The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 924: Would you like to be frivolous to me too?

"Brother, when will you return to Chi Yan, have you decided?"

"It should be tomorrow."

When Lan Chengche spoke, he paused, seeming to explain to Duanmu Yawang: "You can't make them worry for too long."


Duanmu Yawang expressed his understanding, and Mu Feng also said at this time: "Xiao Yawang, Qing Chen Minger and I are leaving too, remember that the door of our Lingyue Pavilion is open for you at any time!"

When Duanmu Yawang heard this, she finally understood why Mu Feng had just said this.

He knew that everyone was going to be scattered.

She was also a little bit reluctant, "Okay."

At this point, the table suddenly became quiet.

No one spoke for a while.

However, Duanmu Yawang felt that her hand was touched. Duanmu Yawang came back to her senses, and glanced at Gong Yulan, but saw that Gong Yulan didn't look at her, just holding a cup to drink tea.

No, that's not tea!

Duanmu Ya looked at the cup in Gong Yulanzhi's hand, and hurriedly reached out to stop him: "Gong Yulanzhi, this is my wine, not tea!"

However, Gong Yulan had already drunk it all.

He calmly put down the cup and said, "Don't waste it."


Duanmuya looked at his face hopefully, "Can you drink?"

Gong Yulan just glanced at him, and did not speak.

"Well, for a small cup, it shouldn't matter whether you can drink or not." Duanmu Yawang shrugged, no longer worrying about Gong Yulanzhi.

What age is Gong Yulan? He drank a little wine, and it was not a high-degree wine, so he wouldn't be drunk.

Gong Yulan stopped talking, and continued to drink his own tea after drinking a glass of wine, his expression calm and calm.

When there were a lot of people in the banquet, there were always endless topics to talk about. They sat at the table and talked while eating. They continued to talk for more than an hour before leaving until late at night.

After dispersing, they went back to their rooms.

After Duanmu Yawang and Gong Yulan returned to the room, Gong Yulan didn't say a word, and just sat on the bed and looked at her.

"Cultivate yourself first."

Duanmu Yawang was also sleepy. After saying this, Ye Zi and the others carried the room on the water, so she went to take a bath.

After coming out of the bath, Gong Yulan still sat on the bed, and Duan Muya looked and wiped his hair, and found that his sitting posture hadn't changed a bit for so long.

She was curious: "Why are you just sitting and not practicing today?"

Gong Yulan stopped answering, just looked at her like that.

"What's wrong?"

Duanmu Yawang always felt weird. She walked towards him when she spoke. After getting closer, she realized that his face was a little red.

Not only the face, but even the ears and the nice slender neck are a little red.

"You have a fever?"

Duanmu Ya looked at his eyebrows, stretched out his hand to check the temperature on his forehead, and found that it was a little hot, but this hot is normal, and it doesn't look like a fever.

Gong Yulanzhi was very obedient, so Duan Muya wanted to explore, so he let her explore, looking at him like this with a pair of nice eyes.

"What's the matter?" I couldn't blink my eyes, not the first time I saw her.

Gong Yulan still didn't speak, his eyes remained unchanged as he watched her.


Duanmu Yawang was not curious. She stretched out her hand and patted Gong Yulanzhi's shoulder. Gong Yulanzhi's slender eyelashes finally trembled twice, but she didn't say anything. He just reached out and took the towel in her hand and took her to sit. Come down.

Duanmu Yawang sat down.

Gong Yulanzhi held the towel with his big hands and wiped her hair awkwardly.

Until his hair was almost dry, Gong Yulan still did not speak, and Duanmu Yawang finally couldn't help but look back at him, "It always feels strange that you are coming back this time."


Gong Yulan finally spoke, her voice low and dumb.

Dumb is a bit unusual.

Isn't it possible that you don't know if you are sick?

Duanmuya frowned and stretched out her hand to get his pulse, but before her hand touched his wrist, he was the first to grab both of her hands.

He took her hand to his arms, rubbing her beautiful nose gently against her neck, "I'm drunk."



Duanmu Yawang blinked, always feeling that she had heard it wrong.

So a small and a half glass of wine, a three-year-old child may not be drunk if he drinks it, but he tells her that he is drunk?

Am I kidding her?

Also, most people who are drunk will only say that they are not drunk. How can anyone directly say that they are drunk?

Duanmu Yawang was a little bit dumbfounded, as he was about to speak, suddenly his ears were gently slid by his warm lips, and his arms around her began to become unruly.

Holding her waist with one hand, she kept messing with the other.

The movements are not proficient, but they are not unfamiliar.


Before she finished her words, she was kissed by his thin lips.

Duanmu Ya looked at him for a while, his eyes rolled, his arms around his neck, and he cooperated throughout the process.

After a kiss, he stared at her with burning eyes, still the three words: "I'm drunk."


Her face was slightly sullen, she rolled her eyes and coughed lightly, and said, "I can see it a bit."

"I mean it."

He clutched her waist tightly, the body temperature of the tall body obviously rose, and he buried his head on her shoulders, his voice was a bit shameless and a little bit coquettish.

Of course, every word is filled with tenderness.

"I really believe it too."

She hugged his waist and said with a smile.

He raised his head to look at her, fixedly, looking at her smiling face that became more vigorous, and suddenly stretched out his hand to pull at her cheek, and whispered: "Don't be reserved."

"Why is beauty now, why should you be reserved?"

Duanmu Yawang hadn't tried something indescribable in her two lifetimes, and she was too curious. The object was Gong Yulan Zhi, she would definitely not think it was a disadvantage.

The target is him, he should make up for his losses!

Thinking about this, she smiled like two crescent moons with her big eyes, and looked at him with her arms around his waist, blinking and blinking, "Or do you want me to be reserved?"

Gong Yulan just watched her smile triumphantly, but he was not shy at all. Instead, he looked expectant and his throat rolled twice. All this was a little bit beyond his expectation.

...How can a girl's family cooperate so well?


He squeezed her cheek again, but the force in his hand was very light, and it didn't hurt her at all. These two words were not like a scolding, they spoke lowly and hoarsely, and they were spoiled very much.

Duanmu Yawang took the opportunity to confess, "Just be frivolous to you."

Gong Yulan couldn't bear it any more, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up at this moment.

The way he laughed was a crime. Duan Muya looked at him and asked with a smile, "Do you think you want to be frivolous to me?"

Gong Yulan stopped listening, his eyes deepened.

Looking at her fixedly.

Duanmu Ya looked back with a smile.

He held her face in both hands, and the tip of his nose twitched her small nose, his breath was burning: "What if you regret it?"

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