"Why do you say that?"

Luo Jiuchen looked at her deeply, "They want to ask you to take a look."

During this period of time, he knew that Duanmu Yawang was actually very low-key, and because of her eyes, no one knew about her high medical skills.

However, the other party wanted to ask her for help, knowing that he was powerless, that is to say, he knew her medical skills.

That's why he asked.

"Please me?"

Duanmu Yawang was surprised, and Xiao Bailu was also surprised. He tutted and looked out the window: "Master thinks that today's sun should come from the west."

"I also have this feeling."

Duanmu Yawang smiled and looked out the window very cooperatively.

Seeing the reaction of the two, Luo Jiuchen was puzzled.

Duan Muya smiled and said her grievances with Zhong Fushan, Zhong Huainan and others.

Luo Jiuchen's expression was a little ugly, "The outside world has said how well the Golden Crow Zong is. I can't think that it is so dirty in the back. I can't blame you for the deaths of Zhong Yuxiu and Zhong Huainan."

"But, they can't wait to tear me, but it's true." When Duanmu Yawang said, Yuzai Youzai put his arms around his chest, and said with a smile: "So, I'm very curious about what kind of illness they are. Actually willing to ask someone they call a **** and a trash for help."

It's a stubborn face!

"Very serious."

Luo Jiuchen said sternly: "I don't know, it's just that ordinary doctors don't want to see such patients."

"So serious?" Duanmu Yawang was surprised, but, "But at least Zhong Qishan can sit, stand, and talk. How can he be more serious than your father's uncle?"

You know, both of them are still vegetative now!

"Even if he can sit, stand and talk, it's absolutely uncomfortable." Luo Jiuchen maintained respect for the patient. He didn't talk about the condition. He took a deep look at Duanmu Ya and said: "Simply put, life is more uncomfortable than death. "

"It sounds interesting."

Duanmu Yawang's pretty index finger nodded on his chin, and became interested, "But, Zhong Qishan really wants me to heal him?"

"Yes, I begged me a few times before I came in to ask you." Luo Jiuchen said, and said apologetically: "However, if I knew that the grievances between you were so serious, I would definitely not help him. Spread such words."


Duanmuya glanced at Yin Huiyin and said, "It just so happens that I also have something to ask him. This is just an opportunity."

As soon as she said this, Yin Huiyin Xiaobailu and Huo Fei both understood what she meant, Yin Huiyin's heart was slightly warm, and she whispered: "Thank you Xiaoyawang~"

"You're welcome."

Duanmu Yawang waved his hand carelessly, and then asked Luo Jiuchen, "Where is Zhong Qishan now?"

"Wait for me to reply to him in another hall." Luo Jiuchen asked, "Do you want to see him?"

"Go ahead."

When Duanmu Yawang said, stood up.


When Luo Jiuchen answered, he had to take Duanmuya to look over, Yin Huiyin Xiaobailu and Huo Fei also stood up, and wanted to follow along, but was stopped by Duanmu Yawang: "Xiaoyin'er can go, Xiao Baibai and Huo Fei stay. ."


Little Bailu was upset.

Duanmu Yawang knocked him on the head with no anger, "If the other party's disease is contagious, you are still children!" The child's resistance is a bit weak.

Little Bailu stared with big eyes, "You treat us as ordinary children!"

"Listen to my sister." Huo Fei grabbed Xiao Bailu and persuaded him: "Don't you like these snacks? When I went to that room, I didn't have any snacks."

"Will it?" Xiao Bailu looked at Luo Jiuchen with eyesight.

Luo Jiuchen nodded with a smile, "Yes."

"Well then, you go." Little Bailu reluctantly waved.

Duanmu Yawang, Luo Jiuchen and Yin Huiyin left.

The other hall mentioned by Luo Jiuchen was an ordinary waiting room, not in the back room, and the three of them walked for a while before arriving.

Zhong Qishan has been wearing a cloak, and it is estimated that his condition is really shameful. When they passed by, the door of the hall was also locked, and he hadn't arrived yet. Luo Jiuchen looked at the locked door and sighed. Tones, but didn't say anything.

She looked over with Duanmuya. She saw Luo Jiuchen go to the door of a hall and knocked on the door herself, her eyes rounded: "This is your site?"

"Don't blame him."

Luo Jiuchen said lightly, and then someone came to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, it was one of Zhong Qishan's subordinates. He changed his previous attitude. After opening the door and seeing Duanmu Yawang, he bowed his head respectfully and said: "Three, please come in."

The three of them entered, and he locked the door again.

"Mr. Luo, Miss Duanmu." Zhong Qishan was sitting at the table in the hall, and when he saw them coming in, he stood up politely.

However, after he stood up, Duanmu Ya glanced over, only to find that his legs were trembling. It seemed that his legs were not very strong, and there were some problems with walking.

Luo Jiuchen probably knew his situation and said, "Sect Master does not need to get up, please sit down."

"Thanks a lot."

As Zhong Qishan said, his cloaked face turned to Duanmu Yawang, "Miss Duanmu, if you can come here, it must be Young Master Luo who told you Zhong's request?"


Duanmu Yawang nodded, and together with Luo Jiuchen Yin Huiyin, sat down at the table and said straightforwardly: "Of course, the relationship between you and me, you should understand that I can't help just like this."

"Miss Duanmu can tell me what you want." Zhong Qishan deserves to be the suzerain of the Golden Crow Sect. Even if he is facing his own murderous enemy, he is very calm and has a very good attitude: "As long as Zhong can do it. When it arrives, Zhong will definitely do it for you."

"Then let's talk about the conditions before treatment?"

Zhong Qishan is not only calm, but also very shrewd, and his voice calmly said: "Miss Duanmu, before discussing the conditions, why not take a look at Zhong's condition first? Otherwise, everything should be for nothing, right?"

"It's okay." Duanmu Ya didn't seem to object.


Zhong Qishan looked at Duanmu Yawang and Luo Jiuchen, "In my case, can Young Master Luo tell you?"

"Mr. Luo is a person who will keep the patient's secrets. Before the patient agrees, Mr. Luo will not tell me privately. He only said that the suzerain is very troublesome."

"I see."

Zhong Qishan nodded, "That Miss Duanmu wants to cooperate with you in your treatment."


Zhong Qishan understood and stretched out his hand.

His cloak is not only a big hat, but also his sleeves are long and wide. One hand stretched over it, but no skin was exposed.

Duanmu Yawang squeezed his hand on the table, about to lift his long sleeves, but Zhong Qishan glanced at Yin Huiyin and stopped Duanmu Yawang's movements.

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