
Qin Tianjiao felt that her clothes were already soaked, this woman who had endured the pain of losing her son for three years could no longer control her emotions.

"Cry... it's okay to cry..."

"I... I'm so sad... sniff..."

She never thought Xiao Yi would choose to jump off the cliff, even though he had a bright future ahead. Why did he choose such an extreme way to end his life?

The more she couldn't understand, the more painful it was. If it weren't for Xing'er and her mother accompanying her, she would have collapsed long ago.

She leaned against Qin Tianjiao's chest, the little boy from back then had grown into a tall man.

"I'm sorry... I lost control of my emotions..." Mrs. Xiao said somewhat embarrassed.

But after a good cry, she felt somewhat relieved.

"Why be polite with me, come inside, tell me what's going on."

Qin Tianjiao led Mrs. Xiao into the courtyard and closed the door.

Not far from the courtyard, in a dark corner, a drop of blood quietly seeped into the ground.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for changing the Son of Fortune destiny, Xiao Yi's ordinary Son of Fortune has been upgraded to an epic-level Son of Fortune, rewarded with 500,000 villain points.]

"Huh? Xiao Yi didn't die, he leveled up?"

After hearing the system's prompt, Qin Tianjiao paused, catching Mrs. Xiao's attention.

"Tianjiao, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I suddenly remembered back in Cloud State, you all lived in a small courtyard, time flies so fast." Qin Tianjiao changed the subject.

"Yes... if back then..."

"Sister Xiao, it's not your fault, it's not anyone's fault, you don't need to blame yourself, you know?" Qin Tianjiao interrupted Mrs. Xiao.

"Okay... that's fate... let's not dwell on it, come inside quickly, I have something to discuss with you..." Mrs. Xiao lowered her head and walked into the house.

"Tianjiao... I want... I want to go back to Cloud State..." Mrs. Xiao said with her head down after entering the house.

After Xiao Yi's death, she had this idea. She was just an ordinary woman who came to Jade Lake for her son's future and became a cultivator.

Becoming a cultivator was just an extra gain for her. She had once felt happy, especially when her son rose from an outer disciple to the top among the inner disciples.

She also developed another kind of feeling for Qin Tianjiao...

She thought she was favored by the heavens, but with her son's death... everything vanished... Qin Tianjiao was like the sun in the sky, they were not meant to be together, those laughs seemed like unreal dreams...

Whenever she heard the inner disciples of Jade Lake discussing Qin Tianjiao, the admiration and confessions only added to her sense of inferiority...

She was a woman past her prime...

But what she didn't know was!

Qin Tianjiao was into her!

And she underestimated her own charm with that figure that even caught the attention of the Lord of Jade Lake...

Perhaps everyone in Jade Lake knew she was Qin Tianjiao's forbidden fruit?

Now she wanted to leave Jade Lake and return to the small courtyard in Cloud State, just as a dream.

"Sister Xiao... are you leaving me?" Qin Tianjiao grabbed Mrs. Xiao's hand, holding it in his palm.

"I... I... I'm not worthy of you... I'm a woman past her prime..."

Mrs. Xiao felt a pang of sadness saying this, her heart ached, but she didn't want to escape anymore, nor did she want to hear Qin Tianjiao tell her to leave one day, she wouldn't have the courage to live on...

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"Hehe... Sister Xiao, whether you're worthy of me or not, it's not for you to decide, but for me." Qin Tianjiao lifted her chin, his eyes sharp and daring as he stared into Mrs. Xiao's eyes.

Just like years ago, Mrs. Xiao's eyes kept avoiding Qin Tianjiao's gaze, like a pitiful little animal caught by a hunter...


As his handsome face drew closer in her sight, her breath became more rapid...

After a while...

Qin Tianjiao used his actions and dominance to tell this woman that she couldn't escape from his grasp!

That night, the red candles burned out.

That night, the melody was melodious.

That night, the waves crashed.

The next morning.

Mrs. Xiao woke up slowly, memories of last night flooding her mind, feeling ashamed to face anyone...

How could she be so weak... to be treated like that by that scoundrel...


She moved slightly, a sharp pain making her gasp.

Looking at the person sleeping next to her with a smile on his face...

How could there be such a person... so bad when doing bad things, yet somewhat cute when not...

This was fate... she was now his, living for him, dying for him, from now on, living only for him...

"Aunt Xiao, are you home?"

Just then, Xing'er's voice came from outside, startling Mrs. Xiao!

She couldn't bear to be seen in her current state by Xing'er!

"Tianjiao... Tianjiao! Wake up quickly... Xing'er is here..." Mrs. Xiao pushed the still-sleeping Qin Tianjiao.

"Ah... these people! Can't I just sleep peacefully..." Qin Tianjiao also had his morning grumpiness!

Especially seeing Mrs. Xiao now, he was quite annoyed!

"Huh? Are you crazy! I said Xing'er is here!"

"If she didn't come in, you could have stayed quiet..."

"Aunt Xiao, am I not coming in?" Xing'er called a few times with no response. Following her mother's instructions, she and her mother visited Mrs. Xiao every day.

"Please! Otherwise, I won't be able to face anyone!" Mrs. Xiao was on the verge of tears.

"Ah... this troublemaker! Ruining my good time early in the morning!" Qin Tianjiao got up and started getting dressed.

Mrs. Xiao also endured the pain and quickly began to tidy up.

Xing'er entered the courtyard, looked around, nothing seemed out of the ordinary, she stepped inside, but before entering, she saw her master coming out from inside!

"Master? When did you come back? How did you come out of Aunt Xiao's room?" Xing'er looked puzzled.

"So many questions? During my absence, did you practice well? How much strength have you gained? How many levels have you reached in the Western Emperor's Scripture?" Qin Tianjiao asked sternly.

A series of questions made Xing'er's face turn pale, like a student caught not doing homework during summer break...

What's even scarier is that her master is not human!

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for triggering the epic-level Luck of the Female memory of painful memories, rewarded with 80,000 villain points.]

"Master... I'll go practice now!" Xing'er tried to run, but before she could, a large hand grabbed the back of her collar!

With a sinister voice from behind: "Master will check your homework first!"

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully activating the epic-level Luck of the Female's inner terrifying psychological shadow, rewarded with 200,000 villain points.]

"Master! Spare me! I have a seventy-year-old mother to take care of!! I'm still a child!!!"

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