The Undercover Villain Transmigrates, The Female Protagonists Are Worried

Chapter 4 Oh My God! Mom Really Can’T Eat Anymore!

“Hmm... Wonderful... Hero, Gu Luoyi is pregnant! You are going to be a father!” an elderly lady with white hair smiled.

“Really! Gu Luoyi is pregnant!... I was wrong!”

Qin Yingxiong was initially overjoyed, but then fell into great panic.

He lay on Gu Luoyi, crying bitterly, leaving the old lady dumbfounded by his tears and snot!

“Hero, why is this happening?”

“Eight Ancestor... I... I'm sorry to Gu Luoyi... I have promised Lord Changping to marry his daughter...”

“You... sigh... Although Lord Changping is just a marquis, he is naturally talented and now a military commander. Our families have served the same dynasty for generations. Since you have already promised, you cannot go back on your word. You should leave first, I will talk to Gu Luoyi. I hope she can forgive you for my sake, an old lady!”

“Thank you, Eight Ancestor...”

Gu Luoyi woke up slowly and saw Eight Ancestor looking at her kindly.

“Eight Ancestor... Why are you here?”

“Gu Luoyi, quickly drink this bowl of Spirit Medicine. You are already pregnant, you must not disturb the fetus, it will affect the child in your womb!”

“Huh? I'm pregnant??”

Gu Luoyi felt her mind filled with that dream, the little monkey somersaulting in his belly.

“Spirit Medicine?”

Qin Tianjiao in her belly looked at her panel... increasing the absorption intensity of the Nine Yin power.


Gu Luoyi felt something absorbing her Nine Yin power in her belly.

Before Qin Tianjiao gained the Power of the Dragon-Elephant, his absorption was too weak, and after gaining divine skills, he cared for his mother and controlled his strength well. So Gu Luoyi didn't feel much.

Now knowing she was pregnant, coupled with Qin Tianjiao increasing the absorption intensity, she suddenly felt it.

“It's a baby... knowing how to absorb energy at such a young age.” Gu Luoyi seemed to radiate maternal glow all over...

“I just checked your pulse, this child is not fully formed yet, but has already accomplished Basic Nine Yang! Truly gifted... in the future, he will surely become an outstanding talent!

From today on, we old folks will take care of this little one's Spirit Medicine!” Eight Ancestor said with a smile.

“Thank you, Eight Ancestor...”

Gu Luoyi felt a change in her baby's movements in her belly, no longer a continuous strong suction, now it was intermittent, as if sending her a signal?

What's going on?

“Hey! I'm illiterate! I don't even understand Morse code! Drink it quickly!” Qin Tianjiao in her belly was anxious! He wanted to know if his talent could grow through Spirit Medicine, which would determine his future path as a major villain!

“Drink the Spirit Medicine quickly, the effects will dissipate soon,” Eight Ancestor said.

At this moment, Gu Luoyi felt another change in her belly, the frequency of pauses in absorption increased!

Is he urging me to drink the Spirit Medicine? Such a filial child...

*Gulp gulp*

A priceless millennium Spirit Medicine was swallowed by Gu Luoyi.

After drinking the Spirit Medicine, it turned into pure energy, which Qin Tianjiao felt!

The tiny Lu Ming was like a giant whale swallowing and spitting out the pure energy he absorbed... leaving only a tiny bit...

Swallow again...

Spit out again...


Qin Tianjiao could feel himself changing as he absorbed and expelled the medicine, but the changes were minimal...

Seems like haste makes waste...

[Congratulations, host, Power of the Dragon-Elephant has reached the second level!]

[Congratulations, host, Power of the Dragon-Elephant has reached the third level!]

Under the influence of Spirit Medicine, Qin Tianjiao's Power of the Dragon-Elephant continued to strengthen!

Is being a foodie the way to go in the future?

Start with a pot, clear the entire wilderness!

After drinking the Spirit Medicine, Gu Luoyi's baby seemed calm, but soon started misbehaving again!

“Eight Ancestor... Can I have another bowl of this Spirit Medicine?” Gu Luoyi asked hesitantly.

“Of course! It's a blessing to be able to eat! Eat as much as you want! With the heritage of our Qin Family spanning thousands of years in the wilderness, are you afraid of running out of food? Wait a moment, I'll arrange it right away!”

Eight Ancestor was very pleased. Gu Luoyi did not experience any overflow of medicinal power after drinking the Spirit Medicine, indicating she could absorb it well!

Eating a lot and absorbing well would serve as the foundation for this child!

When he is born, another peerless genius from the Qin Family will emerge!

Moreover, Qin Tianjiao is the legitimate heir of the Qin Family! This means the Qin Family will have a successor in the future!

In no time, Eight Ancestor sent someone to bring Gu Luoyi three bowls of millennium Spirit Medicine juice...

Feeling the urgency in her belly, Gu Luoyi picked up a bowl and gulped it down in one go!

Three bowls in a row!


Gu Luoyi burped, a strong medicinal power burst out...

[Congratulations, host, Power of the Dragon-Elephant has reached the fourth level.]

[... ... ...]

After a series of sounds, Qin Tianjiao's Power of the Dragon-Elephant had reached the eighth level!

The power of eight elephants, that is 48 tons! It was terrifying. Qin Tianjiao dared not be too active now, fearing he might accidentally burst out of Gu Luoyi's belly.

As anyone who has been to elementary school knows, when a tadpole breaks the water's surface, it's time to pack a lunchbox.

Feeling the movements in her belly, Gu Luoyi hesitated, “Child, mother really can't drink anymore... Can you give me a break?”

Qin Tianjiao thought it made sense and stopped...

After that...

Gu Luoyi completely entered an eat, eat, eat mode!

Three bowls of Spirit Medicine each morning, noon, and night! Snacks were Spirit Medicine candied fruits! Spirit Medicine as meals!

After having the child, Gu Luoyi seemed to have forgotten about Qin Yingxiong, showing no interest in him.

The day after marrying Lord Changping's daughter, Qin Yingxiong led his troops to battle!

Half a month later...

[Host: Qin Tianjiao]

[Age: 0 years old]

[Talent: Divine Level (Power of the Dragon-Elephant)]

[Special Physique: Sponge Body, Nine Yin Body (Basic Accomplishment), Nine Yang Body (Basic Accomplishment)]

[Realm: None]

[Cultivation Method: None]

[Skills: None]

[Villain Points: 110,000 points.]

128 levels of Power of the Dragon-Elephant!

At this point, Qin Tianjiao wielded 768 tons of strength with a single move!

What does 768 tons mean? It could lift an aircraft carrier with one hand?

What? Am I bragging?

So what if I boast a bit about my 128 levels of Power of the Dragon-Elephant! I'll boast as much as I want and elevate it to the sky!

But he became more cautious and didn't dare to be too active, finding the life of an ovum really boring. He had to find something to do.

For example, merging the powers of Nine Yin and Nine Yang!

As a well-read intellectual, he had read about the fusion of Yin and Yang countless times.

But he couldn't figure out how to merge them. Only by calming his mind and recalling the profound sayings about Yin and Yang could he attempt to merge them.

“All things carry Yin yet embrace Yang, blending breath to achieve harmony. One Yin, one Yang, that is the Dao!”

A mysterious feeling gradually emerged, and Qin Tianjiao felt his consciousness leaving his current body, Gu Luoyi's belly, and flying towards the universe!

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