Xiao Yi believes that his encounter with Sister Yao'er is the best arrangement from heaven.

Despite their significant age difference, her having a daughter and a mysterious, unknown man, he doesn't care!

Love at first sight is so unreasonable; he irreversibly fell in love with this woman.

For three years, Sister Yao'er wholeheartedly taught him cultivation, and during these three years, Xiao Yi's encounters were continuous, and his previously average aptitude seemed to have improved significantly. Xiao Yi has become one of the top geniuses in the inner sect.

In a few months, it will be the day when the elders of the sect select disciples. As long as he is chosen by the elders to become a direct disciple, he will have the qualification to confess to Sister Yao'er!

"Xiao Yi gege~"

Xing'er flew over from a distance on a colorful cloud and greeted Xiao Yi, who was on duty.

Xiao Yi looked at the colorful cloud under Xing'er's feet with some envy. It was a top-notch Spirit Weapon, quite valuable, something he couldn't afford even with his savings for so many years...

Thinking of this, Xiao Yi's aversion towards Qin Tianjiao deepened. After so many years in the Jade Lake Sacred Land, he had tried countless times to convince himself that Qin Tianjiao had been kind to him, even if he became Qin Tianjiao's follower, it wouldn't matter.

But the more he thought this way, the deeper his aversion towards Qin Tianjiao became, turning into a mental demon. Eventually, he decided to be true to his feelings. Aversion is aversion. Surprisingly, his cultivation speed increased after coming to terms with it.

While Sister Yao'er was being punished in the outer sect, doing dirty and tiring work, all because of Qin Tianjiao using his status as the Saint Child to threaten to abolish Sister Yao'er's cultivation! What a despicable and shameless person!

Xiao Yi suppressed his emotions and showed a warm smile, saying, "Xing'er is here. Aren't you practicing today?"

"Yes, my master and grandmaster went out, so I have some time off. I can spend these days with my mom." Xing'er said happily.

"That's great. I'll prepare some delicious food after my shift. Let's have a good meal tonight!" Xiao Yi said.

"Don't spend money, Xiao Yi gege. My master rewarded me with a lot of Spirit Beast meat. Let's eat together tonight. It's delicious!" Xing'er said.

"I won't eat! A real man doesn't eat food given by others!" Xiao Yi's expression changed.

Xing'er was startled. She kindly offered him Spirit Beast meat, yet he got angry?

"Forget it! I'll go give some to mom and Aunt Xiao!" Xing'er, displeased, left on the colorful cloud towards her mother's residence.

"Xing'er! I..." Xiao Yi regretted his outburst. How could he get angry at Xing'er? She was Sister Yao'er's daughter. What if she told her mother I scolded her? Would Sister Yao'er blame me?

Xiao Yi spent the day in a state of anxiety, bought two pots of spirit wine after changing shifts, and hurried back. Before entering the house, he heard the laughter of three people inside, with Xing'er occasionally making them burst into laughter.

Standing outside the door, listening to the laughter and the topic of conversation inside, it was about Qin Tianjiao again!

In the vast Jade Lake, Qin Tianjiao was always the center of attention! Admired by outer sect disciples, admired by inner sect disciples. It was said that female disciples within the Sacred Land could save up for months just to buy a piece of Qin Tianjiao's portrait stone!

Direct disciples even spent thousands of Spirit Stones to buy a pair of Qin Tianjiao's undergarments! And they didn't wash them!

And him? Compared to Qin Tianjiao, he was like a firefly compared to the bright moon. Besides himself, no one dared to compare them! Even his mother blushed when talking about Qin Tianjiao! He wasn't young anymore, nor was he foolish. How could he not see it?

Gritting his teeth, Xiao Yi hesitated for a moment, picked up the wine and turned to leave. They seemed like a family, and he felt like the extra one.

Carrying the wine, he arrived at a cliff he often visited, his secret base. Whenever he felt down, he would sit here alone, drowning his sorrows in wine.


The wine jar opened, and he poured it into his mouth. The fiery liquor couldn't extinguish the flames in his heart. Sometimes he felt like a small insect caught in a spider's web, as if there were threads binding him tightly, no matter how he struggled, he couldn't break free from this web!

And Qin Tianjiao was the big spider spinning the web!


The wine jar smashed on the rock, shattering into pieces. Xiao Yi looked at the broken jar, as if seeing his own future!

"Hehe~ Qin Tianjiao, no matter what your intentions are, I... I won't let you succeed! Hahaha!!!"

Staggering to his feet, Xiao Yi opened his arms and closed his eyes.

He leaped! Before him was a bottomless abyss, and he had no regrets, only to win against you once!

Xiao Yi jumped off the cliff!

Qin Tianjiao and the Jade Lake Sacred Master were on the road. Qin Tianjiao had a new carriage, which he named "Floating Pavilion"!

Yes, it was a pavilion, with a vast interior space, including a tea room, bedroom, and everything else, all replicated one-to-one according to the layout of the Jade Lake main peak's thatched house!

The Jade Lake Sacred Master personally added many formations to make this Floating Pavilion fly fast and steady, enhancing its defensive capabilities.

The only downside was the waste of Spirit Stones, but for Qin Tianjiao, it was not a problem!

"Be gentle~ Do you know how much strength you're using!"

"Oh, I'm already being gentle. Bear with it a bit more; I'll be done soon!"

"Hurry up! It's so sore!"

Qin Tianjiao massaged the Jade Lake Sacred Master's shoulders. He didn't know that the big shots in the Concealed God Realm could still have a stiff neck? But since the master had ordered, he had to comply, so he helped her massage.

Before he could exert any force, the Jade Lake Sacred Master found it painful and asked him to be gentler. She was indeed a difficult person to serve!

Aunt Xiao and Sister Papaya had never complained about his strength being too much. Every time, they found his massages very comfortable...

"Alright, clumsy hands!" The Jade Lake Sacred Master grumbled, then shook her neck and said, "Great Xia Dynasty is not safe now. When you go back, don't wander around. Let me know wherever you go, understand?"

"I understand... With my godmother's presence in the Great Xia Dynasty and the dragon's aura blessing her, she can reach the Concealed God Realm. Besides the two Sacred Masters and Qingfeng Lao Dao, who would dare to act recklessly?" Qin Tianjiao said in confusion.

"Hmph! How many years have you been around? The Great Wilderness is full of strange and extraordinary things. Some may seem to have a low realm, but they have countless tricks up their sleeves. If you were in the Unfettered Realm, it would be fine, but a Transcendent peak weakling could kill you! Can your godmother accompany you all the time? You might be ambushed while going to the bathroom!" The Jade Lake Sacred Master said coldly.

"Is it that serious?" Qin Tianjiao felt uncertain after the Jade Lake Sacred Master's words. Upon careful consideration, it seemed to be true. Even though he was dominant among his peers, there were plenty of old and cunning individuals in the Great Wilderness!

"Master, why don't you rest a bit? I'll go wherever you go. How about that?" Qin Tianjiao held the Jade Lake Sacred Master's hand.

"Hmph! Am I, the dignified Jade Lake Sacred Master, supposed to be your bodyguard? How shameless can you be?" The Jade Lake Sacred Master mocked.

But, but am I not your beloved little treasure?


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