The Undercover Villain Transmigrates, The Female Protagonists Are Worried

Chapter 58 Seventy-Two Changes Take Over The World!

Congratulations, the host has obtained a Mythical Level treasure map.

"A treasure map?"

Qin Tianjiao opened the Divine Level chest rewarded by Princess Zhenyalongji, only to find a treasure map!

The treasure map is an ancient relic in the host's world, possibly left behind by some ancient power or heritage, with an unspecified quantity and quality of treasures. However, a Mythical Level treasure map guarantees that the treasure seeker's minimum realm is the Concealed God Realm.

"A lottery in the Concealed God Realm?"

Qin Tianjiao had a feeling of being tricked. Was it easy to press Princess Zhenyalongji? He was beaten for a whole hour! And now he gets a lottery ticket!

What if that powerful hidden expert had a morbid sense of humor and left a hair inside? Wouldn't that be a wasted trip?

Instances of great luck are automatically ignored by villains; having no hope means no disappointment!

Qin Tianjiao carefully kept the treasure map. His master was in seclusion, and he had nothing to do anyway. He could go take a look. It had been sixteen years since he arrived in the wilderness, and the farthest place he had been to was the Jade Lake Sacred Land. The only other place was a visit to Azure State three years ago.

Oh! Three years ago, he had asked Ningyan to open an auction house in Cloud State. He had almost forgotten about it. He should go inspect it tomorrow... failing to do so would result in punishment!

After Princess Zhenyalongji returned, she soaked herself in the bathtub. Her fair skin seemed to turn pink. She was both angry at Qin Tianjiao's behavior as a disciple and at her own weakness!

After the anger came a bit of reminiscence...

Bah! Shameless! Princess Zhenyalongji secretly despised herself, dunked her head in the tub for a long time trying to sober up, but why did it feel even less effective?

If it weren't for the Empress dragging Qin Tianjiao away to beat him up, Qin Tianjiao would have turned into a little fly and told her, "Is your brain working properly when it's filled with water?"

Huh? Wait!

A light bulb went off in Princess Zhenyalongji's mind. The martial arts Qin Tianjiao used today were identical to that dead mosquito from that day!

She also remembered that Qin Tianjiao had left early during their sparring session, and with his status, he could definitely know which room she was assigned to!

Thinking back to Qin Tianjiao's shameless behavior during their sparring and how it perfectly matched that dead mosquito!

Who is Chu Liuxiang? She had people investigate, and there was no such person!

Chu Liuxiang was Qin Tianjiao!

Ah!!! Qin Tianjiao, I will kill you!

Thinking of the day when Qin Tianjiao saw her naked and today when he pinned her down, she felt... she must make Qin Tianjiao take responsibility!

Congratulations, the host has angered the epic-level luck goddess to the point of wanting to bite you to death, rewarding 10,000 points of villainy.

Tsk tsk...


Qin Tianjiao turned over, the movement causing pain from his injuries, making him grimace.

Qin Tianjiao opened his eyes and saw that the Empress was already asleep. He quietly sat up, put on his clothes...

"Where are you going?"

"To the bathroom..."


The negotiations between the Barbarian Dynasty's envoy and the Great Xia Dynasty were going very poorly. The Great Xia Dynasty insisted that the Barbarian Dynasty must acknowledge defeat and sign a treaty.

This was unacceptable to the Dragon Emperor, and Princess Zhenyalongji dared not agree, leading to a deadlock.

Qin Tianjiao was delighted by this situation, finding various ways to accumulate villainy points on Princess Zhenyalongji.

After a month of wrangling, the two sides finally reached an agreement. The Great Xia army and the Barbarian Dynasty signed a non-aggression treaty, with the Barbarian tribe nominally returning the thirteen provinces of Yan Yun to the Great Xia and compensating with ten billion Spirit Stones and a million monsters of various kinds...

Before leaving, Princess Zhenyalongji gave Qin Tianjiao a sachet, expressing a clear message. Although Qin Tianjiao had constantly irritated her, the feelings of a young girl towards the first boy who made her happy were special.

"Wait for me, I will come to marry you wearing the Golden Armor Sacred Robe and riding a colorful auspicious cloud!" Qin Tianjiao's scoundrel words flowed out, leaving Princess Zhenyalongji blushing.

After Princess Zhenyalongji left, Qin Tianjiao also prepared to leave. The auction house was doing well, but there were some aspects that Qin Tianjiao was not satisfied with. For this, he punished Ningyan for a day. He personally guided her thoughts and directed the future development of the auction house.

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And had her secretly collect artifacts from ancient times, especially cauldrons and towers!

"You want to go on a journey?" the Empress raised her voice in question.

"Yes, I can't always live under your protection. How can I see a rainbow without experiencing storms? How can I grow without the baptism of strong winds and rain? Without..."

"Enough! Do you know how many spies are in Cloud State City every day trying to gather information about you? What's the difference between you going out on your own and seeking death?"

"I am prepared, godmother. Do you think I am the kind of person who seeks death?" Qin Tianjiao smiled.


Qin Tianjiao instantly transformed into a young, handsome little monk, even his aura changed!


Qin Tianjiao turned into an old man.


Qin Tianjiao turned into another Empress!

"How is it?" Qin Tianjiao spoke in the Empress's voice, leaving her amazed.

"What kind of transformation technique is this? Where did you learn it?" she asked.

"What transformation technique? I don't know. I realized it myself on a dark and stormy night... Oh! Why are you attacking again? Didn't we agree not to fight for a year as an apology?" Qin Tianjiao complained.

"Sorry... I couldn't help it..." the Empress reluctantly admitted.

"With such a divine technique, you are much safer. Do you want me to cover for you? Create an illusion that you have always been with me?" the Empress suggested.

"Godmother is as wise as a god! That's exactly my intention! As long as they think I've always been with you, when I transform and go out, no one will know. I'll travel for a while and quietly return to Jade Lake." Qin Tianjiao praised.

"Take this, it can withstand three attacks from the Self-Liberation Realm." The Empress handed over a small golden vest... holding it, one could still smell a familiar fragrance.

"Thank you, godmother. I'm off!" Qin Tianjiao took the vest and tried to slip away...

Staying by godmother's side was really too much pressure...

"Stop! Why do I feel like you're in such a hurry?" the Empress squinted.

"Me? How could it be! I'm not afraid of staying too long and not wanting to leave. A man's tears should not be shed lightly. It would be embarrassing to cry too much..." Qin Tianjiao laughed.

"Hehe... I don't believe you! There are five million Spirit Stones in this ring, as well as healing Holy Medicine. Be safe." The Empress said somewhat reluctantly.

"Don't worry, I'll leave it to godmother to take care of my mother..."

"Wait! Hold out your hand." The Empress said.

Qin Tianjiao extended his hand in confusion, feeling a sharp pain, and a small red dot burrowed into his flesh!

Damn! No way!

Qin Tianjiao instantly had a bad feeling!

Indeed, the Empress also placed one on her own hand, revealing it to be a very small bug!

"This is Heart Connection, a rare kind of insect. Male and female, as long as you call with your heart, you can get a response from the other, achieving mental communication. With this, I can locate your position. If you're in danger, call me, and no matter where, even in the face of danger, godmother will come to save you. Go on!" The Empress explained.

Qin Tianjiao's emotions were complex, and the slight doubt that had arisen earlier vanished... Ah! The difficulty of repaying a woman's kindness!


Qin Tianjiao turned into a butterfly that landed on the Empress's face, then fluttered its wings and flew away.

The Empress touched her slightly itchy face, gazing in the direction Qin Tianjiao flew, feeling somewhat lost, realizing that Qin Tianjiao would continue to soar farther and farther away from her...

Following the treasure map, Qin Tianjiao had already located the treasure site. It was not in the heartland of the Great Xia Dynasty but in a remote border town at the junction of the Great Xia and Sun-Moon Dynasties, in the southwest of the Great Xia!

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