandel walked lightly, the light wings behind her vibrated, and she entered the black hole.

After a while, a dark green energy suddenly penetrated from the void on the side and hit the black hole.

The dark green energy unfolded, and a dense array of patterns emerged.

Then, once the light emitted, the black hole became smaller and smaller under the light, and finally slowly dissipated.

Master Mo's figure suddenly appeared in this universe.

He tapped his fingertips, and the turbulence in the surrounding starry sky instantly dissipated.

Countless starry sky fragments suddenly turned into countless light spots and slowly dissipated.

"A young man with potential."

Master Mo felt the remaining energy in the space and nodded.

Being prudent, he left a clone here just in case. Facts have proved that his move was correct.

Teresa's ritual had already been completed, but Lord Mo blocked the power.

Because at that time, Hollander and Walter were still outside the black hole.

Teresa never thought that Hollander and Walter would walk out of the black hole, and there was a special time for the ceremony to begin. So without knowing it, Theresa went to complete the ceremony, almost locking Hollander and Walter out forever.

Lord Mo stopped this force and watched the whole process of the two fighting against the "giant tentacle monster".

Of course, he didn't just watch the whole process, he still helped.

Honkai Will intentionally placed Honkai energy in this starry sky. He pushed it there and casually changed the nature of the energy, so that the Honkai energy could no longer be repelled by humans, and at the same time, it would not lose the power it possessed.

Also, Master Mo played a little trick to attract the attention of the giant tentacle monster for a while.

This is the reason why the giant tentacle monster did not go to the collapsing world as soon as it appeared.

If they were not lured away, Walter and Hollander would be directly killed by a powerful and violent attack without any accidents.

Afterwards, Walter felt the inheritance of the "Principle" and gave Walter a push to help him obtain the knowledge contained in the Herrscher's core.

Without these help from Lord Mo, Walter and Hollander would have never been able to win.

However, the two men's own strength and experience, as well as their decisive decisions and courage to sacrifice, still made Mo Ye's eyes shine.

These are forces called potential.

Walter didn't need to say anymore. He dared to take a gamble and risk his own life to absorb all the Honkai energy to explore the true power of the Herrscher of Reason. This was his courage and determination.

Youlandel's decision-making and control of the situation are also very good. She also holds the Black Abyss White Flower in her hand. She can also try to absorb all the Honkai energy at once and try to stimulate all the power of the Herrscher core in the Black Abyss White Flower.

But there is a big gap between the core of a Herrscher and a real Herrscher. Hollandale knew that Walter had a better chance, so she did nothing. This is not because she is weak, but because she is smart.

And, there is another benefit to doing this.

The cost of fully using the power of the Herrscher must be huge. Whether Walter succeeds or fails, his life may be hanging by a thread. ???

At this time, Youlandel will still have the power to control the white flowers of the black abyss and save Walter.

Even if Walter fails, Hollandel can very well rescue him and figure out a way later.

Of course, fortunately Walter succeeded.

"Not bad."

Looking at all the worlds, those who can do the same thing as the two of them are also the top talents in each world.

Mr. Mo has never been stingy in praising and helping top talents.

——This is one of the reasons why he has connections all over the world.

"One may be able to step into the Avenue of Reason in the future, while the other's power may be a bit mottled, but her potential is huge."

"Although Teresa's first ceremony encountered an accident, it was a complete success with her cleverness."

"It seems that my original choice was right."

Master Mo murmured to himself, then took a step forward and disappeared in an instant.

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