The three of them were a little shy by the praise, and bowed their heads embarrassedly.

However, inadvertently, Wufeng glanced in the direction of the pavilion, was taken aback when he saw the dishes on the table there, and then looked at the robe on Luo Jiuchen's body. It was obviously the one from yesterday!

"Young Master, you haven't been so early before, why is it so early today? Moreover, the meal prepared for Lord Gongyu last night didn't seem to change much, Lord Gongyu left overnight?"

When Luo Jiuchen's eyes moved, he didn't expect that he would ask this, and said lightly: "Deyin is still helping me with things. I don't have time to come out for a meal. If you want to practice, go quickly. Don't delay."

The three of them knew that Luo Jiuchen had issued an eviction order, and nodded hurriedly: "Yes, we went here."


Luo Jiuchen waved faintly and watched them leave.

Later, when he turned back to see the patient's room, he calmed down again. He should believe in Gong Yulan's enchantment and Deyin. Since she hasn't come out, it is estimated that the operation is not over yet.

He still doesn't want to worry about it here.

So, after thinking about it, he took a look at his robe and decided to tidy up himself in the room first.

The windless white egrets walked in groups. The three of them were diligent at first and did not dare to speak. When they left the backyard of Luochenfang and entered the woods, the windless said: "The young master looks like he is outside the patient. Waited all night in the pavilion!"


When Luo Xi and Bailu heard this, they were surprised: "It shouldn't be, maybe after Gongyu entered the room, the young master was so drunk that he slept in the pavilion for a night?"


No wind and angrily said: "You don't see the young master's eyes are red, and his expression is tired. At a glance, you can tell that you haven't closed your eyes all night?"

When Luo Xi Egret heard it, he thought about it, and said in surprise, "It seems that this is really the case!"

"You guys all said that you need to observe and watch more. You are so stupid that you can't even see such an obvious fight!"

The two of them had nothing to refute, and the Egret sighed: "However, why didn't Gongyu Young Master remind the young master? Something is wrong."

"I guess Lord Gongyu doesn't know." When Luo Xi said, he thought of something and frowned, "However, even if Lord Gongyu lives with us, he should be the guest room. Why would the young master be in the patient room? Outside? And it's here that the meals and banquets are also hosted."

"Yes." The two of them also didn't understand this.

The outside of the patient's room is indeed quite big, and the scenery is good, but it is the patient's room. Who would run outside the patient's room to eat if nothing happened? It's weird!

Suddenly, Luo Xi's eyes turned, and said: "However, it seems that Young Master Gongyu has come to our Luochenfang too often recently."

"Young Master Gongyu, are you upset that you are here?" Egret said in an angry tone, "You urged me to talk to the young master about the lecture yesterday."

"Of course not!"

Luo Xi said angrily: "I just think it's weird. The young master never went back to the room a few days ago to go to the two masters' rooms. Gongyu always stayed until midnight before leaving. I've seen a few. Next time, what needs to be busy until so late?"

After that, before the two of them answered the conversation, Luo Xi said again: "Also, the young master has been treating the patients recently. The young master has left, and the young master has been staying in the square, and the patient room seems to be connected. We don’t let it come close anymore, I always feel as if something is going on."

"What can you do? The patient room is often not approachable."

Bailu and Wufeng are not angry: "The young master and Gongyu are so good at each other, and the two are very skilled in medicine. I guess they would like to learn from and study medical skills."

When she thought about it, she felt reasonable: "That's right."

"Of course it is."

Egret smiled and said: "Well, we are here, let's get rid of distractions and start practicing!"

On the side of Luo Jiuchen, he went back to the room to take a shower and freshen up, thinking that he would have to be diagnosed and treated for a while.

I was anxious last night, and after sitting in the pavilion for a day, I felt a little discomfort, and I was very tired.

Originally I only planned to rest for two quarters of an hour, get up to eat during breakfast, and then go to the patient room to check the situation and then go to the treatment room for treatment. However, this sleep actually slept for more than two hours!

When he woke up, it was already in the first half of the month.

He was taken aback, quickly cleaned up, and rushed to the patient room.

He went to the patient's room and saw that the door was still closed, and there was no sound inside, and he knew that Duanmu Yawang had not come out of it.

He twisted his eyebrows, thought about it, or approached the patient room, reached out and knocked on the door: "Deyin?"


No one responded to him.

Luo Jiuchen's heart sank, could something really happen?

Thinking like this, he shot the door continuously: "Deyin? Deyin? De..."

"Mr. Fall."

Duanmu Yawang's extremely calm voice came from inside, "I'm fine, you want to leave for a while, I shouldn't be disturbed for the time being."

When Luo Jiuchen heard her voice, he breathed a sigh of relief, his hanging heart settled safely, and then a little apologized, "Deyin, I'm sorry, I'm bothering you."

"No need to apologize." These four words came out inside, and there was no sound anymore.

Luo Jiuchen didn't mind, but was afraid that he would disturb her, turned around and left quietly.

Feeling Luo Jiuchen leaving, Xiao Bailu patted his chest and said: "Just now there was an accident. Your scissors shook. Fortunately, you didn't use any force and didn't touch the place you shouldn't touch. It’s troublesome if you hurt something that shouldn’t be hurt, if you bleed heavily."


Duanmu Yawang responded indifferently and continued to deal with the matter at hand.

Little Bailu watched, but didn't speak again, fearing that he would disturb Duanmu Yawang.

However, he really wants to know when this operation will end!

The stone has not been taken out yet!

Duanmu Yawang has done a lot of heart surgery, this is the longest time he has seen her do it!

Perhaps feeling the sigh of Xiao Bailu, Duanmu Yawang said in an angry tone: "I'm not tired yet, you actually feel tired? Go ahead, not so fast."

"All right."

What else can he do besides continuing?

Luo Jiuchen felt relieved to know that Duanmu Yawang was fine, but it was noon in more than an hour. Deyin had been undergoing surgery and had not eaten breakfast. Will he be too tired to hold it?

Luo Jiuchen couldn't do much, so someone had to prepare lunch earlier.

However, he still didn't wait for Duanmu Ya to look out for lunch.

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