The Undercover Villain Transmigrates, The Female Protagonists Are Worried

Chapter 100 Qin Tianjiao, I Was Defeated By Fate, Not You!

"Master~ It's my turn this time~"



Xiao Yi, who turned into Zhao Li, became more and more impatient the longer he waited...the more he waited, the more panicked he became...

Could it be that the secret was exposed? Otherwise, why haven't you come to see him after a long time?

As a person involved, it is very clear how tempting it is to kill the blood demon and obtain blood nerves.

After devouring Zhao Li, his memory was also completely absorbed. In Zhao Li's memory, this leader's wife was not a peaceful person.

"Li'er is here. There was something wrong with Master's practice, which delayed some time. I kept you waiting for a long time."

As he was talking, a woman in a black dress walked in, making the whole hall a little brighter!

With bright eyes and white teeth, a long black dress tightly wrapped her graceful body, and her face was as rosy as a peach...

So beautiful…

Xiao Yi actually saw some traces of his mother in her...

And the woman he dreams of...

The leader's wife's hair stood on end at Xiao Yi's eyes, and she couldn't help but said coldly: "Li'er!"

"Master's wife is so beautiful... Li'er was stunned..."

"I advise you to be respectful! You said you killed the blood demon and obtained the blood nerve? Where is the scripture?" asked the leader's wife after sitting down.

"The Book is not with him..."

"There is no scripture? How do you prove that you killed the blood demon?" The face of the leader's wife was a little ugly. You are kidding me, right?

"His inheritance was obtained by chance. There is no physical scripture. The disciple has swallowed his Primordial Spirit and obtained the blood nerves. If the master wife can trust me..."

Xiao Yi's words made it very clear. There are no scriptures, it's all in my head. If you want to, you have to open your spiritual consciousness. As long as you open your spiritual consciousness... he can make the other party completely become his puppet!

This body can also let him do whatever he wants!

"Well...I understand...Master Wife naturally trusts you..."

Seeing that the fish had taken the bait, Xiao Yi suppressed the excitement in his heart. He should not be anxious at this time, otherwise he would disturb the other party and get off the hook!

The leader's wife seemed to be hesitant and pondered for a moment before saying.

"The leader is in retreat. Let me verify the authenticity first. You come with me."

Xiao Yi was overjoyed!

Is the old virgin who has been a virgin for so many years finally turning to porn? And it’s still a great meal!

Xiao Yi followed the leader's wife to a secret room, which seemed to be the place where the leader's wife usually meditated and practiced.

The two of them sat cross-legged, Xiao Yi said: "Master, let go of your spiritual consciousness, and I will teach you the skills right now."


The moment the leader's wife opened her spiritual consciousness, Xiao Yi took action!

He also opened his spiritual consciousness, and a blood-red shadow was about to penetrate the forehead of the leader's wife.

"Haha, the third floor of the little Unfettered Realm..."

“Qin Tianjiao!!!”

How could he forget this voice!

Xiao Yi's Primordial Spirit suddenly came to a sudden stop, but it was already too late!

His blood nerves can be said to be specially designed to defeat evil cultists like Evil Cultivators, as well as muscular sticks like Martial God Mountain!

But against the most powerful and most yang skills, the bald donkeys from Mount Sumeru are very capable of restraining him, as well as Azure Cloud Sect's Nine Heavens Divine Thunder, and Sacred Body!

The Sacred Body is not only extremely powerful physically, it is also a powerful weapon against these monsters and monsters!

Xiao Yi only felt like he was running into a scorching sun! It made a sizzling sound as part of his soul was burned, and the smell of blood mixed with Xiao Yi's screams made people shudder!

"Qin Tianjiao! Why are you here!"

The moment Xiao Yi saw Qin Tianjiao, all the confidence he had accumulated these days was instantly wiped out! The inferiority and fear hidden deep in my heart were like a small spark thrown into a gasoline barrel, exploding instantly!

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully allowing the epic Son of Fortune to relive the fear of being dominated. The villain will be rewarded with 100,000 points. ]

A whoosh of golden light, dragging a long golden tail, crashed directly into Xiao Yi's consciousness like a meteor!

Blood nerves?

Qin Tianjiao stood on a sea of ​​​​blood, while Xiao Yi was not under the sea of ​​​​blood from the waist down, and his upper body was naked, just like a bloody man!

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This is Xiao Yi's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Xiao Yi, if you don't do good things, you will make yourself look like this!" Qin Tianjiao was like a righteous man, taking the lead in standing on the high moral ground.

"Qin Tianjiao, all this is thanks to you! How dare you enter my consciousness, haha!" Xiao Yi laughed wildly and the whole sea of ​​blood began to surge!

Blood-red figures emerged from the sea of ​​​​blood!

They are big and small, old and young, and they are all devoured by him!

The blood-red figures were like bloody Shuras, roaring and charging towards Qin Tianjiao in the air!

"Tsk, tsk, this blood nerve is really a good thing! If you can't grasp this kind of treasure, you better... give it to me!"

boom! ! !

Qin Tianjiao's whole body seemed to turn into a sun star in an instant!

The magnificent, hot, and powerful light of justice emits thousands of golden lights! The figure that rushed up was illuminated by the golden light and instantly turned into a black smoke!

"Xiao Yi, evil prevails over good, you can't defeat me! I will destroy you on behalf of justice!" Qin Tianjiao's majestic voice seemed to carry a righteous judgment!

The magnificent sun keeps getting bigger!

Under the shining of thousands of golden lights, the sea of ​​​​blood below was sizzling!

Xiao Yi even got into the sea of ​​blood.

"Why!!! God, why! Why did I get blood nerves, why is he a Sacred Body! From Jade Lake Sacred Land to Heavenly Demon Temple, almost half of the wilderness is transmigrated vertically! Even this horse can't escape ? Could it be that the purpose of my coming to this world is to be suppressed by him?"

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for causing the epic Son of Fortune to have strong self-doubt. The villain is rewarded with 300,000 points. ]

"Xiao Yi! It's too late for you to turn back now! For the sake of Aunt Xiao, this Saint Child can help you resist the killings you have caused. After all, I am also your stepfather..."

Before Qin Tianjiao could finish speaking, Xiao Yi's brain had stopped thinking when he heard this!

Stepfather? ? ? ! ! !

The sea of ​​​​blood suddenly set off waves, and the entire sea of ​​​​blood turned into a blood-red figure that was half human and half demon, rushing directly towards Qin Tianjiao regardless of it!

"As expected, your boy actually has an Oedipus complex... Then dad must teach you, this unfilial son, a lesson!"

The majestic sun instantly condensed into a golden giant sword, and Qin Tianjiao showed up with a huge dharma body, holding the blazing sun sword, and heard a scoff!

The blood-red half-man, half-demon was split in half and transformed into a sea of ​​blood again!

"Qin Tianjiao, you can't kill me. If the sea of ​​blood never dries up, you will never be able to kill me! If I can't be killed, I will only get stronger and stronger!"

Xiao Yi attacked Qin Tianjiao again and again. His idea was very simple. Although his sea of ​​blood would lose some every time, it was impossible for Qin Tianjiao not to lose at all!

"Haha, dad will teach you a truth today. In the face of absolute strength, all means are in vain. Your so-called hard work, hardship, and cheap self-esteem are of no use! You have never been qualified to witness my full strength. !”

While Qin Tianjiao was speaking, black lightning fell from the sky above Xiao Yi's sea of ​​consciousness!

The God of Destruction!


The World-Destroying Divine Thunder is more powerful than the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder! Every time the world-destroying divine thunder struck, a large chunk of the sea of ​​blood evaporated!

And there are countless world-destroying divine thunders in the sky!

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully breaking the epic Son of Fortune’s desire to win and awarding him 500,000 villain points. ]

Xiao Yi looked at the world-destroying divine thunder in the sky and Qin Tianjiao's arrogant and arrogant eyes in the sky, and felt a sense of despair.

He hates it!

Hate fate for playing a trick on him! It gave him hope and ruthlessly crushed it!

I hate the injustice of heaven, why Qin Tianjiao was born with everything, but he became a poor man without a father and was bullied by others!

I hate myself for being stupid, thinking that getting the blood nerve will make me qualified to compete with Qin Tianjiao!

Qin Tianjiao, I just lost to fate, not you!

I will come back!

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