The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 104 The little girl in red in Huangquan Road

After passing a flight of stairs that was neither long nor short, Lin Jue came to the next level. Google search reading

As soon as he arrived here, Lin Jue felt a gust of cold wind blowing by.

All kinds of shrill howls came out one after another, and the void was shrouded in white mist, with white shadows flashing out from time to time.

"It seems that this should be the Huangquan Road." Lin Jue judged.

Huangquan is a taboo word. Mentioning it brings to mind all kinds of rumors about it.

The other side of the Forgotten River, Meng Po Tang, Nai He Bridge, the Gate of Hell

The mottled ancient city wall glowed with green light, and the pagoda tower in the distance stood majestically in the darkness.

As Lin Jue continued to advance, the surrounding white fog gradually dispersed, replaced by a faint gray fog.

A faint gray mist shrouded the ruin-like city, and ghost figures passed by from time to time.

Lin Jue shuttled between the ruins and broken walls, carrying a knife.

"I didn't expect that there is such a big city inside the castle tower. No, this place can no longer be called the castle tower."

Lin Jue moved forward slowly with a vigilant face, careful of the ghosts that appeared from time to time.

After entering Huangquan Dao, Lin Jue found himself in an abandoned ancient city.

A faint full moon hung in the dark sky, which made Lin Jue understand that this was definitely not the castle tower.

——Of course, after being thrown into the Six Paths by the bandit leader, Lin Jue's environment could not be called a castle tower.

There are bones everywhere, and there are even corpses that seem to have just died and have not yet decomposed.

The stench filled the air, and Lin Jue wrinkled his nose.

He has been walking here for a while, and during this period, he has encountered no less than five waves of ghosts.

There were white bones walking aimlessly, some wandering corpses with most of their bodies rotted, and some were simply ghosts passing by him, bringing with them gusts of cold wind.

"After walking for so long, I encountered all kinds of strange things. How come I didn't see any of the famous people in Huangquan Road?"

Lin Jue moved towards the pagoda in front.

After walking for so long, Lin Jue also discovered a pattern here.

Most of the dead things here act unconsciously. As long as you don't deliberately provoke them, they won't seem to cause trouble for you.

Walking through a street again, Lin Jue came to a pagoda.

He saw this place from a distance, and there was no good place to go around, so Lin Jue simply set this place as a destination first.

The Futu Tower is also a very tall building among the ruins. Standing on the top of the tower, you can overlook the entire ruins and have an excellent view.

Gently pushing open the collapsed door of the tower, using the Lingxi Knife to push away the dense spiders, Lin Jue walked all the way up the moss-covered stone steps.

There are no dead objects in the tower, only white bones that appear from time to time.

The bones came in various shapes, including human bones and animal bones, but most of them were types that Lin Jue had never seen before.

It's hard to imagine what happened here. The reliefs on the walls were covered in dirty black blood, obscuring their original artistic flair.

However, the stench that permeates the air is much less here.

Soon we arrived at the top of the tower, which is indeed an excellent location. Through the window, you can see the appearance of this ancient city.

This is indeed a city of death, even the moon above the head is stained with a bit of miserable green.

Under this view, Lin Jue could clearly find that there seemed to be no other place around here that seemed to be where he should go.

There were dead creatures wandering around in most places, so Lin Jue would not stupidly go up to have a man-to-man contest with them.

"Now, what should we do?" Lin Jue stood on the top of the tower, thinking quietly.

Suddenly there was a strong wind, and Lin Jue heard a faint sound of wind chimes.

No, the sound came from behind!

Lin Jue turned around quickly and placed the Lingxi knife across his chest.

I saw a little girl in red coming to Lin Jue at some point. She was holding strings of candied haws in her hands and asked Lin Jue:

"Brother, do you want to eat candied haws?"

Her voice was soft and crisp. Just like the little sister next door.

But when she walked towards Lin Jue, suddenly a large number of maggots came out of her eyes and mouth, and her fair and pretty face instantly decayed, revealing the white bones in it.

Lin Jue was startled and immediately swung his knife.

However, when the blazing sword energy was about to attack the little girl, the little girl disappeared in front of him like blue smoke.

"This damn place."

Lin felt scared and wiped the non-existent cold sweat on his forehead.

At this time, Lin Jue suddenly found that the little girl appeared again.

This time, she appeared farther away from Lin Jue. She tilted her head and asked Lin Jue.

"Eh? Is it you? Is it you?"

The little girl looked very happy, shaking her head, and the two little pigtails on her head swayed with the little girl's movements, which was really cute.

The little girl jumped up to Lin Jue and asked again: "Is it you?"

For some reason, when Lin Jue met the little girl's eyes with anticipation, his heart suddenly moved.

"Perhaps, I know her." Lin Jue thought in his heart.

After thinking about it, Lin Jue tentatively said to the little girl: "Well, that's right, it's me."

After receiving a positive reply, the little girl jumped up happily: "Okay!"

With this jump, the little girl's head left her body and hit the ground beside her.

"Sorry, I'm so excited." The little girl raised her head upright and smiled sheepishly at Lin Jue. Then the little girl's body walked over on its own and pushed the little girl's head back.

This scene almost scared Lin Jue to death.

"Now, this is for you." After the little girl pushed her head back, she walked to Lin Jue and handed Lin Jue a scepter.

"Ha, I can go!" After Lin Jue took the scepter, the little girl jumped up excitedly.

Then, the world began to collapse, and Lin Jue returned to the original world.

The surrounding decorations were still the same, the spacious room, and Lin Jue's blank face.

"Congratulations to the host for passing the test of the Underworld."

An emotionless electronic sound sounded, and Lin Jue blinked in disbelief.

No, forget about the inexplicable life I had in the human world, why should I come out of the underworld?

But it's good, at least you don't have to deal with dead animals.

Lin Jue did not have a head-on confrontation with these dead creatures, but judging from the feeling alone, Lin Jue was sure that he could not defeat these dead creatures.


Lin Jue took out the scepter the little girl handed him. The scepter hit the ground with a crisp sound.

"Okay, let me see what you are."

Lin Jue opened the system panel.

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