The Undercover Villain Transmigrates, The Female Protagonists Are Worried

Chapter 27 Max Out The Brother-In-Law And Draw A Lottery?


Qin Tianjiao and Princess Nanping strolled along a shady path, gradually entering deeper into the woods. After a while, the scenery suddenly opened up before them. They saw a pool of water like a clear mirror, nestled among the trees, with a few mandarin ducks playing on the surface.

A waterside pavilion stood elegantly by the water, surrounded by exotic flowers and plants blooming abundantly. Butterflies danced among the flowers, creating a breathtaking sight.

"Such a beautiful view! Taotao, you didn't bring me here last time," Qin Tianjiao chuckled.

"This is where I come to relax, not to entertain guests..."

As she spoke, she felt her words were too obvious and blushed.

"Oh? Then what am I to you, Taotao?"

Seeing Princess Nanping's shy expression, Qin Tianjiao wanted to tease her even more.

"You're a bad person!" Princess Nanping stomped her foot and walked quickly to a distant pavilion, leaving Qin Tianjiao shaking his head with a smile.

"If it were my senior sister, she would say, 'Of course, you belong to me!'"

As they sat down, Qin Tianjiao asked, "Why haven't I seen Xia Qi?"

"Qi'er is still studying. His mother entrusted him to me to temper his character. Otherwise, when he grows up, he might become a playboy instead of serving the country," Princess Nanping said.

"Studying should also balance work and rest. Why not call him over? Last time I felt he misunderstood me a bit. After all, I will be his brother-in-law in the future. We can't have him resenting me," Qin Tianjiao said.

"You... How shameless! I haven't married you yet, how can you say that?" Princess Nanping blushed.

"In the world, there are Guanju birds on the river islet. Graceful ladies and gentlemen make good partners. How can I not firmly hold someone like Taotao in my hands..."


As Qin Tianjiao held Princess Nanping's hand, she blushed as if wearing rouge. She could feel the warmth of Qin Tianjiao's palm, making her hand sweat. Yet, she didn't pull away...



"Are you feeling hot? Why are you sweating so much, your hand is all wet. Is Taotao made of water, that it flows out when I hold it?" Qin Tianjiao teased.

"You... I'm ignoring you..." Princess Nanping felt so embarrassed that she broke free from Qin Tianjiao's hand and turned to run, her heart pounding like a startled deer, feeling a bit dizzy.

"Sister! You actually came here to hide!"

As Princess Nanping tried to stand up, Qin Tianjiao held her back. With a slight pull, she fell onto Qin Tianjiao's lap.

Hearing his sister's voice, Xia Qi rushed into the garden and saw his sister sitting on that scoundrel's lap. His face immediately changed color.

[Congratulations, Host, for taking advantage of Son of Fortune's favorite sister, rewarding 10,000 villain points.]

"Oh? Is this kid a sister complex? Instead of striving for improvement at a young age, he's acting so despicably?" Qin Tianjiao's eyes turned cold. A sister-complex little nephew? Deserves to die!


Princess Nanping felt like sitting on a hot pan and jumped up suddenly...

"Scoundrel! Let go of my sister!"

Xia Qi, like a little lion, rushed towards Qin Tianjiao, swinging his fists towards Qin Tianjiao's face.

"Qi'er! Stop!"

Qin Tianjiao lifted Princess Nanping by the waist, soaring into the air. Princess Nanping reflexively held onto Qin Tianjiao's waist, and they floated like a fairy couple.

[Congratulations, Host, for making Son of Fortune fume with anger, rewarding 10,000 villain points.]

"Qin, if you're a man, come down and face me! I'll beat you to death!" Xia Qi shouted.

[Triggered task: Defeat Xia Qi three times in a row and make him acknowledge defeat. Reward: 100,000 villain points, one lottery draw.]

"I'm a few years older than you, and you're Taotao's brother. How about this, I'll suppress my cultivation and fight you with just physical strength. What if you lose?" Qin Tianjiao said.

"Suppress your cultivation? How arrogant! But you're asking for it, not my fault," Xia Qi thought, then said, "If I lose, I'll acknowledge you as my brother-in-law!"

"Joke! Why would I need your acknowledgment? Whether you acknowledge it or not, I've already decided. If you lose, you must greet me loudly in the future: Greetings from the great brother-in-law Tianjiao, from the ignorant Xia Qi. Dare to accept?" Qin Tianjiao said.

Xia Qi's face darkened at the lines! Were those even human words? But...

"If you lose, you must say when you see me: Greetings from the invincible Xia Qi, from the despicable idiot Qin Tianjiao!" Xia Qi said.

"No problem!"

"Tianjiao, be careful, Qi'er may be young, but he's already at the Qi Gathering Realm," Princess Nanping said worriedly.

"No worries, a tree needs pruning to grow straight, and a person needs guidance to be upright. Let me step into the role of a brother-in-law early," Qin Tianjiao said, setting Princess Nanping down.

"Come, let me show you that there are always people beyond Daoists and realms."

Xia Qi, under the guidance of the Shu Mountain Sword Faction elder Wu Dao Child, had exceptional sword skills. The Shu Mountain swordsmanship was known for its killing power, and challenging Xia Qi was not a reckless move!


Xia Qi suddenly held a short sword, its cold light gleaming like flowing water.

With a swift motion, Xia Qi's sword emitted a chilling sword aura! A swordsman at the Qi Gathering Realm could already unleash a sword aura to harm.

Qin Tianjiao flicked his finger, and with a crisp sound, the sword aura shattered...

Xia Qi froze for a moment as he flew forward!

Was this a trick?

But he indeed didn't sense any spiritual power fluctuations from Qin Tianjiao, meaning he shattered his sword aura with just physical strength?


Xia Qi's short sword stabbed Qin Tianjiao's chest, feeling like hitting a piece of iron. With a flick, Qin Tianjiao shattered Xia Qi's sword into pieces!

Then, he grabbed Xia Qi like a little chick!

No matter how Xia Qi struggled, he couldn't break free from Qin Tianjiao's iron-like grip.


Qin Tianjiao's fist struck Xia Qi's abdomen, sending him flying and landing like a shrimp out of water, feeling his stomach churning and vomiting...

"Looks like the Shu Mountain Sword Faction isn't that great. Either they didn't teach you the real skills, or you're just dim-witted? I'll give you three chances, two left!" Qin Tianjiao said.


"Is that all? I only used one hand. I'll use just one finger next, last chance!"


Xia Qi flew out like a kite with a broken string. Qin Tianjiao's finger felt like it could pierce a fierce dragon! He was no ordinary person!

"Do you yield?"

"I don't!"

"Thud! Thud! Thud!"

Xia Qi was like a ping-pong ball on a table!

"I yield!"

"Scoundrel, if you have the guts, kill me!"

"Sob, sob, sob~ Sister! Save me!"

"You bully a child..."

"I yield... Please stop..."

"Greetings, great brother-in-law Tianjiao, from the ignorant Xia Qi... Please stop..."

[Congratulations, Host, for completing the task, rewarding 10,000 villain points, one lottery draw.]

[Congratulations, Host, for instilling a shadow in Son of Fortune's heart, rewarding 5,000 villain points.]


Xia Qi had turned into a swollen, shiny little pig.

Qin Tianjiao: "Taotao, I might have been a bit heavy-handed..."

Princess Nanping: "It's okay, a tree needs pruning to grow straight, and a person needs guidance to be upright. He needs a good lesson!"

"Alright! Leave this heavy responsibility to me! I'll be back tomorrow!"

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