The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 1 An unexpected event


Lin Jue felt as if his body had been hit by a big car, and his whole body was weak. Mentally also very tired. The scorching sunlight stung his eyes, and he tried to reach out to block it, but he was too weak to remind him that this was impossible. Waves of cramping pain came from his brain, making Lin Jue unable to think about anything.

After an unknown amount of time, when he felt that the sunlight was gradually disappearing, Lin Jue had the strength to hold his still slightly painful head and stood up shakily.

He looked around and found that he was on the beach. The sun had already set and the sea looked a little restless.

"Something bad will happen if you stay here!"

This was Lin Jue's instinctive feeling.

The pain in his brain and the exhaustion of his mind prevented Lin Jue from concentrating on thinking about anything more. He could only rely on instinct and walk towards the forest away from the sea.

Gradually, Lin Jue felt that his head was slightly better, but the fatigue coming from his body made him stop. There was no place to sit around, so Lin Jue decided to lie down directly. Closing his eyes, Lin Jue felt that there were three strange memories in his mind.

In one memory, Lin Jue seemed to be the son of a nobleman, with innate **** (cross out) ability, and a powerful **** (cross out). But the last scene in my memory was just me standing on a high platform, looking down at the countless dense crowds below. Lin Jue could feel the crowd's eyes full of respect in his memory. The memory after that disappears.

In another memory, Lin Jue lived in a place called Changkong City. He was an ordinary student. In the end, some kind of Honkai Impact occurred in this place, and he was killed by a monster called Honkai Beast.

In the last memory, Lin Jue was an ordinary person living on a blue planet. His family was wealthy and he worked very hard. He achieved great success at a young age and founded a very powerful company. However, he refused to get married throughout his life. In the end, he passed the company to his adopted son and died of illness.

"So, who am I?" Lin Jue asked this philosophical question. The existence of the three memories made Lin Jue confused. Secondly, the three memories were very clear. He could feel the force of the Honkai Beast when it attacked him. Even though I am powerless, I can still feel the pride of being at the top of the world.

But the first memory was very vague, and even when Lin Jue took the initiative to recall it, his head would suddenly hurt as if he had been stabbed hard by a needle.

"No, that's not right!" Lin Jue frowned. He could feel that he still had a memory hidden deep in his memory.

Lin Jue tried to remember, but the pain in his brain made him give up the idea.

It was late at night, and Lin Jue heard a terrible sound coming from the beach in the distance. This was definitely not the sound of sea water hitting the beach.


The moment he heard the sound, Lin Jue suddenly thought of something and blurted out: "Sea beast!"

There was no memory of this word, but Lin Jue instinctively felt that this "sea beast" was dangerous. Subconsciously, Lin Jue began to run deeper.

"This seems to be the first word that appears in my memory. It had a great impact on me, so I instinctively said its name the moment I heard the sound." Lin Jue judged.


Suddenly, a deafening voice came, and Lin Jue felt the anger in the voice.

Lin Jue glanced back. In the distant dark night, a huge black shadow was fighting with another huge black shadow.

Even though they were several miles apart, Lin Jue could feel the powerful momentum coming from the two black shadows. However, Lin Jue had a very strange feeling. It seemed that his previous self was stronger than this?

Shaking his head, Lin Jue continued running.

"It's strange, I'm not hungry after all this time?" Secondly, the common sense in the third paragraph made Lin Jue feel something was wrong again, and his brain had an adverse reaction again. This feeling was like chaos and confusion after spinning for dozens of times. Discomfort.

Lin Jue forced himself not to think so much. The first priority was to find a place to rest.

The distant voices gradually became quieter, but Lin Jue was still moving forward. After an unknown amount of time, Lin Jue walked out of the forest and came to a vast grassland.

"Wow, wow, wow~"

Lin Jue looked not far away. Under the faint moonlight, he could see the slowly flowing river in front of him. And the cabin on the hill not far away

Perhaps he was really tired, and Lin Jue didn't want to continue walking. After all, the endless grassland ahead made him unable to see a way out.

Lin Jue came to the cabin and opened the door.


Yes, not "squeak~"

The wooden door was too old. Lin Jue just touched it lightly and it fell down.

The facilities in the cabin are extremely simple, including a wooden bed with nothing on it, a wooden table, a wooden chair, and a small window that is not sealed by wood. There is nothing beyond that.


Lin Jue stepped on something when he entered the cabin.

Looking down, he saw a shabby letter. Lin Jue picked up the letter carefully.

"Obtain Hunter Andre's letter."

Without any warning, an emotionless electronic sound suddenly appeared in Lin Jue's mind, startling him.

"My brain is really not at peace today."

Lin Jue complained.

Then another male voice reminded Lin Jue of "Indeed" in his mind.

Lin Jue: "Me?"

"Don't be nervous, kid. You should have lost your memory at this time, but don't worry, everything may have gone a little awry according to your plan."

"But it doesn't matter, this might be a good thing."

In my mind, male voices came one after another.

Taking the envelope, Lin Jue opened it directly.

"Hey, kid, aren't you curious about who I am?" The male voice seemed a little surprised by his actions.

Lin Jue said without any hesitation: "I'm not curious."


"Since you said that you are in my plan, I can rest assured." Lin Jue opened the envelope and sent a large paragraph of text that he could not understand.

The male voice laughed: "You are still so narcissistic."

"Hey," Lin Jue said in his heart, "can you understand the text above?"

No response.

"Hello, hello?"

Did I guess wrong? I have to say it before he can hear it?

At this time, the male voice sounded again. "Who is hello?"

"" Lin Jue paused. "Ahem, so what's your name?"

The male voice suddenly became excited: "You can call me - Master Mo."


"Has anyone ever said that your homophonic memes are boring?"

Lin Jue was surprised: "How did you know?"

"Haha", Master Mo smiled mockingly, "I still don't understand you?"

"Ahem, that Mr. Mo, what is written in this letter?"

Master Mo's tone suddenly became cheerful: "Did I say I can understand?"

Lin Jue was silent for a moment.

This feeling of being underwhelmed is indeed familiar.

"Ha, but it's not impossible. There's another thing on you."

"It's a long story, but you can trust this little thing. This is also part of your plan."

"Your strength is temporarily sealed, and I will soon fall into a deep sleep. I will only wake up when your strength gradually returns."

"The only thing that is not in your plan is the so-called Honkai intervention, but this may be a perfect opportunity. I have already learned about that world, and it will be helpful to your final plan."

"Okay, I have to go to bed. You have to work harder, kid. I want to come out and play early~"

"Come on."

After Master Mo finished speaking, Lin Jueneng felt that his brain suddenly felt much more relaxed.

"My plan?"

He lost his memory, but Lin Jue didn't panic. He knew that he would not easily put himself in a dangerous situation, not to mention that this was his plan.

"Although I don't know what's going on, this is getting more and more interesting." Lin Jue showed a strange smile.

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