Everyone's eyes shrank!

How is this possible?

The majestic male gentleman on one side also saw it, and an incredible flash of his eyes flashed, but he still has a task to do. He coughed slightly and said seriously: "Three gentlemen, please read the paper first."


This is their annual task. When their answers are received, they will be selected as soon as possible.

All selections are selected in accordance with the four levels of poor, medium and high. There is a huge gap between the levels and the scoring is very strict.

As long as you reach the intermediate level, you will have the opportunity to participate in the second mission.

At the intermediate level, this requirement is considered low, but more than half of the people in the first round of each year are still rejected.

And those who can reach advanced levels are simply rare!

When the other three gentlemen began to grade everyone’s papers, the dignified male gentleman said to everyone: "Listen well, everyone, I want to refine a medicine to accelerate cultivation, I will give everyone half of my medicine. Ideas, the rest of the general medication ideas, you fill in yourself."

"This is a relatively open one, but don't forget, everyone, our purpose is to accelerate the cultivation of medicine. Finally, you have to explain clearly the reasons for your idea of ​​using medicine."

As soon as these words came out, everyone wailed again.

Speed ​​up your cultivation, isn't this kind of medicine originally developed by ordinary pharmacists?

Duanmu Yawang finally frowned when he heard the words of Mr. Majestic Man.

She finally understood that it made sense to leave this question at the end, and to give a quarter of an hour alone.

Because this problem is indeed the most difficult.

He gave half of his thoughts, and it seemed that it was much easier for everyone, but in fact it is not, this is both a reminder and a restriction.

It is a reminder for some people who do not know how to refine and accelerate their cultivation, but for another group of people who understand this kind of medicine refining, it is a restriction and restriction!

Because, they have to renew according to his thinking, but it is like another set of prescriptions that can achieve the same efficacy!

Everyone has different medication ideas and different levels of knowledge involved, which is also a great limitation.

And to achieve this kind of medicinal effect, the most basic thing is to figure out Mr. Majesty's own medication ideas, then touch the properties of the medicine he gave, and then find out the remaining medicine based on the properties.

When Mr. Majestic Man said half of his answer, Duanmu Yawang frowned and sighed: The thoughts of this gentleman's refining accelerator medicine are almost indifferent to her previous thoughts!

Of course, half of the other party's thoughts have not come out, she can't say who is good, but Duanmu Yawang does want to use his brain for real medicine to detect the thoughts of Mr. Majestic Man.

She thought back to the thought that the majestic man had just given, and her eyes rolled steadily.

After a while, the corner of her lips curled, and she began to write.

She wrote very fast, and after a while, she wrote the remaining half of her thoughts, and attached an explanation of the thoughts.

After writing, she put down the pen.

Then he raised his chin and looked at the people on top of him.

Some of the people are still scratching their heads and cheeks, while others are still struggling to write.

She looked bored and closed her eyes to rest.

Because of her previous performance, when the other gentlemen were scoring the papers, they couldn't help but secretly look at her, wanting to see her movements.

Seeing that she had finished writing, she began to close her eyes to rest her mind, her jaw was about to fall off!

Actually... so fast!

It's only half of the time!

Thinking of this in their hearts, the four of them became more and more looking forward to Duanmu Yawang's answer.

The four gentlemen are very experienced, and they are not too many. Before the time for answering the fourth question is over, they have already read the answers to the first three questions.

After that, all the papers were divided into four levels.

Someone finished answering and saw that the paper was divided into four levels. He didn't know what he thought of. He took a breath and whispered softly, "This is... the master is here?"


Someone heard the man's words and asked tentatively.

When the man was about to answer, he heard Mr. Majestic Man whispering softly: "It's noisy when you answer the paper!"

When these words came out, the two of them didn't dare to make a second, and shut their mouths obediently.

In a quarter of an hour, saying that the length is not long, and that the short is not short, finally, Mr. Majesty announced: "The time is up, everyone, please stop writing!"

Everyone paused immediately.

The four gentlemen went down to rewind the paper.

Mr. Chu was about to go down to the previous row to collect it. At this time, Mr. Majestic Man gave a light cough and said, "I'm closer to this row. Let me come."

Mr. Chu stared: "Mr. Zhu, you..."

Mr. Zhu, this is intentional, right?

Originally, he sat on the side well, but when they were not paying attention, he stood up from his original position and walked to the front of the row he was in charge of!

Mr. Chu actually wanted to see what Duanmu Yawang wrote in his answer this time, but since Mr. Zhu said so, how could he refute his face.

He naturally knew Mr. Zhu's psychology, and did not reveal him, saying: "Okay Mr. Zhu, let's exchange."

Seeing that Mr. Chu was so strong, Mr. Zhu's expression became better, and the other male and female gentlemen couldn't help but smile secretly when they saw this.

In so many years, I have never seen Mr. Zhu so anxious!

Of course, even though they thought so in their hearts, they didn't dare to show it.

When the papers were being collected, everyone sat quietly and obediently. Mr. Zhu was still very satisfied. He felt that although these people answered the papers well, they understood the rules and didn't make people feel uncomfortable.

After receiving the answers from other people, he walked down a few empty seats, found Duanmu Yawang, and glanced at her paper with a pair of eyes as he walked over.

I glanced at the two lines of words, and suddenly felt a sudden shock in my heart.

He picked up the paper as calmly as possible, but couldn't help looking at Duanmu Ya with a pair of eyes, but saw her eyes closed tightly, a beautiful face, very pleasing.

How could such a person be a blue-eyed person?

Mr. Zhu murmured in his heart, holding the paper and walking while looking at the top paper in his hand.

The more I look at it, the more shocked my heart is.

The other three gentlemen couldn't wait a long time ago, and couldn't help but leaned forward to follow them. Looking at them, the three of them couldn't help showing incredible expressions.

Finally, all four of them wrote their own evaluations in red pen.

When the four gentlemen were scoring the papers, the others couldn't help but began to discuss.

"Hey, do you find it difficult this time?"

"It's difficult, how could it not be difficult? It feels even more difficult than what my senior brothers and uncles said before. The requirements are too high. We want to go in and see the masters refining medicine. Is it so difficult?"

"Masters refining medicine, do you think people like us can watch it if they want to? Alas! If you can't be rated as Intermediate this time, you must be more diligent when you go back."

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