Ziyuan was really sick this time.

After his fever got better, he came back, and when he got better, he came back again, so intermittently and repeatedly for several hours.

It wasn't until after midnight that his fever really went down, and he didn't repeat it.

Duan Muya looked at his situation and found that it was really better, she was relieved: "Finally, it's much better."

After that, she saw that both Lan Ling'er and the Sanskrit scriptures were still asleep in the room, and both of them looked sad, lacking energy and looked very sleepy, and said: "Well, everyone should sleep. "


Lan Ling'er was very excited, patted her wings, turned around, and fell asleep on her soft cushion.

Ziyuan woke up at this time, opened his eyes and glanced at her.

Lan Ling'er had already closed her eyes, but somehow, she felt something sensitively, opened her eyes hurriedly, and met Zi Yuan's eyes.


"Are you awake?" For some reason, Lan Ling'er felt a little frustrated.

Ziyuan glanced at her, and said nothing to Gong Yulan: "Master, you and the mistress go back, I don't need to take care of it."


When Duanmu Yawang heard this name, his brows trembled, Gong Yulan glanced at Ziyuan, and said faintly, "Get a good rest."


Ziyuan replied, and Gong Yulan glanced at the Brahma Sutra, and said, "Watch more at night and call us if something happens."

This is the meaning of keeping the Brahma Sutra at night.

For Gong Yulan’s order, the Sanskrit Sutra was always very willing to listen, and immediately responded: "Yes!"

"You don't need Master Sanskrit."

Ziyuan said lightly: "It's inevitable that you don't understand the different types, let Lan Ling'er come."

Lan Ling'er was so sleepy that she couldn't close her eyes, and almost fell asleep. As soon as Ziyuan's words came out, she suddenly became sober and stared at Ziyuan incredibly, "I, I..."


He usually bullies her, but now he is sick but let her take care of it!

How can there be such a good thing in this world?

"Any objection?"

Ziyuan's voice was a little weak: "Master Brahma Sutra is very old, are you embarrassed?"

Lan Linger was speechless.

Duanmu Ya looked at Ziyuan, then at Lan Ling'er, and smiled, "Ling'er, you are of the same kind, so look at Ziyuan."


Now that the owner said so, Lan Ling'er naturally couldn't oppose it anymore, and she replied with sorrow, and agreed.

After the decision was made, Duanmu Yawang and Gong Yulanzhi left the room and went to rest together.

In the room, the Brahma Sutra looked at Lan Ling'er, then at Ziyuan, yawned, and said, "Ling'er, Ziyuan, then I'll go to sleep first."

After that, before the two birds could answer, he climbed into the bed, covered the soft quilt, and fell asleep.

Lan Ling'er blinked with big eyes, looking at his quilt, only feeling soft and warm, it must be very comfortable to lie on.

She was immediately envious.

"Don't look, watch the night well."

Ziyuan said coldly: "If I wake up and see you asleep, I will tell the two masters that you are not fulfilling your duty."

After that, he shrank into the cushion, closed his eyes, and fell asleep.


Lan Ling'er stared at Zi Yuan, almost half to death with anger!

Lan Ling'er took care of Ziyuan, but Duanmu Yawang was still a little uneasy subconsciously.

Of course, she wasn't worried that Lan Ling'er deliberately didn't take care of Ziyuan because of contradictions with Ziyuan, but because Lan Ling'er was destined to be insufficiently detailed in some aspects.

It is possible that she went to bed earlier than Ziyuan.

Because of this worry, Duanmu Yawang woke up early the next morning. She opened her eyes and sat up from the bed.

She moved very softly, and the noisy stopped Gong Yulan. He opened his eyes and narrowed his eyes to look at her. He sat up and said in a low voice: "Why so early?"

"Somewhat uneasy."

Duanmuya saw that his rare expression was distressed, so he tucked his quilt corners, and said softly, "I'll go and see Ziyuan. Keep sleeping, I'll be back soon."

"Let's go together."

Gong Yulan only saw her like this, how could she still sleep, the two got up together and went to the room of the Brahma Sutra.

At this time, the sky was slightly bright, and the Brahma scriptures had not yet woken up. He was awakened by a knock on the door early in the morning, and he seemed a little unhappy: "Who! Did not let people sleep in the early morning?"


Before Duanmu Yawang spoke, Gong Yulan said a word indifferently.


There was no more sound inside.

After a while, the door of the room was opened. The Brahma Sutra was holding a cane, blinking at the corner of the door where the old eye was, and Xiao gingerly said: "Master, Xiao Yawang, why are you so early..."

"Come and see Ziyuan."

When Duanmu Yawang said, he patted him on the shoulder, "You can continue to sleep, I'll just go and see Ziyuan."

After that, he went inside.

Gong Yulan just kept up.

The Brahma Sutra still shrank in place and didn't dare to move. Oh my God, just now he actually murdered his master, he, he, he actually murdered the master!

He is too much! How can the master be fierce!

However, it is strange that the master is not angry...

However, after another thought, Xiao Yawang is here, where does the master have time to pay attention to him, and where will he bother to get angry with him!

Duan Muya looked in, but saw Lan Ling'er flew up in one fell swoop, and kept shouting, "Master, are you here?"

"Huh? You didn't sleep?" Duanmu Yawang was surprised to see her awake, as if she hadn't slept before.

Lan Ling'er pouted, "Didn't you let me look at Ziyuan?"

What the master meant, how dare she defy!

"Yes, I read it wrong. I thought you would go to sleep." Duanmu Yawang stretched out her hand and rubbed Lan Ling'er's head.

"I was thinking about it!"

Lan Ling'er sighed, "But Ziyuan looks very fragile. If I don't pay attention, if something happens to him, I won't be able to bear the consequences!"

Duanmu Yawang touched her head to express her praise, and asked the business: "Has Ziyuan ever had a fever again this night?"


Lan Ling'er shook his head, looking lively and cute, and replied crisply: "I woke up again in the middle, and then never woke up."

"Okay, I see, Linger, go to sleep when you are sleepy."

When Duanmu Yawang said, after walking over to Ziyuan to check, he found that Ziyuan had no low-grade fever anymore, and there was no cold, and the whole condition was very good.

After examining his body, Duanmu Yawang removed the bandages on Ziyuan's wings, took the medicine that had been placed here on the table, and reapplied the medicine to his wings.

After applying it, wrap it up with a new bandage.

During the whole process, she was careful, and basically did not hurt Ziyuan. After the whole process, he still slept soundly and was not awakened.

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