
In the darkness, Lin Jue seemed to hear a voice. Google search reading

Where did this sound come from?

"Fenglin Legion has never betrayed!"

The voice was very sad and extremely angry.

"I'm sorry, your presence is too dangerous."

Another voice came.


The laughter was filled with despair.

"We burned our last drop of blood for humanity, and fought our last for our homeland. Now, just because we are stained with the blood of that thing, you are going to let us commit suicide?"

"I'm sorry, because you might become that kind of devil."

"Nonsense! From the war to now, which soldier has become like that?"

The air was suddenly silent for a while, as if another person was being questioned and speechless.

"In short, you will either commit suicide or your sister will die."

Another voice came, and he continued: "Your death will be good for us all. Also, don't think about killing us all. We can't defeat you, but if you do so, Fenglin Army will be betrayed in the name of But it’s time to sit down.”

Who is talking?

A voice sounds familiar to me. Who is it?

Who am I? Where am I? Where is this?

The brain seemed to realize something, and the eyes slowly opened, and the eyes gradually became brighter.

All around, there are silver-white decks, white bed quilts, and an intravenous drip hanging on his hand, giving him liquid food.

Suddenly, there was severe pain in my body.

It hurts, it hurts!

Several more voices sounded in my mind.

"System, after spiritual enlightenment, can you tell me how to use the original energy of the world?"

This voice sounds so familiar. It’s the same as before. It seems to be my own?

"The origin of the world is the foundation of a world, and it contains powerful power."

An electronic sound without any emotion came.

"A world must have the original energy of the world in order to survive. Otherwise, this world will collapse."

"And the energy of the world's origin is also the foundation of every world's energy. Whether it is true energy, spiritual energy, or Honkai energy, its energy is the product of the origin of the world."

"The world's origin energy still has many uses. The host can figure it out on his own when he has the strength."

"The host's physique is unique. It can perfectly integrate with the world and absorb part of the world's original energy."

"But in fact, the energy of the world that the host can absorb is extremely rare, and it cannot be used at all with the host's strength."

"What it brings to the host is only the physique of a powerful host."

After the electronic voice finished speaking, the voice of "I" sounded again

"What will happen if I forcefully harness this energy?"

"The host's body will be impacted by powerful energy, just like the internal organs will be crushed and collapsed, the skin of the whole body will gradually collapse, and the blood vessels will burst. In that state, the host will die."

"Then what if I use part of the world's original energy to save my life?"

The system was silent for a moment, as if it didn't expect that it could be played like this.

After a long time, the system spoke again: "The situation is the same as before, except that the host's life will be suspended by the origin of the world and will not die, and all injuries will be slowly recovered."

"I" thought about it again and said again: "Can I use the energy of the origin of the world to take away Hidamaru and Yae Rin, the good side of Hidamamaru?"

"Yes, but it is recommended that the host uses the second space in the mind to store them."

"The second space in your mind? Is it where 'Xiao Linjue' is?"

"That's right. Also, that thing is called spiritual consciousness."

The sound became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared.

Lin Jue finally came to his senses. He activated his Honkai Energy and used Xiao Lin Jue's spiritual consciousness to check himself.

The originally perfect skin all over his body was broken, almost all the blood vessels in his body exploded, and his internal organs were also in disarray.

But the problem is not big. There is a force slowly repairing these. It seems that after a week, he will be a good man again.

Just, it hurts so much.

It was so pretentious back then, but it hurts so much now.

Obviously we can wait for Hidamamaru and Teresa to destroy Hidamamaru together, but we have to try how strong the original energy of the world is.

Lin Jue wanted to cry but had no tears.

But where is this place?

Unable to speak or walk, Lin Jue could only lie down.

It would be nice if you can still open your eyes.

"Theresa and Sister Ying should have brought me here. This should be a place similar to the infirmary. The two of them must be worried. I don't know where they are now."

Lin Jue thought silently.

At this time, the door to the infirmary was opened, and a short white-haired girl walked in.

She watched Lin Jue open his eyes and was stunned for a while.

Then, she walked up to Lin Jue, stretched out her hand and waved it in front of Lin Jue's eyes.

This Teresa

Lin Jue could only express his thoughts with his eyes.

Theresa noticed the change in Lin Jue's eyes, waved her hands a few times, and looked very surprised.

Lin Jue blinked helplessly several times, signaling that he had woken up.

After discovering it, Theresa exclaimed happily: "You are finally awake. I was worried to death."

Suddenly, Theresa put her hands on her hips again, tilted her head and said, "No, I'm not a child, so I won't worry about you idiot."

Do children have anything to do with worrying about others?

Don't tell me, Theresa is quite cute like this.

Theresa and Lin Jue looked at each other with purple eyes, suddenly blushed, walked up to him and said, "Don't do this next time, okay?"

Lin Jue looked at Theresa with downcast eyes.

Feeling that something was wrong with Lin Jue's eyes, Theresa was furious: "What do you mean by that look in your eyes?"

Lin Jue continued to stare down.

"I think he is looking at me." From behind, Yae Sakura walked in at some point.

Theresa was startled and jumped back: "No, no, I didn't do anything!"

Lin Jue was completely speechless. Where did this stupidity come from, you little fool.

Yae Sakura was speechless for a moment, walked into Lin Jue, didn't say anything, just hugged him slightly, and stood up.

Lin Jue could naturally feel her emotions.

Theresa also realized that something was wrong with her, and scratched her head in embarrassment.

Outside the door, another person walked in.

A woman with long red hair like fire, a tall figure, and a dashing appearance.

She found that Lin Jue had opened his eyes and said to him: "Hey, I finally woke up. You have been sleeping for three whole days, but you can really sleep well."

Knowing that Jizi was joking, but the atmosphere in the room was indeed better, Theresa introduced Lin Jue: "This is Jizi, an A-level Valkyrie, and the captain of this battleship."

"Oh, by the way, you are on the battleship named Hyperion now, and we are heading to St. Freya Academy. You should train in St. Freya Academy first."

St. Freya Academy?

Among the knowledge Lin Jue gained, there was a little record about this academy, not much. He only knew that it was an academy for training Valkyries.

Will it?

Lin Jue blinked several times and looked at Theresa blankly.

Theresa knew that Lin Jue was asking about her identity. She put her hands on her hips, raised her head and chest, and said with a proud smile on her face: "Humph, I am the principal of St. Freya Academy."

Oh, what a surprise.

Lin Jue looked at Theresa with dead eyes.

Theresa was once again offended by Lin Jue's eyes: "I really am, don't look at me for being young, I can be an S-level Valkyrie."

Theresa spoke softer and quieter

Jizi, who had been suppressing laughter because of Theresa's appearance, finally couldn't help but burst into laughter. Sensing Theresa's increasingly dangerous look, Jizi turned around, but her shoulders still twitched.

Lin Jue took a look at Theresa. Her height was estimated to be only about 1.45 meters, her figure, appearance and personality.

Is she really almost 50?

Looking at Theresa who was being stared at by Lin Jue, Yae Sakura covered her mouth and laughed. After Theresa turned her dangerous gaze to her, Yae Sakura also turned around and walked next to Himeko, following Himeko's shoulder twitching.

That is to say, Lin Jue cannot laugh.

No, he laughed silently in his heart.

Several more voices came from the corridor: "Auntie, I heard about you? Aunt Jizi, what are you doing? You look so painful."

Ji Zi's shoulders stopped twitching at this time, and she looked at the white-haired dumpling in front of her and said, "Qi-ya-na-how many times have you told me not to call me aunt!"

Next to her, Theresa laughed out loud.

Jizi turned around and said calmly to Theresa: "You are also an old aunt."

Critical hit!

Teresa died!

Ignoring the autistic Theresa, who was drawing aggrieved circles on the side, Himeko asked Kiana: "What are you doing here?"

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