The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 981: Don't make a deal with Wuji Street


Duanmu Yawang sighed, "I said, Mr. Luo really guessed it."

Luo Jiuchen smiled bitterly: "It's not hard to guess."

She actually had a relationship with the owner of the island. She didn't even know what the owner of the island was called, let alone who he was and what he did, but the owner of the island had given her a card of delusion.

He thought that she must have something to do with Wangzhijie when she was looking for the owner of the island.

"I want to enter Wangzhi Street again." Since Luo Jiuchen had guessed it, Duanmu Yawang said straightforwardly, "However, the entrance to Wangzhi Street on West Street is completely gone. I don't know where else is. You can enter."

The owner of the island has the magic card of Desire, and he must have a certain understanding of Desire Street.

"Entering Wuzhi Street must be related to quality and homelessness."

Obviously Luo Jiuchen knew of Wuji Street, and frowned, "Deyin, don't you want to make a deal with Wuji Street?"

Duanmu Yawang was taken aback.

When Luo Jiuchen looked at him, he was immediately angry, and for the first time he showed a stern look at Duanmu Yawang, "Deyin, are you crazy? Have you forgotten that the island owner gave you the tips before? Do you make any deals on the street?"

"Mr. Luo, you know?"

"You are my friend. You saved the island owner. You mentioned it to me in the island owner's letter." When Luo Jiuchen said, his voice eased, and he warmly persuaded: "Deyin, the quality of the deal is usually in the outside world. The price that cannot be done is often unbearable. Don’t be so stupid to make a deal with Zhishe, or you’ll be ruined by yourself, you know?"

"okay, I get it."

Duanmu Yawang sighed and looked at Yin Huiyin with regret.

"Don't do this, there should be other ways."

On the way here, Duanmu Yawang had already told him about some of Wangzhi Street, and Yin Huiyin also had a certain understanding of Wangzhi Street. However, when Jinluo Jiuchen said this, he knew the power of Wangzhi Street. terror.

"Is it for Young Master Yin?"

Luo Jiuchen glanced at the two of them back and forth, and guessed, "Is it possible that Young Master Yin has something to ask for?"


Yin Huiyin nodded, "Moreover, I guess only the quality house can fulfill what I want."

"If that's the case, the price you need to pay is probably something you can't afford." Luo Jiuchen said calmly: "Master Yin, I advise you not to take the path of renunciation."

"Good." Yin Huiyin nodded, her voice very serious.

"Sorry, I thought too simple." She just thought, Zhong Huainan can resurrect anyone whose heart burst by her, and Yin Huiyin should be able to do it too.

It's just that she hadn't really seen the arrogant bargaining transaction after all, and she didn't know what the price would be. Only then did she make the decision impulsively.

"What do you say about this."

Yin Huiyin slapped Duanmu Yawang's head angrily, "Besides this handsome, I won't play with you!"

This handsome?

When Luo Jiuchen's eyes moved, could it be that Young Master Yin was still a general?

Yin Huiyin would call himself handsome when he was happy and arrogant. Duanmu Yawang was used to it and shrugged: "If you don't play with me, I will play with you!"

"...Can this happen?" He heard this for the first time.

Duanmuya narrowed her eyes slightly: "Why, do you really want to break up?"


Yin Huiyin quickly shook his head obediently.

Duanmu Yawang snorted, "It's pretty much the same."

"Sister, what do you do next?" At this time, the little white deer who had been nesting in the chair to eat snacks, looked at Duanmu Ya with eyesight.

"If I don't go to Wangzhi Street, I have no idea for a while." Duanmu Yawang sighed, looked at Yin Huiyin and said, "Should we go back and find more information to make plans?"

"Okay." Yin Huiyin himself had no direction, so naturally he had no opinion.

Luo Jiuchen hurriedly said, "It's noon in one hour, can you stay for lunch?"

"Of course it's good."

Duanmu Yawang smiled, and said unceremoniously: "How can you let go of such a good opportunity to eat rice?"

Luo Jiuchen laughed.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and Xi fell outside the door and said: "Young Master, there is a patient whose situation is more complicated, and Dr. Bai wants you to come and see for yourself."


As it concerns the patient, Luo Jiuchen can't be sloppy, so he stood up and looked at Duanmu Ya: "Sit down, I'll go out first."

Duanmu Yawang followed and stood up, "Sitting is boring anyway, I also want to go out for a walk, why not go together?"

Luo Jiuchen smiled in his eyes, "Deyin is naturally good if you are willing to work together. Generally, patients who are not sure about Doctor Bai will ask me to go out to see them. It is estimated that the condition is more troublesome. You can go out and see for me."

Duanmu Yawang waved her hand, "I'm just going to watch the excitement."

Luo Jiuchen laughed, knowing that Duanmu Yawang was humble, and did not continue to say, went out with her.

The other three didn't want to stay in a strange hall either. Seeing Duanmu Yawang and Luo Jiuchen were about to leave, they all followed out. Of course, Xiao Bailu grabbed a snack when he went out.

At this time, the number of patients in the diagnosis and treatment hall was not too large, and it was a normal number.

When the few people went to the dispute, they saw several people surrounded by Dr. Bai's diagnosis and treatment table. They surrounded Dr. Bai's diagnosis and treatment table and blocked their vision. They looked at it and didn't even see Dr. Bai.

When those people looked at it, they seemed to be somewhat capable practitioners.

After getting closer, Duanmu Yawang found that the aura on their bodies was somewhat familiar, but for a while, he didn't think of who the aura should belong to.

"Sorry, I really can't do anything. Please wait a moment. People have already invited our young master." After approaching, several people in Duanmu Yawang heard Doctor Bai's helpless explanation.

Physician Bai has a very good tone, but the other party has a grumpy temper: "Go, please, you will only say this? Why haven't you seen anyone for so long? Could it be that you look down on our Sovereign?"

Physician Bai said, "Here, you have been here for less than a quarter of an hour!"


Duanmu Yawang listened to the man's words, and before he had time to respond, Luo Jiuchen spoke first: "You are so rude to our doctors in Luochenfang, but do you look down on us?"

As soon as Luo Jiuchen said this, the people around the diagnosis and treatment platform turned around one after another.

As soon as they turned around, Duanmu Yawang saw that there was a person in front of them sitting on the patient's chair, who was wearing a black cloak like Yin Huiyin.

Duanmu Yawang couldn't see the appearance of that person, but after a few standing Lianjiazi turned their heads, she felt that they were more familiar, and she was sure she had met them.

But for a while, I couldn't think of it.

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