The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 917: Strange, thank you personally for serving the tea ceremony

After Duanmu Yawang returned from Luochenfang, he asked the shopkeeper Ye to order some food to take back to the room, and then retreat in the room.

In this retreat, she never went out for a whole day.

Duanmuya couldn't look out, so Xiao Bailu naturally didn't go out. He was relaxing in the room for a day.

He eats when he is bored and sleeps when he is full. I feel that Duanmu Yawang's retreat is really his most enjoyable moment.

On the day of Duanmu Yawang's retreat, no one came to look for her.

After a whole day of retreat, she left the room.

The first thing you do when you leave the room is to take a shower. After the shower, you can go downstairs for lunch.

When I went downstairs, Mr. Bai and the others happened to be feathered again.

"Master Gongyu!"

As soon as he saw Duanmu Yawang, Bai Ziyue stood up and waved at him with a smile, "Master Gongyu, do you want to eat, please come and sit here!"

Duanmu Yawang smiled, Yiyan walked over and said hello to Mr. Bai: "Old Mr."

This time, just like the last time, there are only three people at this table, Mr. Bai's grandfather and grandson, and the three of Jiang Shengwei are not there.

"Well, please sit down."

Mr. Bai nodded to her. I don't know if it was her illusion. When Mr. Bai faced her today, he was gentler than before. She sat down and even got a cup of tea for her and pushed it to her.

She was taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly said, "Don't dare to be, old gentleman, you killed the junior."

"It should be."

Mr. Bai didn't say much, "Sheng Wei and the others, you took care of them yesterday."

It turned out to be because of this.

Duanmu Yawang smiled slightly: "It's just a matter of raising your hand, it's not about taking care of it."

Mr. Bai stopped talking. After all, he knew the situation of his apprentices at the time, and Jiang Shengwei and the others came back and talked to him.

He understood that the young man in front of him, who was about the same age as his two grandchildren, had a clear mind.

"Master Gongyu, so you and the young master of Luochenfang are friends?"

Young people are always curious. Bai Ziyue obviously knows what happened yesterday. She opened her apricot eyes and said curiously: "I heard that people in Luochenfang never like to associate with people. You, a fellow of other countries, can actually associate with their young masters. It's really amazing!"

Duanmu Yawang was amused by her statement, "No one doesn't like to associate with people, people are social animals, and being able to associate is just like-minded and similar interests."

Bai Ziyue blinked: "So that's it."

Mr. Bai frowned, but said nothing.

Bai Zizhang couldn't help but: "Like-minded people have the same interests? The young master of Luochenfang has good medical skills, and his greatest interest is medicine. Does Lord Gongyu also know medicine?"

Duanmu Ya looked at her eyes, and the boy reacted quickly.

She smiled faintly: "Understand a little fur."


How could the young master of Dignified Landscaping be like-minded with someone who knows a little about fur?

Bai Zizhang thought so, he glanced at Duanmu Yawang's eyes and hesitated again.

Healers have always had purple eyes, but he rarely sees other eyes.

"Uncle and uncle and their injuries are getting better now?" Duanmu Yawang grabbed a topic.

"Well, it's better."

Mr. Bai said: "Luochenfang is worthy of being one of the most famous pharmacies in our Beidan, and the treatment effect is very good."

"That's good."

Duanmuya smiled and didn't ask why the treatment effect was very good. Why didn't Jiang Shengwei come out to eat.

The dishes came quickly. After finishing the meal, Duanmu Yawang said goodbye. She stood up and was about to leave, and Mr. Bai stopped her: "Master Gongyu, I don't know when you will leave here?"

Duanmu Ya waited for a while, but she didn't expect that Mr. Bai would ask so, she shook her head: "I'm not sure for the time being."

"You and I are destined, you can visit our Lingfeng Villa when you have time."

"Old gentlemen, are you leaving here?"

"We are also uncertain."

Mr. Bai said: "However, it shouldn't stay for too long."

"Okay, thank you for the kindness of the old man. I will definitely come to visit when I have time."

Mr. Bai nodded, Duanmu Yawang nodded to her and said goodbye, and left.

Duanmu Yawang took Xiao Bailu out of the house, and Xiao Bailu told her heartily, "Master, they look very serious. They haven't even figured out your identity, and they don't look like the kind of people who like to make friends. People, why would you say something to invite you?"

Duanmu Yawang blinked: "I guess I'm pretty?"


Little Bailu rolled his eyes, still shameless?

"Master, I'm serious!"

"I don't know, I guess it's just a casual invitation, don't take it to heart." After that, her eyes moved, "However, you reminded me."

"Remind what?"

Duan Muya didn't answer, but smiled at him.

Little white deer is inexplicable.

After going to Luochenfang, Duanmu Yawang didn't find Luochenfang first, but went to Physician Bai and asked him about the treatment of Jiang Shengwei's three people yesterday.

When Dr. Bai heard her asking about this, she frowned: "The three people are really strange. There are two kinds of injuries on their bodies. Some of the meat that was chewed out by the teeth of the beast is rotten."

"The most important thing is that the wound was infected with the saliva of the evil beast, and the trouble was very tight. Fortunately, they came in time. If they arrive two quarters of an hour late, the treatment will be slower. It is estimated that the wound infection will worsen, and it is necessary to treat it. It can't be cured."

"so serious?"

Duanmu Yawang didn't give them a pulse, and the clothes on their bodies were very large. So Duanmu Yawang didn't know their injuries or the specific injuries.

She only guessed that they were seriously injured.

But he didn't expect it to be so serious, it's no wonder that Mr. Bai had just poured his tea and thanked him personally.

"Yeah." Physician Bai was sorting out the patient's condition list, nodding while sighing: "Although it is not peaceful here, there should be no such fierce beasts, and I don't know where they got the injuries."

"Doctor Bai doesn't know them?"

Doctor Bai moved for a while: "Should I know them?"

"Lingfeng Villa, have you ever heard of it?"

Physician Bai frowned and pondered, and said, "Oh, I've heard of it."

"How are the people in their villa?"

"The wind reviews are pretty good, but we at Luochenfang have never liked to associate with factions, and it's not clear how."

Duanmu Yawang understood, nodded, then stopped asking, went to find Luo Jiuchen.

During the journey, Xiao Bailu asked, "Master, the thing you remembered was not just asking Dr. Bai this, right?"


Duanmu Yawang squeezed his face, "Is there a problem?"

Little Bailu did not answer, but frowned: "However, they are also strange enough. They are injured when they are injured. Why are they hidden and tucked so that no one can know! Is there anything that can't be seen?"

"This is the freedom of others, so let's leave it alone."

Duanmuya didn't seem interested.

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