However, she always felt that something was wrong.

Because, for such a person, it is difficult for her to associate him with the man who clashed with her that day.

Thinking about this, she tried hard to recall the scene when she saw him for the first time, and found that the memory was very vivid, and then after thinking about it, the man's face that day would directly coincide with the face in front of her.


So she overlooked a beautiful man?

"You mean a thousand miles?"

Duanmu Yawang's **** on his wrist didn't move, and he asked quietly, "Where is your home?"

When the man heard this, his eyes brightened, and his eyes were actually clear and bright, "Benefactor, are you finally interested in me?"

...Interested in Mao!

Duanmu Yawang wanted to roll his eyes and said lightly: "You haven't answered what I just said."

"All right."

The man's good-looking face was sad, and the fruit in his hand was not eaten, and he sighed heavily, "I am the prince of the Suixi Empire, and now I am a proton of Beidan."

"Are you the prince?"

And it's from the Suixi Empire?

Duanmu Ya looked at his eyes, but didn't expect this. The man nodded, looking at Duanmu Yawang expectantly with a pair of eyes: "Benefactor, don't tell me, I finally had a chance to escape, but I don't want to go back anymore. The capital is now a proton."

Duanmuya looked straight at him, "That's why you stay in Luochenfang and don't leave, and you don't live in a pub."

A touch of shame flashed across the man's face, and he lowered his head obediently and said softly: "So the benefactor knows it?"

After that, he quickly raised his head and said: "Benefactor, don't worry, I will stay for a few days at most. Once the wind passes, I will leave immediately! I will definitely not cause any trouble to you during this period!"

He is good-looking and looks silly, but he looks especially sincere when he speaks, and he looks very convincing.

Moreover, a prince, one mouthful of you, does not appear to be arrogant at all, but it is not annoying.

Compared with Nangong Youran and the others, it is not bad, knowing that we must respect and respect people.

"I'm just a guest of Luochenfang. If you want to stay in Luochenfang, you should talk to the young master of Luochenfang. You don't have to tell me." Duanmu Yawang finished speaking and stopped continuing this topic, and asked faintly: "Your heart now how are you feeling?"

"Pretty good!"

The man responded very well-behaved. He immediately relaxed when Duanmu Yawang said this, and said with a smile: "The heart doesn't feel any pain, and the body is not heavy anymore. Now it feels like it's not much different from before."

After that, Balabala kept praising Duanmu Yawang for his excellent medical skills, and also said how to thank Luo Jiuchen, without stopping talking.

For a moment, he remembered something and hurriedly said: "By the way, my benefactor, my name is Ye Jiang, I don't know your name?"

Duanmuya didn't want to answer, but the name Ye Jiang sounded pretty good.

Listening to his name, Duanmu Yawang imagined it, the red night...

It feels weird.

However, she didn't think too much, she looked at him quietly with her arms around her chest, until he finished speaking, she looked at him with a smile: "Did you finish?"

The man was rather alert, stunned, and said slowly: "Also, not yet..."

"Don't talk about it yet."

Duanmu Yawang said mercilessly: "Your physical condition is no longer a serious problem, you can ask Luochenfang for some medicine and leave."

Originally, she thought it would be okay to let men stay here for a few more days to avoid the limelight.

However, if you think about it carefully, it's a royal person anyway. If the royal person finds here, he will be charged with harbouring protons from another country and Luochenfang will suffer.

Luo Jiuchen's father and uncle are now missing, and now nothing can happen.

Ye Jiang obviously did not expect that Duanmu Yawang would suddenly say this. The whole person was stunned, and his beautiful face was wrinkled. Then, before Duanmu Yawang could react, he tossed the fruit in his hand, closed his eyes, and became a body. Soft, just...

There's no after that.

Duanmu Ya looked at her gums, "Are you pretending to die for me?"


Ye Jiang closed her eyes tightly, as if she had fainted, the sky was unwilling, and the ground was motionless.


Damn, where is this prince, he is simply a rascal!


Duanmu Yawang sneered, "Don't think that I can't help you in this way. It's easier for you to fall asleep, just throw you into the street."


The man's eyelids were motionless, still looking like I could not hear.

Duanmu Yawang suddenly died of anger.

However, remembering that she still had work to do, she didn't bother to spend it with him, rolled her eyes and turned to go out.

As soon as she went out, the man's beautiful peach eyes opened, and under his drooping eyelids, a pair of eyeballs rolled around, rubbing his chin and grinning: "A benefactor is a hard mouth and a soft heart."

When Duanmu Yawang left the room and returned to Luo Jiuchen's room, Luo Jiuchen was already in the room, and was sitting on the bed with her lecture book watching.

Seeing her back, she stood up, "Deyin, the patient's condition should be fine, right?"


Duanmu Yawang nodded, remembering the man’s life experience, she told him, Luo Jiuchen was slightly surprised, “So he is the prince from the Suixi Empire? Recently, I heard that he accompanied several princes of Beidan on outings. , Encountered a murderous bandit, two of the five princes of Beidan died. His proton was taken into captivity and has been missing. He actually came here."

Duanmu Yawang frowned, and she didn't understand: "The Beidan Empire and the Suixi Empire are a long way apart, and the Suixi Empire is also a medium empire. What is the reason for the two countries that the Suixi Empire wants one of its princes to come over as a proton?"

The Suixi Empire is not far from the Liuhuo Empire, but it is far from Beidan.

It's almost like the Liuhuo Empire came to the Suixi Empire.

Luo Jiuchen shook his head: "In the arena, people like us can't inquire about the affairs of the empire. It's not clear."

Duanmu Ya looked at it and immediately understood.

The strong in this world are respected.

The royal is not necessarily respected.

Therefore, the royal family is jealous of the strong.

Royal people have always come from arrogance, if the jealous person is ignorant, there are so many shady ideas.

Therefore, staying away from disputes is the most important thing.

There are some things that can be done without intervening.

However, "Since his identity is sensitive, when do you think you will continue to keep him here?"

Luo Jiuchen pondered for a moment, "I think his temperament is also a person who hopes to be happy. As long as he doesn't say it himself, it is estimated that not many people know him, so it should be fine."

"However, don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case."

There are many apprentices in Luochenfang, and the one with outstanding strength is the one who falls into Jiuchen, and the others are actually mediocre. If there is anything, it will be the matter of the whole Luochenfang.

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