The Undercover Villain Transmigrates, The Female Protagonists Are Worried

Chapter 20 Return Home! Spend Lots Of Villain Points On Cheap Daddy!

In Su He's resentful eyes, Qin Tianjiao tossed the gourd around his waist into the sky like a celestial object, leaped onto the gourd, and swayed towards Cloud State.

This is the Law Treasure refined for him by the Jade Lake Saintess, with materials identical to her gourd, which made Su He quite jealous...

Returning home alone, Mrs. Xiao didn't dare bring him back, or else both ears probably wouldn't be enough for the scolding from his mother and godmother.

By the way, in this Jade Lake main peak where even pigs can become spirits, Mrs. Xiao has also successfully entered the Blood Channeling Realm, becoming a cultivator.

And Xiao Yi, through his own efforts, became a prestigious inner disciple.

But what awaits him is not boundless prospects... but a gloomy future...

Cloud State, Qin Residence

Qin Yingxiong spent ten years reclaiming the Yan Yun Thirteen Provinces occupied by barbarians for the Great Xia Dynasty!

He then spent three years consolidating the Great Xia Dynasty's frontline defense.

With his military achievements, Qin Yingxiong's name became the new war god of the Great Xia Dynasty! The Qin Family's Iron Cavalry once again dominated the wilderness!

He will inherit the mantle of the Qin Family and become the only royal of the Great Xia Dynasty!

The Empress went against public opinion and bestowed the title of Yan King upon Qin Yingxiong! To honor Qin Yingxiong's unprecedented feat of reclaiming the Yan Yun Thirteen Provinces!

In the Empress's eyes, this Yan King is also her beloved godson... so let him hold the title for now in Qin Yingxiong's hands, as it might be awkward to bestow it later...

In Qin Yingxiong's hands, the Qin Family reached new heights.

But all of this pales in comparison to the moment Qin Yingxiong saw Qin Tianjiao.

This son he had never met since birth has already grown so tall!

Tears welled up in Qin Yingxiong's tiger-like eyes. Due to some misunderstandings in the past, he hurt Gu Luoyi's feelings, and now they can never go back to how things were.


Qin Tianjiao looked at the burly man in front of him and awkwardly called out.

"Good! Good son... you look so much like your mother..."

Just one "dad" brought tears to Qin Yingxiong's eyes. Countless nights, he thought he would never hear this "dad" in his lifetime...

"Wait, I have a gift for you, just wait a moment!"

Qin Yingxiong hurriedly ran to his courtyard, not resembling the Yan King, the top military figure of the Great Xia Dynasty!

Gu Luoyi watched all this, her eyes also moist, but some cracks had formed that could never be repaired.

And another pitiful woman, in this festive Qin Family, seemed so lonely... only the small porcelain bottle on her chest seemed to bring her some warmth.

In no time, Qin Yingxiong walked in carrying a large wooden box, looking like he was presenting a treasure. "Son! This is something your father risked his life to obtain, just to give it to you as a gift! Open it and see?"

Qin Tianjiao took the box and, under Qin Yingxiong's nervous gaze, opened it to reveal a war knife.

A real war knife!

The handle was over thirty centimeters, the blade about one meter two, the entire blade black with red, enchanting patterns resembling flowing blood.

The blade had a silver-white edge, exuding a chilling aura, like a bloodthirsty dragon ready to devour.

"How is it? Do you like it? This is known as the first warrior's sword among the barbarians, said to have slain a peerless Great Monster of the Self-Liberation Realm! This sword was forged from a piece of celestial god iron, extremely heavy and indestructible!" Qin Yingxiong proudly said.

"I like it, thank you, Dad!"

This sword was indeed perfect for Qin Tianjiao, as his path was to break through all obstacles with the Power of the Dragon-Elephant...

"But it might be a bit heavy for you now. Wait a few years in your cultivation..."

Before Qin Yingxiong could finish, Qin Tianjiao had already taken the sword out with one hand.

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"This feels a bit light, but otherwise it's fine." Qin Tianjiao played with the sword, making it seem like paper in his hands.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully striking Son of Fortune's self-esteem, reward: 10,000 villain points.]

That struck a nerve? You need to work on your mindset!

Qin Tianjiao put the sword away directly; it's better to keep it in the ring, as it didn't quite match his temperament.

"Dad, you said that sword belonged to the first warrior of the barbarians, how did it end up in your hands?" Qin Tianjiao looked curious, making Qin Yingxiong, who was feeling a bit down, perk up again!

"Of course, your father outsmarted him! That first warrior of the barbarians was exceptionally fierce, trained at the Marital God Mountain, unmatched in physical strength. I captured him with a plan, surrounded by thirty thousand troops for three days and nights! Even with his unparalleled strength, he had to admit defeat!"

"Thirty thousand against one? I thought Dad single-handedly defeated him with a sword..." Qin Tianjiao said disappointedly.

Qin Yingxiong's excited face fell!

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully striking Son of Fortune's confidence, reward: 50,000 villain points.]

"But father is a commander, not a warrior. To defeat the enemy with strategy is also very impressive!" Qin Tianjiao praised.

Qin Yingxiong felt like he was on a rollercoaster, soaring from a peak to a valley, then back up again!

"Tianjiao, do you want to be a commander leading millions of troops like father, or do you want to be an invincible cultivator like your master?" Qin Yingxiong asked.

"Why can't I be an invincible commander like father?"

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for instilling strong self-doubt in Son of Fortune, reward: 100,000 villain points.]

"Uh...” Qin Tianjiao's words caught Qin Yingxiong off guard. But thinking about it, Qin Tianjiao's words made sense; he was just following his own template earlier. Although Qin Yingxiong was confident, claiming to be invincible was like blowing a calf into the sky, exaggerating too much...

But his son was a natural Dao Fetus, stronger than himself... it's exhausting...

"Dad, what's wrong? If you're tired, you should rest first. I was actually planning to spar with you..."

"Dad's not tired, hehe... Tianjiao, what do you want to compare?"

"My master said I've cultivated Basic Accomplishment, but I haven't sparred with anyone. When I spar with my master, she always goes easy on me. You're a hero who fought in the military, so treat me like a barbarian and fight me, how about that?" Qin Tianjiao eagerly suggested.

"Treat you like a barbarian? No, father is already at the peak of the Unfettered Realm, just a step away from the Self-Liberation Realm. And my techniques are too lethal; I might accidentally hurt you." Qin Yingxiong shook his head, unable to bring himself to do it to his beloved son.

"Then suppress your cultivation to the peak of the Primordial Spirit, so you have the advantage of combat experience, while I have the advantage in constitution as a natural Dao Fetus. That way, it's fair."

"Alright! Let father test whether your thirteen years of cultivation have been as diligent as described in your letters."

Father and son arrived at the martial arts arena, with nine ancestors of the Qin Family and Gu Luoyi all present.

Qin Tianjiao had been away from home for five years, and they all wanted to see just how strong he had become!

"Such strong aura! Truly a master of military combat, but that won't help me!"

Golden energy ignited on Qin Tianjiao's body, with his Sacred Body naturally countering all negative effects!

"Sacred Body??"

Qin Yingxiong's face twitched! Could he even fight someone with Sacred Body at the same level? This kid actually outsmarted him!

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