She didn't know how to solve it. This was the most important thing.

"Fei Fei, close your eyes and rest your mind. It's too much energy to fly like this all the time."


Huo Fei didn't object, and asked, "How long does it take to calm down?"

"Mo, more than an hour, the sky should be bright, we are looking at the situation."


Huo Fei had no objection, and immediately closed his eyes to rest.

With Huo Fei and Duanmu Yawang, Xiao Bailu still feels safe and sleeps soundly in the medical system.

Duanmu Yawang also wanted to close her eyes and rest her mind. However, as soon as she was about to fall asleep, a cool breeze came behind her. The cold breeze made people feel very uncomfortable. Duanmu Yawang immediately felt chills in her back.

Duanmu Yawang felt this way for the first time.

Duanmu Ya looked at her lips, her back was a bit stiff, and her whole body was very cold. She was thinking about not paying attention to it. She took out the quilt from the medical system to cover it, and heard a weird giggle from her back. .

As soon as the laughter came out, Duanmu Yawang's scalp was numb, and her outstretched hand suddenly stopped!



The laughter kept coming, not alone, it sounded very dense, some sharp, some laughing, but no matter what emotion it was, it was permeated with a gloomy and strange feeling.

Duanmu Yawang didn't look back, but calmed himself.


There was the sound of swallowing saliva behind him, the sound was sticky and greasy, and the sound was weird.

Duanmu Yawang is a medical person who knows the human body very well. She knows that this kind of sound is usually caused by the resonance of the throat and tongue, unless the tongue is very long...

Thinking about this, her back was cold again in vain, and there was a cold voice on her back, laughter and a cold breath brushed over her ears: "Don't you look back at me?"

It was a female voice, and the voice seemed to be a bit sticky and delicate.

Duanmu Ya listened, but was extremely uncomfortable, as if some rot crawling over her ears.


Duanmu Yawang didn't know anything about these, so she naturally shouldn't say anything to the other party.

It’s best not to watch things that you can’t see.

She thought so, her eyes closed and never opened.

She did this, and the cold feeling in her back disappeared.

Be good!

Duanmu Yawang breathed a sigh of relief immediately.

Thinking of the two children, she wanted to know if they were affected, so she couldn't help but open her eyes and look at Huo Fei. However, as soon as she opened her eyes, Huo Fei saw a white figure floating before Huo Fei saw it. Behind Huo Fei.

The figure was not the length of an ordinary person, and his face was swollen and it was indistinguishable. The two round eyeballs fell halfway, and the eye sockets rarely popped out.

The most terrifying thing is not this, but this thing is tilting its distorted face, the whole **** eyeballs rolled, the corners of the mouth turned up to the ears, and an extremely weird smile was shown at her.


Duanmu Yawang was also a person who had seen the world, but couldn't help turning his face pale, his heart was cold, and the palm of his hand was so cold that it was almost out of temperature.

Good deed, who can tell her why is she really hell?

Duanmu Yawang thought so, forced herself to calm down, then forced herself to move away from the thing's face, and then looked at Huo Fei, only to see that Huo Fei's eyes closed tightly and her sleep was quiet.

She glanced at Huo Fei in the medical system again, and saw that he was asleep even more.


They didn't even react at all. Could it be that she was the only one who felt it?

But why is this?

These things are only for weak people. She is a human being. She doesn't have the physique of their gods, so she is more likely to invade?

Thinking about this, Duanmu Yawang suddenly regretted it. She should ask Gong Yulanzhi about the ghost world, and then she had a good response.

Now, she doesn't know anything about these things, and now she can't do anything about it!

People will have a terrible sense of resistance to things like ghosts and gods that even science can't explain, and Duanmu Yawang naturally does.

I don't know what to do for a while.

Fight against her?

However, that thing didn't seem to be intended to hurt her, and she didn't know whether spiritual power was useful to her...


Just when Duanmu Yawang was thinking about it, the laughter came again, and another naive voice said weirdly: "Hehe, she saw you~"

"Yes, she can see it."

It's another male voice, this male voice is more childish, like a little boy, with a weird innocence in the voice "and the eyes seem to be better than yours, yours are all falling off, it's not good~"

After that, he naively suggested, "Why don't you take her eyes and put them in your eye sockets?"

After the words fell, Duanmu Yawang heard bursts of applause.

Obviously, the boy's suggestion was approved by everyone.

Duanmu Ya looked at it, but felt cold and sweaty.

She closed her eyes tightly and barely dared to move.

At this time, the bleeding-eyed thing giggled, and there was an unexplained grunt in his throat. Duanmu Yawang distinguished it and found that she was saying, "Black eyes, don't~"

After Duanmuya understood it, she breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly felt that her black eyes were really upsetting, and she actually saved her life!


However, before she was lucky enough, the female voice sounded extremely sharply: "However, I hate beautiful things the most! I hate them the most!"

When the words fell, she let out a weird and angry scream, as if thinking of something bad, Duanmu Yawang was thinking about what she was going to do, and she felt her eyelids touched by extremely cold fingertips.

Duanmu Yawang immediately stood up!

Oh, goodbye!

The fingertips touched Duanmu Yawang's left eyelid, and then reached her right eyelid. The cold and strange touch, as well as the strange stench from all around, made her stop breathing.

At this time, she actually admired herself somewhat.

After all, at this time, I didn't even scream, or piss, it bold and calm!

Although it is shameless to praise myself so much, Duanmu Yawang really feels so.

Her calmness did not last for two seconds, and she felt countless cold things approaching like her, humming and ghostly talking continuously, and at the same time the cold things stroking on her eyelids began to become sharp, as if she wanted to cut her. Eyelids, then...

With such a sharp tremor, she was thinking about what to do. An unknown gust of wind swept over her, and then she heard terrible screams from the few things she had opened her mouth.

That voice seemed to be terribly scared and angry, almost smashing Duanmu Yawang's eardrums!

However, the voice gradually became smaller, and the cold and gloomy touch of the surroundings instantly dissipated, seeming to be moving away from her.

Duanmu Yawang was about to breathe a sigh of relief, and then heard a nice voice say a word: "Get out."

Upon hearing this voice, Duanmu Yawang was taken aback, and subconsciously blurted out: "...Yin Huiyin?"

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