Before he finished speaking, a white and tender little foot flew over!

Qin Tianjiao grabbed her ankle and pulled her hard, giving her a princess hug.

Liuyun was held in Qin Tianjiao's arms, with his big eyes wide open, and his whole face turned red quickly visible to the naked eye...


Liu Yun wanted to say something harsh, but before she could finish speaking, Qin Tianjiao let go and threw her out...

Liuyun has grown up so big, and he has never experienced such unwelcome treatment!

Which elder wouldn't praise her for how beautiful she is when they see her? How come she is so unwelcome to Qin Tianjiao?

"Sister Lingyun, sister Qingyun, are you going down the mountain too?" Qin Tianjiao ran over with a smile, wanting to give the two sisters a loving kiss...

The two of them didn't give him a good look either. The Shushan Sword Sect's Treasure Refining Pavilion was stolen, and they were 100% sure that the suspect was Qin Tianjiao!

This bastard is doing whatever he wants now that he has their leverage.

"Qin Tianjiao, please tell me honestly, did you do it? Do you know how much damage this has caused to our Shushan Sword Sect?" Lingyun said sadly, stamping his long legs.

"That's right, you are so rich and yet you steal things from our Shushan sect! You pay!" Qingyun said while holding her big E.

"Something's wrong... There's something wrong with them!" Qin Tianjiao looked at these two people, but they didn't look like they were looking for him to settle a score, but rather they looked like they were looking for him to intubate.

"Yes! It's definitely you. The spirit sword we lost in the Treasure Refining Pavilion this time is worth 10 million Spirit Stones at least! As long as you give us a little bit, we will keep this secret for you!"

Liu Yun hugged his little arms and raised his little head, as if he was convinced about Qin Tianjiao.


Xing'er looked confused. What was going on? Why did the master seem to be very familiar with the female disciple from Shushan?

Could it be that Master has been seduced by a female disciple of Shushan Sword Sect?

"I meant my heart to be illuminated by the moon, but the moon illuminated the ditch. Hey, since the three of you don't trust me so much, there's nothing to say." Qin Tianjiao took out three image stones and played with them in his hands.

The three girls looked at her little silver teeth and gritted their teeth. Why is Qin Tianjiao so incomprehensible about amorous feelings? A beautiful lady came to your door and gave you a chance to show off, but you turned a blind eye!


Liu Yun rolled his big eyes and rushed over quickly!

As long as the image stone is captured, Qin Tianjiao will no longer have any leverage over them!

"Haha! Qin Tianjiao, I got it! Let's see what else you threaten us with!"

Liu Yun's face was red with excitement. He had been very depressed for a while, and Qin Tianjiao threatened them with this at every turn.

Lingyun and Qingyun frowned, feeling something was wrong. They snatched it back so easily?

"What a quick move! Sister Liuyun is indeed the proud daughter of the Shushan Sword Sect!" Qin Tianjiao said with a look of regret.


Liuyun opened the image stone, and the picture was immediately displayed, but it was not what she wanted. . .

Liu Yun in the picture looked around, quickly got into the grass, looked around again, lifted up her skirt, quickly pulled it down with her hands, and squatted down. . .

Ah this,,,,

Everyone present was shocked!

ah! ! ! ! ! !

Qin Tianjiao, I'm going to kill you! ! ! !

Liu Yun's little face had turned the color of pig liver. He let out a scream, trampled the image stone to pieces, pulled out his long sword and stabbed Qin Tianjiao!

Her little head was buzzing, Qin Tianjiao, a big pervert, dared to spy on her. . .

Qin Tianjiao was also confused, what's going on! These three are blank image stones!

Qin Tianjiao said that he really didn’t do it!

At this time, the little mountain god who came to see him off shrank his body, his little eyes evasive. . . Isn't it just a peeing video? Are these ugly women peeing and not allowed to watch it? This mountain god even performed a handstand peeing show for you!

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snort! How stingy!

Others, including Xing'er, looked at Qin Tianjiao with bad eyes. I didn't expect you to be such a master!

Qin Tianjiao is like mud falling into his crotch. If it’s not shit, it’s shit.

"It's a misunderstanding! It really wasn't me. I don't think it's necessary to go to such trouble!"

Sisters! Go together! Kill this stinky rascal!

grass! Don't bully others too much! I will fight back! Who can step on a horse and take off my pants? Women, you are playing with fire, you know?

boom! ! !

The flames soaring into the sky burned half of the ruined villa into red!

Xiao Yi turned into a streak of blood and flew into the distance. About three to five minutes after he left, a group of monks in black robes came here, looking at the soaring fire with gloomy expressions.

"Saint Child, there is no one left alive, all the essence and blood of the deceased have been lost. The head of the Three Immortals Sect has the cultivation level of Life and Death Realm Late Stage, and three of the elders in the sect have reached the cultivation level of Life and Death Realm. This blood demon is short My cultivation has improved so quickly in such a short period of time..."

The young man who was called Saint Child's face was as dark as water, and the desire for blood nerves in his heart became even stronger!

A month ago, this blood demon was only attacking a small sect with the highest level of sainthood. In one month, it was able to completely wipe out a sect with several Life and Death Realms.

The progress of their cultivation realm is much faster than their Heavenly Demon Sutra!

This person is none other than Zhao Li, the adopted son of Heavenly Demon Saint Child, one of the nine major sects, and the Lord of Heavenly Demon Temple!

Zhao Li is only in his fifties this year, but he is already a top expert on the seventh floor of the Unfettered Realm. He was originally the best candidate for the next generation leader of Heavenly Demon Temple. However, eighteen years ago, the leader of Heavenly Demon Temple and his wife unexpectedly made a mistake. A daughter came out, Zhao Linger!

Zhao Ling'er inherited the beauty of the leader's wife, the leader's cultivation talent, and the foundation of the Heavenly Demon Temple. At the age of eighteen, she had already broken through the Life and Death Realm, and her cultivation speed was much faster than that of Zhao Li.

This puts Zhao Li in an embarrassing situation. According to the longevity of Dahuang practitioners, the old leader can live for at least a hundred years, but with Zhao Ling'er's cultivation speed, this time is enough! At that time, Zhao Ling'er was already full-fledged, and there would be no suspense about inheriting the position of leader.

If Zhao Li wants to become the leader, he must kill Zhao Ling'er or kill the leader before she grows up! The leader’s wife’s cultivation level is not very high, so there is nothing to worry about!

Originally, he had hoped to marry Zhao Ling'er, so that even if Zhao Ling'er became the leader, he could slowly plot his plans. However, Zhao Ling'er disliked his ugly appearance and not only rejected his confession, but also called him a toad who wanted to eat swan meat!

But one thing is not to blame, Zhao Ling'er can't be blamed for her appearance. She inherited the appearance of the leader's wife, and with her background in the Demon Cult, she can be described as a charming person.

As for Zhao Li, he was tall and majestic, but his face was majestic, but one look at his face instantly turned him off. He had triangular eyes, a swollen nose and a toad-like mouth, and there were dense red pimples on his face. . .

In order to hide his appearance and the image of Saint Child, he usually wears a ghost face mask!

Although he was self-aware, he was still stung by Zhao Ling'er's words!

Toad wants to eat? I really have a crush on you! And that coquettish leader’s wife who never looked at him seriously!

He has been waiting for such an opportunity, and now the opportunity has come!

The appearance of blood nerves gave him hope, a hope for rapid growth in cultivation!

As long as his cultivation reaches the stage of oblivion, he will have the confidence to kill the old and frail leader!

"Keep chasing! Before practicing the Blood Demon Sutra before the Great Accomplishment, his blood energy can no longer be concealed!"

"Yes! Lord Saint Child!"

The subordinates brought by Zhao Li are all above the Life and Death Realm. As long as they catch the blood demon, he will definitely make him hateful on the spot!

Swish swish swish~

Several people turned into black streams of light and chased in the direction of Xiao Yi's escape.

Just after a few people left, a small blood snake emerged from the ruins and followed Zhao Li and others. . .

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