"It's better to call one of the gentlemen over to prove it."

The two adults were embarrassed, "It is not intentional, please forgive me."

"In that case, I would like to ask the two adults to wait for a while. Fengmou will go and ask the four gentlemen for advice." After that, Master Feng turned around and left. At this time, a tall and slender figure suddenly appeared beside them. .

As soon as he saw that figure, Duanmu Yawang's eyes lit up, and he ran over, smiling and raising his face to look at him: "Gong Yulan stop!"


Gong Yulan clicked her face with a finger, acting very gentle and affectionate, Duanmu Yawang hugged his arm and asked with a smile, "Why are you coming out?"

"I feel your breath is very close."

So that's the case.

Duanmu Yawang nodded, Gong Yulan looked down at her intently, "Can you go in?"

"Normal is ok, but now I have some troubles."


Master Yan, Master Xu, was stunned when he saw Gong Yulan, and subconsciously called out, "Master Gongyu?"

It's no wonder that they knew Gong Yu Lanzhi. As he entered the venue with His Royal Highness and the Third Highness, he succeeded in attracting everyone's attention.

He was sharp, without any aura from his body, but no one dared to question his abilities. Even many great pharmacists and even grand masters who came today couldn't help but step forward to talk when they saw him.

However, he is extremely cold, no matter who speaks to him, he rarely responds with a cold face.

The attitude looks extremely arrogant.

For some reason, no one dared to be angry with him, even those who were high above, they came, and the grandmasters who the emperor personally went out to meet him the other day did not dare.

Thinking of this, they remembered something, and subconsciously looked at the door, but saw that the door was still closed.

The two suddenly gasped, he, how did he come out?

You know, the venue is extremely strict, not only in the venue, but even the walls of the house have been poured with spiritual power, inside and out, there are three levels of barriers!

Moreover, the three levels of barriers were all asked by the world's famous strong men to help build them. He actually crossed it so quietly?

He, how strong is he!

Naturally, Gong Yulan would not respond to the words of the two adults. He took Duanmu Yawang’s hand and looked like he was about to leave. Only then did the two adults recover and hurriedly called: "Miss Duanmu Gongyu Please stay."

The two paused, and Gong Yulan stared at them coldly.

The two flinched, swallowing moo, or dutifully asked: "Master Gongyu knows this Miss Duanmu?"

Gong Yulan didn't bother to answer.

Duanmu Ya looked to pull his sleeve, "Don't do this, it will scare people."

After that, she smiled and said to the two adults: "He is my fiance."



The two adults were surprised again.

They just saw the elegant and generous Princess of the princess, who has been closely following Gong Yulanzhi, with a gentle manner to please. They originally thought he was the prince or nobleman of the country and planned to have a happy event with their princess. But he didn't expect that such an outstanding person had always been indifferent to the princess, but he had an unmarried relationship with a blue-eyed person!

This, this is really incredible!

However, Gong Yulanzhi was still in front of so many people, touching Miss Duanmu's face gently and indulgingly. It seemed that this kind of relationship was a matter of course.

"There are still questions?"

They stayed in a daze, and Gong Yulan was very unhappy with their slowness.

"no no……"

The two of them were already weak against Shang Gong Yu Lanzhi's face, and hurriedly waved their hands, "Since they are Gong Yu Gong Zi's fiancée, then naturally they have this level of strength."

Gong Yulan snorted.

The two adults didn't dare to disagree, bit their teeth and hurried to open the door.

"Miss Duanmu, Master Gongyu, please."

"Thank you two adults."

Duanmu Yawang thanked the two adults, and then said to Master Feng who had been standing on the other side silently: "Master Feng, you have worked hard this time."

Master Feng's face was calm, and he folded his hands: "You are welcome, this is what Feng should do."

"Miss Duanmu, please let Yanmou lead the way for you."

After opening the door, Master Yan stopped at Duanmu Yawang and Gong Yulan: "After entering, you still need to sign and confirm again."


Although the rules are stacked, Duanmuya feels quite normal, and they have held the drug festival for so long, and now the grand occasion is already very good.

The so-called signature confirmation is after entering the gate, walking more than ten meters, in a room on the left.

Master Yan knocked on the door. Someone said the word "Please come in". Master Yan opened the door and walked in with Duanmu Yawang and Gong Yulan.

In fact, only the respondent can enter, but how dare they rush to Gong Yulan? The two have been holding hands again, so they want to enter together, and he won't stop him.

The room is not very big, but it is quite large, with books all around the walls.

Inside there are case tables, and there is a person sitting at each case table.

Duanmu Ya glanced around, and suddenly discovered that it was four middle-aged men, all of them reading a book in their hands.

They went in, and the four of them raised their heads together. They stopped when they saw Gong Yulan. When they saw Duanmu Yawang, they raised their eyebrows and asked unexpectedly: "Master Yan, these two are here... …"

Master Yan was not wordy, and presented the answer sheet of Duanmu Yawang, which he had been holding in his hand, and said: "The four gentlemen have also asked for a look."

The four immediately approached, walked together, and looked at the paper together.

At this look, his eyes were filled with surprise, "Extremely advanced?"


"Duanmu Yawang?" One of the middle-aged men looked at the name written on it, and suspiciously turned his gaze to Duanmu Yawang: "Is this lady yours?"


Duanmu Yawang nodded.

The four middle-aged men glanced at each other without speaking. They just made eye contact. It took a while before they stopped making eye contact and said, "Looking at the handwriting, it is indeed the four gentlemen's."

After that, it was not wordy. I immediately picked up one of the brushes on the table and a piece of paper to Duanmu Yawang: "Miss Duanmu, please sign on it. After signing, you can go in."


Duanmu Yawang took the pen and wrote his name on it.

"Good word!"

One of the middle-aged men couldn't help but admire, and then couldn't help but look at Duanmu Ya: "Miss Duanmu, in the past hundred years, you are the second person to enter our medicine festival at the extreme level. It's amazing to have such achievements at a young age. "

"you flatter me."

"Look at the time, the masters are probably starting to prepare medicine, so I will take you in." said one of the middle-aged men.

"Ok, work."

Therefore, under the leadership of the middle-aged man, Duanmu Yawang finally entered the real medicine festival venue!

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