Little Bailu watched from the side, cautiously all the way.

Because the heart seems to be frozen by ice and has a certain degree of hardness, Duanmu Yawang is also very troublesome to use scissors. When you want to cut the heart, you have to be ten times more careful than before!

After all, this hard-hearted person may crackle at any time and get crushed!

Little Bailu watched Duanmu Yawang's movements, then moved to her face, and saw her face serious and sweating slightly on her forehead.

It was the first time he saw her with this expression.

I was sweating when the operation just started.

One can imagine how nervous she is.

On the other side, Luo Jiuchen is treating the patient in the treatment room, and Egret is behind him helping to record.

When the patient came in, the egret looked at Luo Jiuchen and stopped talking.

Luo Jiuchen raised his eyebrows, "Is there something to say?"


The egret coughed lightly, lowered his head and turned his eyeballs steadily, "Young Master, Master Gong Yu seems to come to our workshop very frequently recently."

Luo Jiuchen's eyes flashed, "Yeah, she and I hit it off right away. Recently, she was more free and exchanged a lot of medical matters with her. Why do you ask?"

"no no……"

Egret scratched his head, a little embarrassed and a little embarrassed: "In fact, our shop has been so busy these days, and Gongyu is a guest. People don't necessarily have to...I shouldn't say this."


Luo Jiuchen looked at him hesitating, and seeing the patient coming in, he patted him on the shoulder angrily, "If you have any words, just say it straight. You need to divide your time?"

"Oh, then I said it."

As Egret said, his head was lowered, and he whispered: "At the beginning, Mr. Gongyu promised us to give us a lesson and tell us insights on medical matters, but, from the beginning to the present. It's been more than two months, and Lord Gongyu will leave when he can decide. We are just thinking about when Lord Gongyu will be free..."

"So you wanted to say this."

What did Luo Jiuchen think it was.

Egret nodded and said, "I think Lord Gongyu often comes to our workshop recently, and he is either going to the patient room or to you and the head. It is estimated that he is also coming to help, or you are discussing things, so we dare not bother. "

After that, he asked cautiously: "Young Master, can you tell Young Master Gongyu and ask him to give us a lesson before he leaves. We are afraid to disturb Young Master Gongyu, so it is hard to ask about this..."

Luo Jiuchen knew that Duanmu Yawang was running out of time during this period, but he glanced at the door and saw that there was no wind. They all looked here, pretending to be careless, and quickly turned away when he saw his sight. The look of his face suddenly became clear.

He said that these children have been mysterious recently, and it turned out to be for this!

"Okay, I will ask Deyin for you."

Egret's eyes lit up and said excitedly, "Thank you, Young Master!"

"So excited?"

Luo Jiuchen squinted his eyes and looked serious: "You want Deyin to teach you. I have taught you before. Why are you not so excited about me?"

After that, the voice was deep: "But you hate me?"

"no no!"

Egret was a somewhat naive boy. He panicked and waved his hand: "The young master has the good of the young master, and the Deyin also has the good of Deyin, but Deyin sometimes has unique opinions and insights, and we also hope to see. How she studied medicine, how to improve, and how she worked hard, just absorb it in many ways. I don't dislike your intentions. If you can give us a lecture, naturally you can't ask for it..."

Egret was a little uneasy as she was talking.

"Okay, okay, no need to explain, I was joking with you."

Luo Jiuchen was amused when Egret was carefully explaining, "I understand what you mean. The patients have all sat down. Let's continue the diagnosis and treatment. I asked Deyin about this, and I will tell you if she gives an answer."

"Okay, thank you, Young Master!" The young man thanked him happily and continued to help record.

Luo Jiuchen knew that Duanmu Yawang was undergoing an operation, so although he was treating the patient, he would still take advantage of the gap to go to the patient room to see the situation.

During this period, he went twice, and the patient room was still closed and quiet.

In other words, the operation is not yet complete.

However, Luo Jiuchen was not in a hurry, because Duanmu Yawang had said that the operation could only be completed before midnight. Luo Jiuchen thought about it. Before midnight, after the patients in the workshop had nothing, they asked the egrets to order the kitchen to give Duanmu Yawang and Little Bailu cooked some meals and waited for them to come out to eat.

After midnight, all the patients in the workshop were sent away, the gate was closed, and Luo Jiuchen saw that there was nothing for him, so he hurried back to the patient room.

However, when he went over to see, the door to the patient room was still tightly closed, and he frowned, "Why haven't you come out yet?"

He remembered that the last time Duanmu Yawang had operated on himself comfortably, he came out early.

This patient's condition should not be as serious as his uncle, and it should be faster.

The operation time is now longer than the operation time for my uncle.

However, he was not very anxious either, because it was just past midnight and the time was not much different.

Therefore, he decided to wait in the garden pavilion outside the patient's room.

However, this time, more than an hour passed, and Duanmu Yawang hadn't come out yet.

Luo Jiuchen suddenly tightened his brows, "Is there any accident?"

He thought about it, he kind of wanted to knock on the door, but he also remembered that Deyin had said that when she had an operation, no one was allowed to approach the patient room. Luo Jiuchen remembered her expression at the time being very serious.

So, the steps just taken were taken back.

Continue to sit in the pavilion and wait.

However, Duanmu Yawang did have some accidents. She was cautious. She was more than ten times slower than the usual heart surgery on the patient, and finally broke the patient's heart without any danger and saw the situation inside.

However, she did not breathe a sigh of relief, but frowned.

Seeing her expression, Xiao Bailu took a closer look, "Huh? Why is there nothing in nothing? It is obvious that there are black spars in the hearts of the two masters!"

After that, he asked Duanmu Yawang: "Master, could it be that you made a mistake in your judgment? Could it be that the situation of these patients is different from that of the two masters?"

"will not."

Duanmu Yawang spoke plainly, but his tone was very positive, "What I detected, the two are almost the same."

"But there is no black stone in the patient's heart." Xiao Bailu looked at the patient's heart in distress, thinking of something, and his eyes lit up: "Could it be that those people took the black stone away from the patient?"

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