In the dark night, a white cat with purple eyes quietly backed away from the door of the St. Freya High School leadership office.


Noisy sounds echoed in the dark night. It scared people in the office.


The principal of St. Freya shouted, and the others also turned their attention to the door.

A gust of wind blew. It was pitch black outside the door, not even a human figure.

The wind blew the door everywhere, making a "duang, duang, duang" sound.

Maybe it was too windy.

The principal walked over and closed the door and locked it, then returned and said to the people who were on guard: "It's okay. It's impossible for anyone to be in the school at this time. And I also warned the security that no one can Come in."

"Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst. Lao Xu, can you really succeed in this? If you fail, you know the consequences."

The leader of the Political Department sat on the chair, his eyes flickering, "Besides, regardless of success or failure, Otto will not let us go once this incident is over. What we have to face is the revenge of the entire Tianming Company."

"Yes, Lao Xu, we are all going to follow you for the future of our whole family. If you don't show some sincerity tonight," Nian Duan's long words came to an abrupt end in the middle of the conversation, but there was a threatening tone in his tone. The meaning has not faded even a bit.

"Be patient, Lao Li, Lao Wang." Seeing that everyone had a tendency to talk, the principal quickly spoke out to control the situation, "Since you are willing to come, you must not be willing to continue to follow destiny."

"Indeed, although destiny is strong, St. Freya High School is just an abandoned child. The last time it received funding from the company was ten years ago." The director of the admissions office said angrily, "Moreover, we often go to school for no reason. He was involved in the disputes between Tianming and other companies, and his family was often threatened, but Otto ignored us, and even our requests to him were ignored. "

The principal nodded: "Yes, that's why I came to you. I met a big man who is not inferior to Otto - even stronger than Otto. He promised that as long as we help him do things, he will give us What we want.”

"A big shot stronger than Otto?" The leader of the Political Department frowned, feeling that something was wrong. "Let's not mention why such a big shot is here. Lao Li, do you think such a big shot would like us?"

The principal smiled slightly: "He asked me to call you here tonight. If you have any questions, just ask him directly."

Although it felt like the principal's smile was a little weird, everyone still suppressed their temper and waited quietly.

What they didn't notice was that in the corner where the debris was piled up, a pair of purple eyes were watching their every move under the cover of darkness.

It went on like this for a while. The elder Duan couldn't help it anymore: "Why haven't you come yet? Lao Li, are you deceiving us?"

At this time, suddenly an unknown wind blew by.

The curtains were blown up by the wind, and various documents on the desk were blown everywhere.

"Look, Lao Wang, isn't this coming?" The principal's smile became even weirder.

A black light flew in from the window and enveloped everyone in the room.

"What the hell is this?" The director of the Admissions Office felt guilty for no reason and involuntarily took a step or two back.

"Hey hey hey hey, hahahahahahaha"

The sinister laughter like a devil echoed in everyone's ears.

Everyone's heart seemed to be grabbed by something.

"Old Lao Li," the leader of the political office said with a trembling voice, wanted to ask the principal what was going on.

But when he looked at the principal, his eyes almost popped out of his head.

The principal's mouth had reached behind his ears, and he was smiling strangely at them.

And his entire lower body had turned into a skull shape.

The others also noticed the principal's appearance. They opened their mouths as if they wanted to say something.

But their throats seemed to be blocked by something, preventing them from saying anything.

As time goes by, everyone only feels that their heads are getting heavier and their bodies are getting lighter.

Suddenly, a faint cat meow sounded.


In an instant, all the black light dissipated.

The principal returned to his original position and fell limply to the ground.

The rest of the people were also unconscious.

Wuming walked out and jumped out of the window, seemingly chasing something.


The nascent sunshine hit Hitamamaru's face.

"Dingle bell." The alarm clock rang.

After Hitamaru turned off the alarm clock in a daze, he sat up and stretched.

"Um, Bronya, are you up already?" Hitamaru rubbed his eyes and glanced around him, but he didn't see a familiar figure.

"Yawn~ She got up so early today."

After washing up and going downstairs, Bronya sat on the sofa and looked at her phone.

"Good morning, Bronya." Hitamaru greeted her.

"Well, morning." Bronya raised her head and responded, "I've made breakfast and I've already eaten it. You go and eat it quickly."

"Yeah!" Feiyuwa walked towards the dining table, picked up the bowls and chopsticks to serve the food, and walked beside Bronya.

These days, under Bronya's guidance, she has become proficient in using chopsticks.

"Bronya, what are you looking at?" Hitamaru asked curiously while eating his rice.

"News." Bronya picked up the phone and showed it to Hitamaru.

"A sudden flame caused an explosion, and the airborne iron spike successfully rescued the disaster. Is it a gift from God or a conspiracy with ulterior motives that brings us into today's eh, what happened last night?"

"To be precise, it's around three o'clock today."

"This news came out so soon?"

"Timeliness is the most important thing in this industry. However, that shouldn't be the focus." Bronya opened a video.

The video is a surveillance video. The screen shows that in the darkness, a group of flames suddenly rose out of thin air, and a black light flashed during the period. Then there was a "boom" explosion in the ordinary open space.

Fortunately it was late at night and there were no people on this road.

However, this flame is strange. There is obviously no flammable material around, but it spreads very quickly.

Just as it was about to burn to the house, a burst of golden light suddenly flashed.

Several ferromagnets fell from the sky and extinguished the fire.

The screen cuts off here.

"This, is this true?" Hitamaru couldn't believe his eyes.

"I personally saw the changes, and there are no traces of post-processing." Bronya nodded.

"This is incredible." Hitamamaru's pupils dilated, his face full of shock.

Seeing Hitamamaru's appearance, Bronya covered her head and said, "Don't you still have some curse power in your body? If you ask me, you are also incredible."

"It seems so." Hitamaru scratched his head.

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