The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 946: Conditions, except for princes and nobles

The woman has always been elegant and generous, and she is famous throughout Beidan. After sitting down, she doesn't know how to feel restrained, and she doesn't know how to put her hands or feet for a while.

The man saw it and sighed secretly.

It was also the first time that he saw his imperial sister like this. It seemed that the man in front of him who had such a strong aura that made him impressed had just caused his imperial sister to fall down.

After sitting down, Duanmu Yawang poured tea for the two and said: "My name is Duanmu Yawang, this is... my future husband and wife Yulan Zhi."

As soon as she said this, the woman's face changed.

Duanmu Yawang saw it, her eyes deepened, but she didn't say anything.

The man had long since guessed that the two have a close relationship, and he smiled and said with a smile on his face: "Good for you two, in the next Liang Lan Ming, this is my sister Liang Lan's heart."


Duanmu Yawang's eyes turned, if she remembers correctly, the royal family of Beidan is the Liang surname, right?

Could it be that they are not the children of powerful officials, but the royal family of Beidan?

Thinking about this, her eyes moved: "Do you two know what are the admission conditions for today's drug festival?" Since they are royalty, they should be able to know some inside stories, right?

As soon as Duanmu Yawang said this, Liang Lanming stopped drinking tea, hesitated, he said: "Generally speaking, there are two conditions each time."

Duanmu Yawang saw that he was a little hesitant to say, she was not a person who likes to force others, and smiled gently: "It is said that the rules of medicine are very strict. If it is inconvenient for Young Master Liang, then just leave it alone, it's okay."

"In fact, it's not inconvenient to say, but we don't know." Liang Lan said in a serious tone: "If an uninvited person enters, they must meet the conditions to enter, and this condition is different every time. And this condition It is generally determined by our National Supervisor. Before the start of the drug festival, only the father...our emperor and the National Supervisor know about it, and the confidentiality is very strong."

"So it was." It was more strict than she thought.


Liang Lanming nodded and smiled suddenly, "However, this is the second condition with strong confidentiality, and the first condition is fine."

Duanmuya raised her brows: "Then what is the first condition?"

"Answer the exam paper."

Duanmu Ya looked dumbfounded, "Examination papers?"


Liang Lanming nodded, "This test paper asks some questions related to drug pharmacology. If the answers are sixty-two pairs, you can enter the second condition."

Duanmu Yawang curled her eyebrows: "In other words, are all people who know medicine go in?"


After Liang Lanming finished speaking, he paused, and added: "Well, except for princes and nobles."


Duanmu Ya looked and listened, her face wrinkled, and he pulled Gong Yulanzhi's sleeves, and said unhappily, "Only people who know medicine go in, what should I do?"

They came together. They had been to the world of two people. The Medicine Festival should take at least an hour or two. Did Gong Yulan wait for her outside?

Liang Lanming and Liang Lanxin thought that Duanmu Ya could not understand medicine, and that it was Gong Yulanzhi who understood medicine, so seeing her face, they thought she was worried that she would not be able to get in.

Thinking like this, they looked at Gong Yulan, wanting to know how he reacted.

Gong Yulanzhi only reached out and gently rubbed Duanmu Yawang's head without speaking.

Liang Lanxin's eyes flashed when he saw his movements, and his heart was relieved when he saw that he didn't respond directly. However, at this moment, seeing Duanmu Yawang suddenly smiled, Chao Gong Yulan nodded.

It seems that they are exchanging opinions silently.

Thinking of this, Liang Lanxin thought of a possibility: Could it be that they have just transmitted the voice of their heart?

Thinking like this, both Lianglanxin and Lianglanming glanced at Duanmu Yawang, seeing her blue eyes are a little uncertain. After all, although the blue eyes are capable of cultivating, she is still so young and able to speak up. Transsion?

In fact, Duanmu Yawang and Gong Yulanzhi are the voice transmission of heart language, he rubbed her head and said: "You forgot, there is no place I can't get in."

Duanmu Yawang was completely relaxed after hearing what he said.

At this time, the dishes came, Duanmu Ya looked inside and Lianglanxin, then glanced at them, and saw that there were only some snacks on the table, so he invited: "Do you want to eat together?"

After all, if you have asked someone about something, if you invite someone to eat, it will be regarded as repaying the favor.

Gong Yulanzhi has never spoken, Liang Lanming and Liang Lanxin rarely show such expressions. Gong Yulanzhi is so obviously unwelcome to come, Liang Lanming will naturally not be boring.

Besides, he just wanted to cut off some of his imperial sister's misses that he shouldn't have.

Just as he was about to refuse, Liang Lanxin glanced at Gong Yulan, who had never spoken, and said, "Okay, I just don't eat much for breakfast, and I am hungry now, so it's better to be respectful."

Liang Lan Ming frowned and glanced at Liang Lan disapprovingly.

Lianglan thought that he hadn't gnawed at him, lowered his eyes and sipped the tea lightly, and looked at Gong Yulan without a trace.

"Then let's go together."

Duan Mu Yawang smiled, and invited Xiao Er, asked Xiao Er to add the two bowls and chopsticks, and then asked Xiao Er to give Liang Lanxin and Liang Lanming something more they wanted to eat.

Because they had already served a few dishes, they ate them first.

Lianglanxin and Lianglanming were born in the royal family. Their eating posture is naturally elegant and beautiful. Duanmu Yawang is more casual, but they don't look rude, but rather comfortable.

Liang Lanming couldn't help but glanced at her.

To be honest, apart from a pair of blue eyes, she is even better-looking than herself, the imperial sister of the three beauties in Beidan Imperial City, and she is also generous in her work and speaking.

It's really eye-catching and very attractive.

But... it's always blue eyes.

What a pity.

After eating for a while, Lianglanxin and Lianglanming saw that Gong Yulanzhi was still drinking tea, but did not start, Lianglanxin couldn't help but asked softly, "...Gongyu, why don't you eat it?"

Gong Yulan stopped moving his eyelids and did not answer.

Lianglan's heart was suddenly embarrassed.

It's just one time, and she is so bad to her, so she can't get her eyes?

Duanmu Yawang looked at Lianglan's heart, her face remained unchanged, and she smiled gently: "He is like this. He doesn't like talking very much. Please don't mind." In fact, Gong Yulan's reaction was also expected by her. After the two appeared, he was not very happy.

Don't like talking?

Before they came, didn't he and her talk well?

Don't you like talking, or just don't like talking to her?

Thinking about this, Liang Lan's heart suddenly chilled, and he felt uncomfortable.

However, in front of others, she is not easy to show, especially Duanmu Ya looked in front, she smiled and nodded, "That's it."

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