The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 141 Theresa wants to be a ritualist

Wandering on the edge of the battlefield, Teresa controlled Judas' chains, mercilessly strangling one enemy after another.



After three more chains penetrated the enemy, Theresa looked up.

The coexistence of dark purple and deep black light groups no longer exists.

What replaced it was a very large black hole.

The black hole covers Changkong City, and countless "tentacle monsters" are still emerging from it.

Although a large amount of artillery fire was attempted to bombard the black hole, it obviously had no effect.

——The cannonball entered the black hole without even making a sound.

The sound of planes flying through the sky kept coming from overhead. This is the support force of destiny.

Not long ago, a group of strange tentacle monsters suddenly appeared on the front line. This group of monsters was numerous and powerful. Most of them had the strength of A-level Valkyrie.

As a result, the front line collapsed in an instant.

Tianming had no choice but to activate a backup plan-carpet bombing Changkong City to eliminate the group of powerful monsters.

Then the troops were assembled to establish frontline positions on the spot and fought a positional battle with the enemy.

But Teresa understood that this was just a temporary measure.

As long as the black hole does not disappear, enemies will continue to replenish it from the black hole.

"The enemies you are about to face are primary demons that have reached the threat level of the first universe - feeders. Their characteristic is that their bodies are covered with tentacles, and there are countless small tentacles on top of the tentacles. Once hit by the tentacles, these The little tentacles will frantically suck out the life breath of the person being hit.”

"The survival of this group of monsters depends on sucking the lives of others, so they are also called feeders. The breath of life of others is food to them."

"What you encountered is a group of advance troops. But don't relax because of this. Even among these advance troops, the strongest among them is stronger than you."

"If you want to survive, there are only two ways. The first is to repel the enemy's attack. Of course, this is almost impossible. The second is"

Master Mo’s words echoed in Theresa’s mind.

"It's almost time, it's time to take action." Theresa murmured softly.

Then, Theresa put Judas away, gathered her breath, and walked into the sky city.

At this time, Changkong City was full of ruins.

Most of the high-rise buildings in the past were washed away by the previous wave of Honkai beasts. Now we are encountering this kind of battle again. Changkong City, which was originally lined with tall buildings, has been turned into a flat land.

Theresa carefully stayed away from the battlefield and came to a place in Changkong City.

Then, she took a deep breath and recalled the scene.

"The second method is to use some methods to erase the black hole."

In the vast starry sky, Theresa looked at Master Mo doubtfully and asked: "What does it mean to erase the black hole?"

Mr. Mo explained with a smile: "Teleporting to a black hole is the most common space spell in the world. In the Collapse World, the dark purple and deep black light group coexist, it is a space teleportation spell."

"And it's easy to break this teleportation spell. Theresa, do you still remember your original choice?"

Theresa nodded, of course she remembered.

——That was her first meeting with Master Mo.

At that time, in her sleep, she followed Lord Mo's call and saw countless novelties in the world along the way.

At that time, she thought it was just a dream, until the man in front of her did something. She suddenly felt a splitting headache and her whole body felt like it was going to explode.

"The commitment of knowledge comes at a price. And this knowledge is the gift I give you."

The gentle voice fell into Theresa's ears.

Theresa felt that her mind suddenly became clear again, and all the previous discomfort disappeared instantly.

Looking up, Theresa found herself in a bright starry sky.

A man in black stood quietly in front of her.

The surrounding starry sky is gorgeous, and dreamy lights and shadows surround the man.

It was as if he was the master of this starry sky.

That man showed her his power, which was the difference between an ant and the sun in the sky, and the difference between a mayfly and the vast sea.

In front of him, Theresa didn't even have the slightest intention of resisting.

The terrifying pressure suppressed Theresa's whole body, and she couldn't even move.

Theresa could clearly feel that as long as this pressure was any stronger, she would probably be crushed into pieces by this pressure.

"Don't be nervous, I don't mean any harm. It's just that if you don't do this, you won't trust me."

The man's smiling voice was nice, gentle and powerful.

The pressure on her body faded away, and Theresa suddenly felt light all over. The suffocating feeling that was suppressed in my heart disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The man told her that his name was Master Mo.

Master Mo smiled and explained his purpose to Theresa, saying that they had great potential and were worth cultivating.

"Your strength still doesn't meet the most basic requirements, so I can't give you the most basic training methods of the human race for the time being."

"However, you can choose any potential 'side job' to practice in the world. This can be your foundation for going out into the world in the future, so you have to choose carefully."

"Remember, you must choose what you like."

Master Mo's tone was serious, but it seemed that he could always feel that he was smiling.

Lord Mo and Theresa traveled around the vast universe again, seeing all kinds of worlds.

The way of sword, the way of sword, the way of spear, the way of air, the way of magic, the way of magic, the way of life

Marksman, Dragon Knight, Berserker, Assassin, Mage, Spiritual School

The idol, the star, the destiny, the creator, the prehistoric one

Alchemist, Formation Master, Forger, Beast Tamer, Puppet Master

Mechanic, Gunner, Caution Master, Poison Master, Soul Master

Spiritual cultivation, physical cultivation, spiritual cultivation, weapon cultivation

Theresa was dazzled by the numerous and prosperous cultivation systems.

But there was nothing that Theresa liked.

After walking through countless worlds like this, Theresa's eyes suddenly lit up and she finally determined the career she wanted.


From chaos to prehistoric times, and now.

Ritual matters have never been separated from human life.

Things such as sacrifices, communication with gods, and phantoms all require rituals.

The rituals laid out by the ritual master can form powerful formations, and the sacrifices launched can be refined into elixirs and artifacts. The special feng shui required by the city can also be transformed by the ritual master.

It is no exaggeration to say that there is nothing a ritualist cannot do.

If so, it must be that my ritual is not strong enough.

Of course, in different worlds, ritualists have different powers.

In a certain prehistoric world, ritual masters planned for thousands of years to form an eternal formation, worship the world, and eventually became the most powerful saint.

In a mysterious world, ritual masters used grotesques as sacrifices, bled thousands of creatures, gathered billions of life essences, broke the shackles of the world, and ascended to the nine heavens.

In a certain fantasy world, a ritual master sacrifices the essence of herbs to worship the gods in the sky and develops peerless ammunition.

In a certain science fiction world, a ritualist plans the layout of a city-state, modifies the Feng Shui of one area, and uses the entire city as a ritual to upgrade the world.

The source of all professions, the originator, unlimited potential, and iron-clad support are all the reputations of the Ritualist.

There is a saying in various circles: Behind a successful person, there is a successful ritual master. This sentence can represent the status of the ritual master.

At this time, someone will say, since the ritualist is so strong, why doesn’t everyone choose the ritualist? Are you still going to make elixirs and forge iron?

Since it is so powerful, its threshold is naturally sky high.

First of all, there are three "musts" for ritual masters:

1. Applicants without special qualifications are not allowed.

Second, it must be someone with a strong background.

Third, you must be a sociable person.

These three "musts" are like three mountains reaching the sky, blocking all those who do not meet the conditions.

Why are there these three mountains?

Let's take a simple example first.

[Ritual: Channeling Style

Requirements: 6 cubes of earth, 9g honey yellow, 382NA oxygen, 18 black earth, 1 simple flower pot, 1 piece of frozen sunlight, 3 black water, 103 fireworks, and 3?% continuity The river water illuminated by the blood moon for 24 hours.

Steps: 1. At ten minutes noon in the world, add Jitu and Xuantu to the flowerpot.

2 Find the right time to add 3 and black water. After the extreme earth and black earth melt into the black water, they are put into the blocked sunlight and release oxygen.

3 Finally, when the ice melts and the sun appears, pour the river water that has been illuminated by the blood moon for 24 hours into the flower pot, and light the fireworks.

Note: The spirit connected to this ritual is a mysterious spirit! ! ! Please perform the ceremony while ensuring your own safety! ! ! 】

This ritual is the only way for all ritual masters to become junior ritual masters.

It's equivalent to an exam. If you pass it, you will become an official ritualist. If you don't pass it, you will never be able to step into the door of the ritualist and truly lead to the door of the ritualist.

And just such a simple test can stump countless people.

Just the collection of materials can make countless people fall.

The units in this material are from different worlds. Only by finding the corresponding world and finding the correct unit can you collect them correctly.

The collection of materials must be meticulous. Even the slightest difference could make this ritual fail—or turn into another ritual.

Materials are often not the product of one world, but the product of many worlds. You also need to have the ability to travel to different worlds.

Look at the steps again.

"1. At ten o'clock at noon in the world where you are, add Jitu and Xuantu to the flowerpot."

Countless people will fail at just the first step.

The reason is that the ten minutes at noon refers to the world of this minute.

In this minute, if you have not added all the extreme earth and black earth into the flower pot, congratulations.

You can do whatever you like.

As long as you miss this point, you'll have to wait until you figure it out.

——Of course you can also change the world. Different worlds have different times. If the ritual has special requirements for the world, they will often be marked in the notes. If it is not marked, it usually means that it can be done.

Next, is step two.

"2 Find the right time, add 3 and black water. After the extreme earth and black earth melt into the black water, add the blocked sunlight and release oxygen."

This right time is extremely tricky. It's not because the person who wrote the ritual steps didn't write it accurately but because the appropriate timing is different in every experiment.

Because this is a psychic ceremony.

Controlling this timing can determine whether you can succeed in channeling in the end. And, the strength of the spirit that passes through.

If you control the timing well, you can not only complete the ritual perfectly and quickly, but also summon a spirit that suits you.

If the timing is wrong and the ritual fails, it is a trivial matter. If a spirit that is far stronger than you but has a bad personality is summoned, it will kill you immediately.

This is why there is a sentence added in the precautions: "Please ask the ritual master to perform the ceremony while ensuring your own life safety."

The final step three is also very difficult.

"3Finally, when the ice melts and the sun appears, pour the river water that has been illuminated by the blood moon for 24 hours into the flower pot and light the fireworks."

Note that pouring the river water and lighting the fireworks are done at the same time, and both need to be completed the moment the ice melts and the sun appears.

If you miss this time

Please refer to the consequences of failure in step 1.

Because of this, ritualist is also known as one of the most difficult professions in the world.

Ritualists often need to come into contact with "gods", "mysteries" or people whose strength is much higher than their own. It is also often the case that ritualists finally get in touch with a certain god, only to be killed directly by the god.

In addition, if many rituals fail, there will be backlash effects.

Therefore, ritualists are also known as one of the most dangerous professions in the world.

The most difficult and high-risk, and the threshold is extremely high.

This is why many people understand the power of ritualists, but few people become one.

And this is the profession that Theresa is interested in!

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