
Mu Feng blinked mysteriously, "Don't be too moved!"

Duanmu Yawang was touched and funny, and rolled his eyes, and looked at Mu Qingchen, who had been silent, "Mr. Mu should also be credited here, right?"

"Little things."

Mu Qingchen sipped tea lightly, and said two words lightly.

From these two words, it proved Duanmu Yawang's words.

This black spirit crystal is due to Mu Qingchen's contribution.

Duan Muya looked warm in her heart, thought for a moment, put the black spirit crystal back, and put her hand into the universe bag to continue to dig out, this time she took out two books.

She took it out and saw that one of them was very thick, as thick as a finger. There was a plant on the cover, and there were only two simple words on it-"Medical Classics".

"This is a medical book?" When she said that, she flipped through it and suddenly found that it was some plants she had never seen before.

She watched, her brows wrinkled.

With her current knowledge, although it is impossible to say that she knows all the medicines in the world, it is rare that she has turned many pages in a book of medicines, and there is no one that she does not know!

This is something that has never happened since I was ten in my last life!

"Since it says "Medical Classics", it is naturally a medical book." When Mu Feng said, he lowered his head to sip the tea, took a sip, and said without raising his head: "However, this book is a little elegant. You can look at it or not. It is said to be a good thing, but... who knows?"

What is the answer?

The shock in Duanmu Yawang's heart was diluted by his words, a little bit dumbfounded, but this book still left a deep impression on her.

She flipped through a few more pages, but still didn't see the plants she was familiar with, so she decided to give up temporarily, put the book back in the universe bag, and continued reading another one.

If the "Yao Jing" is peculiar, then this book is even more peculiar.

Its cover has no patterns and no words, and it is very thin, about half the thickness of a nail. Duanmu Yawang turned it over a few times, and it was only about twenty or thirty pages.

Of course, this is not the strangest place.

The strangest thing is that not only does it have no written words or patterns, but there are no words or patterns on the pages of the book. It is blank!


Obediently, Duanmu Ya looked in a daze, and looked towards Mufeng: "What's the matter with this book? Why is there no content at all?"

"I don't know."

Although Mu Feng said so, there was no surprise in his eyes, and no discomfort. He just shrugged and said, "But Xiaoya hopes you can rest assured, it's definitely a good thing. I won't give you a blank paper. of."


Duanmu Ya hoped that he had no temper at all.

Of course she knew that Mu Feng and Mu Qingchen would not give themselves a blank sheet of paper, but there was nothing blank about this book, so what good was it?

However, she is also self-aware, and pondered for a moment: "I guess I am not suitable for this book. Would you like to take it back? Don't let me waste it."

"Where is there any reason to take back the things you gave out?"

Mu Feng didn't care at all, he was still smiling and groaning, and said with his cheeks leisurely: "Besides, whether it is suitable or not, it is still unknown. There is a saying that the time has not come, and the timing is very important."

How do you say something mysterious?

Duanmu Yawang sighed, still wanting to speak, Mu Qingchen said lightly: "Take it, we don't need it anyway."


One day as a teacher and a lifetime as a teacher, Duanmu Yawang respects Mu Qingchen very much, she respects him, and she naturally wants to listen to his words.

She put the book back.

Then he continued to dig in, and then took out a lot of strange medicines, some spirit stones, and many weird things, including several rings.

The more you dig in, the more things there are.

"Hey, I feel tired when I look at you."

Mu Feng disliked Duanmu Yawang, put down the cup and waved to her: "The Qiankun bag is here for you. You can read the contents whenever you want. Don't worry, let's sit down and chat first."


As soon as they came back, Duanmu Yawang also wanted to chat with them, listening to Mu Feng's words, she put the Qiankun bag into the medical system, and walked to the table.

At this time, everyone sat down, but there was a space between Lan Chengche and Gong Yulanzhi.

This is obviously a place reserved for her.

Before she sat down, Mu Feng blinked at her thief: "How Xiaoyawang, knowing that you missed a disaster, we kept it specially for you, is it interesting?"


Nima, what happened to the sudden conflict that wanted to slap this girl to death?

Duan Muya glared at him and sneered: "When you come back today, you have the most words, and you have finished speaking. Have you ever thought about the feelings of other people? Do other people still want to talk?"

"Xiaoya wants you to shut up?"

Mu Feng squinted, "Xiao Yawang, don't regret it. If I shut up, then this room will be silent, and you will only be left talking."

When he said this, Duanmu Yawang immediately remembered the four silent people in the inn hall that day, and suddenly sighed, "You won."

It's okay to make trouble, the most fear is that no one speaks.

"I know that Xiao Ya wants you to understand." Mu Feng smiled, looking upset, Duan Mu Ya looked at him, and felt that it would be foolish to pay attention to him.

Duanmu Ya looked at them, held the cup hesitated, and asked, "Why are you back together?"


The one who spoke was Lan Chengche, and he said warmly: "We left for something that night, and didn't come back until we were done. We happened to ran into Gongyu and the others."

"So it's like that." But, isn't it a coincidence?

However, although it was a coincidence, they did not have the need to lie to her.

Now that they said, she believed it.

"It's getting late, have you all eaten?"

The four of Mu Fengmu Qingchen's blue and clear Brahma Sutra shook their heads, Gong Yulanzhi and Huo Fei were expressionless and did not move at all.

Duanmu Yawang raised her eyebrows: "Would you like to go down for dinner?"


Mu Feng said: "Xiaoya hopes that even a glass of water in your room is cold, and it's not cool to chat at all. We'd better eat while chatting."

So everyone went downstairs.

This time is neither early nor late. There are not many people in the inn, so there are naturally vacant seats.

When shopkeeper Ye looked at them, he immediately welcomed them to the best table in the inn. After they had sat down, he left after ordering food without disturbing them in chatting.

"This inn is rare and comfortable. The shopkeeper will also be a human being. It is really good to look after Xiaoya and take care of you." Mu Feng sipped his tea and said, "If there is a chance to come here next time, I will also live here. "

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