The Undercover Villain Transmigrates, The Female Protagonists Are Worried

Chapter 25 Son, Don’T Sleep With Your Godmother Again!

Qin Tianjiao beat that second-generation ancestor to death and went to sleep as soon as he returned, only waking up the next day at noon when the imperial decree from the Empress was delivered to the Qin Family. Only then did the people of the Qin Family realize that something not insignificant had happened last night.

Apart from Gu Luoyi giving Qin Tianjiao a beating, others didn't think it was a big deal. Wasn't it just the useless son of a waste princess? Beating him to death was just that. What else could be done...

"She did this on purpose! She even restricted you for a month. I waited for you to come back to spend a few days with me, and she immediately wants to occupy a month of your time! I'm not going!" Gu Luoyi was very angry. Xia Lingxiao, relying on being the Empress now, was really bullying people!

"Mother, if I don't go, it's defying the decree. After all, I made a mistake. I'll go to apologize to godmother and be back in two days, okay?" Qin Tianjiao said.

"Then two days, go and come back quickly!"


"Wait! Why do you look so happy? Does staying with me at home make you so miserable?" Gu Luoyi said discontentedly.

"No, if that's the case, then I won't go. I'll just stay at home with you." Qin Tianjiao also acted stubbornly and lay directly on the bed.

"Hmph, how was the Princess of Nanping at the poetry gathering yesterday? Are you satisfied?" Gu Luoyi walked over and sat on the edge of the bed, asking.

"Well, she looks pretty good, and she speaks decently. It's her." Qin Tianjiao said.

For someone of his status, marrying a wife was very important for the family. Matching backgrounds were the most basic requirement. Stories of princes and commoners were nonsense. Were there no beautiful women among the noble ladies?

Most importantly, the dowry of the Princess of Nanping was excellent. That little brother-in-law was a Son of Fortune!

"Well, as long as you're satisfied, I'll arrange it for you. We'll have the engagement when you're fifteen, and the wedding at eighteen." Gu Luoyi nodded.

The Princess of Nanping was personally selected by her from suitable young ladies in Great Xia. If her son was satisfied, she was also very pleased.

"Huh? Why do I feel like you're in a hurry for my marriage?" Qin Tianjiao asked.

"Can I not be in a hurry? You're already thirteen! Xia Lingxiao even let you stay in the palace. In a few more years, I'm afraid..." Gu Luoyi didn't finish her sentence. She was afraid of the relationship between the Empress and Qin Tianjiao deteriorating! If that happened, it would be a joke for the entire Great Xia!

Her perfect son, how could he be tainted? It was better to marry early and have children!

"Are you done? You only said half of it. Why are you becoming like godmother, not finishing your sentences? I'm going to sleep." Gu Luoyi slapped Qin Tianjiao's buttocks and said, "What are you sleeping for? Hurry up and go to the palace. The sooner you go, the sooner you'll be back. When you return, I'll invite Princess Zhao for dinner, and you'll join us."

"Shall I go then? But you're not allowed to sulk on your own."

"Get going! You'll sleep alone tonight! Got it?"

Qin Tianjiao smiled and rode his horse straight to the palace.

Sleep alone... He had never slept alone in his life!

At this time, various taverns and teahouses in Cloud State were discussing the events of last night.

There were various versions, including versions of heroism, hero saving beauty, and righteousness for the people. However, they all had one common point: they portrayed Qin Tianjiao as a very bright figure, while the deceased Wei Zhongxian was known for his evil deeds and deserved the retribution as a villain.

In a moment, Qin Tianjiao's heroic image was established among the people of Cloud State City.

And those big shots, one after another, warned their children not to provoke this bastard, or they would die in vain! The power behind Qin Tianjiao was too great! They could turn black into white!

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Xu Xuan was humiliated by Qin Tianjiao yesterday, so he went home and favored two concubines, venting his anger on five servants before he could calm down. He was also secretly thinking about how to save face in front of Qin Tianjiao.

Early this morning, he heard that Wei Zhongxian had been beaten to death by Qin Tianjiao!

This news scared him pale, feeling his legs go weak and his back starting to ache... His eyes rolled back, and he fainted!

Qin Tianjiao entered the palace and saw Murong Wan'er, saying with a smile, "Sister Wan'er, you're still so young and beautiful, just like five years ago, unchanged."

"Your sweet mouth is still the same as when you were a child, as if coated with honey!" Murong Wan'er looked at Qin Tianjiao, who was almost as tall as her now, feeling a thousand emotions.

When they were young, she used to welcome Qin Tianjiao into the palace. He was so small back then, and now he had grown so much. Time flies, and time waits for no one!

"The Empress is inside, go in quickly. I've been waiting for you all morning." Murong Wan'er said, walking past Qin Tianjiao and inexplicably kissing him on the cheek.

"Just like when we were kids~"

"Hey, don't go, I want a kiss back!" Qin Tianjiao laughed.

It was as if time had been pulled back to over a decade ago when he had to return the kiss Murong Wan'er gave him.

"Godmother, I'm back~" Qin Tianjiao shouted.

After hearing this, the Empress's lips twitched. This kid was quite clever. Qin Tianjiao used "I'm back" instead of "I've come," which, despite only one word's difference, carried a completely different meaning.


The door was pushed open, and after Qin Tianjiao entered, the mother and son looked at each other. The Empress was still the Empress, unchanged, having long achieved the effect of eternal youth in the Self-Liberation Realm.

But Qin Tianjiao had changed greatly in these five years, having grown much taller and his features had matured a lot. He now had the appearance of a young adult.

"Godmother~ I missed you so much."

Qin Tianjiao ran over, and the Empress naturally opened her arms, as if it were an instinct engraved in their genes.

"Hmph! Everything has changed, but your nonsense hasn't! If I hadn't issued the decree, you probably wouldn't have remembered to come see me!"

"How could that be! Even if you didn't issue the decree, I was planning to come today. Now that you have, I can stay a few more days. It's so comfortable here."

Qin Tianjiao lay in the Empress's arms, closing his eyes and enjoying the moment.

This wasn't a lie. His mother was more restrictive, and his master was too calm.

"If you're comfortable, stay a few more days. Let me see the results of your cultivation in the Jade Lake Sacred Land over the past five years!"

"Heh... I just sparred with my father yesterday. In the Primordial Spirit Realm, he couldn't even fight back. Impressive, right?" Qin Tianjiao laughed.

"Impressive! My precious son is the most impressive! But your father can only be considered an average Tianjiao. Don't be too proud." The Empress smiled.

"I've heard this so many times that my ears have calluses. I want to eat lychees."

"Wan'er has already prepared them. I knew you'd want to eat. Who treats you better, godmother or your mother?" The Empress pulled out her trump card once again.

"Both are good. You two are the closest people to me. Why not just split me in half, one for each, so you don't have to argue."

"That's a good idea! If I find out one day that you're not treating me well, I'll split you in half!"

Damn, have you been possessed by a yandere spirit or something?

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