Little Bailu thought he wouldn't have to wait for long, but he fell asleep quickly. When he woke up, he opened his eyes to see that the candlelight in the room was bright.

Looking out the window, it was pitch black.

It's getting dark!

Little Bailu rubbed his face and looked to the left, but saw that there were a few more bottles of medicine on the case table, all of which were red, but the redness was different, some were dark red, some light red, and some pink.

And these people seemed to have not achieved what she wanted in her heart, they were still lowering their heads and constantly studying, sometimes adding medicine to them, and sometimes lowering their heads to write something.

Xiao Bailu shook his head and sighed: "The master really forgot everything as soon as he entered the study."

Just after he finished speaking, Duanmu Yawang was suddenly excited to take the case, "Finally, the idea is right!"


Are you thinking right?

Little Bailu just woke up and fainted again. How long should he wait!

Just as he wanted to go back to bed and sleep again, Duan Mu Yawang took off his gloves and said while packing up the things on the table: "Xiao Baibai, since you are awake, let's go to eat."


The surprise came too suddenly. When Xiao Bailu heard it, he jumped out of the bed and said happily: "Aren't you thinking right? Don't you want to continue to study?"


Duanmu Ya flicked his head, "Since I have found the right idea, how difficult is it to research the medicine?" The real difficulty is the research stage.

"That's right!"

Little Bailu smiled and helped Duanmu Yawang pack things together.

The two packed up and were about to go out. Duanmu Yawang thought of Lan Ling'er and asked her, "Ling'er, do you want to go out together?"

Lan Ling'er's eyes lit up, "Master, can I go out too?"


Duanmuya nodded on her shoulder and said, "However, when there are outsiders, you can't speak up, don't you know?"


Lan Ling'er responded sharply, spreading her wings, hovering, and stopped on Duanmu Yawang's shoulder.

The two took a bird and left the room together.

It’s not early or late at this time. It was when the shopkeeper Ye had the most inn people. When Duan Muya looked downstairs, there was a loud voice in the inn. When I went down, I saw that every table in the hall was full of people. Sit down!

"Sister, it seems we have to wait to have something to eat."


Duanmu Yawang nodded, glanced around the inn, and found that most of these guests were actually the people they met when they came back.

The boy and girl also saw her, and the girl said, "Brother, that nice little brother!"

"What's so amazing?"

The boy smiled, a little angry, "He lives in this inn, right? Since we eat here three meals a day, it's normal to meet him."


Even so, the girl was very happy. She looked at Duanmu Yawang and then at the little white deer. Finally, her eyes stayed on Lan Ling'er on Duanmu Yawang's shoulder, "Brother, that bird is looking at me, it knows how to see people. It looks so spiritual!"

The boy was drinking tea with his head down. He looked up and said: "Birds know how to read people. What's so strange about this..."

However, before he finished speaking, his voice stopped abruptly when he saw Lan Linger.

This bird is really unusual.

The way it looks at people is very different from that of ordinary birds. It seems to be able to understand people. When it looks at you, it looks like someone is looking at you. It is spiritually surprised.

The boy couldn't help being a little surprised, "Where did this little brother get the bird?"

Some people believe that it is a **** bird!

The girl looked at Duanmu Yawang, blinked her eyes twice and said to the boy: "Brother, do you want to get to know me?"

"Zizhang, Ziyue, don't disturb others casually."

The old man on one side heard the boy and girl's words and said with a serious face.


When the young girl heard the old man's words, she didn't dare to disagree, and responded obediently.

The old man glanced at the two of them, and then turned his gaze to Duanmu Yawang. He naturally recognized Duanmu Yawang, a very good-looking blue-eyed person.

What is rare is that as a blue eye person, he is calm, confident and clear, and his blue eyes are even more aura!

At a glance, he knew that he was different from ordinary blue-eyed people.

Moreover, the child around him is even more incredible, and neither of his grandchildren can match him. Now, the blue bird on his shoulder...

He stared for a moment, his brows frowning tighter.

At this age, he is quite knowledgeable. The appearance of this bird is different from ordinary birds. Its slender and elegant body, as well as its wings, seem to be exceptionally spiritual.

This bird is not simple.

He was thinking about it, and inadvertently met Duanmu Yawang's gaze. After a pause, he nodded to Duanmu Yawang.

Although Duanmu Yawang didn't like them staring at Lan Ling'er all the time, the other party was very polite, and she couldn't say anything, so she nodded lightly at him.

Unexpectedly, the old man had a pause, stood up, and walked towards her.

"Master, this man...what is it going to do?" Xiao Bailu widened his eyes, curiously speaking to Duan Mu Ya Wang Xinyu.

Duanmu Yawang hadn't spoken yet, and the old man's serious accustomed face relaxed a little, and he showed a little smile, "The young man came downstairs to have a meal?"


Duanmu Yawang didn't know what he meant, but for the time being, he didn't feel malice from him, so he told the truth.

"There are no seats in the inn. It just so happens that there are still a few vacant seats on my one. If you don't dislike it, let's sit together?"

"The old gentleman's kind invitation is my honor. How can I dislike it." Duanmu Yawang smiled and said: "However, I don't know if this will bother you too much?"

"will not."

The old man is not a person who is good at speech. Although his old face is still slightly stern, but his voice is very gentle: "You look at the same age as my grandchildren, and you young people can talk."

"Then I would be more respectful than fate."

Duanmu Yawang didn't evade, she cast her eyes down and said, "Thank you, old man."


The old man made a gesture of invitation and invited Xiao Bailu and Duanmu Yawang to his table.

They just passed by, and the originally lively teenage girl quickly stood up, nodded to Duanmu Ya and said, "You, hello."


Duanmu Yawang looked at the handsome boy and the lively and pretty girl, smiled, and introduced herself: "I'm in Xia Gongyu Deyin, I'm disturbing."

"Don't talk, don't talk."

The girl waved her hand again and again, and introduced herself: "My name is Bai Ziyue, this is my brother Bai Zizhang."

"When did I say I wanted you to introduce me?"

Bai Zizhang was very angry, reached out his hand and knocked on Bai Ziyue's head, and looked at Duanmu Ya: "Master Gongyu, please sit down."

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