The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 725: Visiting, the patient wants to see you

Duan Mu Yawang didn't care about Zhong Huainan's affairs. It was already very late at that time. She went to buy the food, then went to the place where Wangzhi Street was and took a look, then went back to the inn to take a bath and sleep.

The next day, I slept until noon and woke up.

After she finished her lunch at noon, she went back to her room. She looked at Huo Fei. He didn't seem to have woken up yet. However, the whole person was several centimeters taller and looked like a young boy.

Little Bailu looked at Huo Fei, her entire face wrinkled with anxiety.

Duanmu Yawang ran on him a lot, and she didn't bother to pay attention to him anymore. It was rare to have free time, so she took the opportunity to practice hard.

Mo Yue practiced for an hour or two, and suddenly heard the door knock.


She opened her eyes and asked.

A timid but respectful voice sounded outside: "Young Master Gongyu, it is us, the egret, Luo Xi and no wind."


Duanmu Yawang adjusted her breath slightly, completely separated from the concentration, got off the bed, and asked while putting on her shoes: "Why are you here? What's wrong?"

"That... the patient woke up and wants to see you."

Duanmu Yawang paused as she put on her shoes: "See me?"


Duanmu Yawang groaned for a while and continued to put on the shoes. After putting them on, he walked over to open the door. He really saw Luo Xi standing there respectfully. Seeing her opening the door, he took a few steps back and bowed to her together: "Excuse Master Gongyu!"

Duanmu Yawang waved his hand, asking them not to be too polite, and said, "Let's go."

The three of them were happy, as if they had never expected Duanmu Yawang to agree so readily.

Duanmu Ya looked at the three people, a little bit dumbfounded, she was so serious in their eyes?

They saw that none of their doctors was so serious!

"Why do you have so many people here at once?"

Duanmu Yawang glanced at the three of them, closing the door, leading them downstairs and asking.

"Several doctors want patients to be treated, so there is no way to come and invite you in person. After you left last night, the four guardians around the patient seemed to be busy with something and were not in the shop."

As the Egret trio followed Duanmu Yawang, they explained: "The patient woke up and knew that you saved him, so they asked to see you. But we are just apprentices. We are light weight. In order to show our importance, Dr. Fang sent it. A few of us came together."

"So that's the case."

Duanmu Yawang was a little helpless, and smiled: "Next time Dr. Fang does this, you will tell him, I don't care about some of these, just someone can express the meaning."

The three of Luo Xi looked at each other, bowed their heads and smiled, but did not answer the conversation.

Duan Muya raised her eyebrows, knowing that the three hadn't listened to her, and didn't care.

Unlike her, the three of Luo Xi were very happy to be named to pick up Duan Mu Ya and looked over. Yesterday they wanted to see how Duan Mu Yawang treated the patients, but they never got what they wanted.

Today, he and the Windless Egret took the opportunity to ask Duanmu Yawang more about medicine, and even asked about the process of treating patients yesterday.

Duanmu Yawang answered whatever they asked.

On the way to Luochenfang, the four got along very happily.


The distance between Luochenfang and the inn was not too far, and it didn't take long to arrive. Looking at the plaque on Luochenfang, the few people in Luoxi were still unwilling to give up.

On the way to the ward, Luo Xi couldn't help but curiously asked: "Young Master Gongyu, you look younger than us, but the whole person is like an incisive medical book. You have been since childhood. Do you start studying medicine?"

"Yes, I have been learning since I was a child, and I have been seen by doctors since I was young to recite medical skills, and there are books on various species."

"Then how many have you seen?"

Duanmu Yawang frowned for a moment and shook her head: "I don't remember this."

There are too many, she can't remember.

Since she was a child, her memory has been much better than others, and she even has the ability to remember her life. She gradually grew up, and after she understood a lot, she even began to look at the ten lines.

She had forgotten how many things she had seen.

Luo Xi still wanted to ask a few people, but they were already in the ward.

Luo Xi knocked on the door, and there was a very deep and majestic voice: "Who?"

"The little one is the apprentice of Luochenfang, and he brought Gongyu Gongzi to come."

It was quiet inside.


After a while, the majestic voice sounded again: "Come in."

Luo Xi did not immediately open the door and push in. Instead, she turned her head and whispered to Duanmu Yawang: "Master Gongyu, the patient doesn't like to see outsiders when he wakes up. He especially doesn't like others to set foot in his territory. It is inconvenient for us to go in, you go in. Bar."


Duanmuya nodded.

Luo Xi then opened the door, watched Duan Muya respectfully and closed the door.

The door closed, and the room suddenly became quiet.

There is almost no half-star sound.

Duanmuya walked in quietly looking at her face, and as soon as she entered, she saw the tall patient yesterday sitting on the bed with a pale face, reading a book in her hand.

He pressed the cover of the book very low, and Duan Muya glanced over, but couldn't see the writing on the cover.


The other party knew that she came in, even though her face was pale, her lips were dry and colorless, her eyes drooped and all her emotions were gathered, and the powerful aura emanating from her body still cannot be ignored.

It was just a word, but it revealed a powerful command that could not be refuted.

Yesterday’s operation was performed by Duanmu Yawang himself. She knew the patient’s condition very well. If the patient took off a loose garment on his body, then his body must be covered with bandages!

Moreover, those bandages will be filled with blood because of his action of sitting up and reading!

A man who had just had a major operation and had terrible wounds on his body, just woke up, sat up and read so arrogantly and violently, what he said was so sturdy.

Duanmu Yawang can be sure that he is definitely a character!

Duanmu Yawang didn't want to go against him either, Yiyan sat down at a table several meters from the bed, and spontaneously poured himself a cup of tea, and then quietly tasted the tea.

After a cup of tea, the other party didn't look at it.

Duanmu Yawang was not upset, quietly poured herself a cup of tea, and then began to scan the room.

Because they are rooms set up by Luochenfang for patients, these rooms are actually not gorgeous or elegant. When she came in yesterday, it was just an ordinary room.

However, this room changed its appearance after a long time.

Of course, this is not to say how gorgeous or luxurious this room has become, but the overall look is much more elegant and comfortable.

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