Many people were very happy to be able to observe the two great pharmacists on the spot. After all, even in the past competitions held by the Mohist school, although the two great pharmacists would sometimes be there, they never participated in person.

Except for Chu Zichen, almost none of the people present had personally seen Yang Qingzi compete with Fan Jiawen.

Therefore, according to reason, everyone's eyes should actually be focused and admired to look at the two great pharmacists. However, for some reason, everyone's eyes were fixed on Duanmu Yawang in unison.

They watched as Duanmu Yawang took out the utensils from Qiankun's bag, and then they discussed: "What are these things in him? It looks so strange!"

"Yes, we have never seen such a thing before. Could it be that their empire's appliances look like this?"

"It should be like this."

Duanmu Yawang's gaze at everyone seemed to be absent.

When Yang Qingzi and Fan Jiawen heard the people's comments, they couldn't help but glance at Duanmu Yawang secretly. At first glance, they felt a little strange, but they soon felt nothing strange.

This kid's things are quite white and transparent.

Nothing unusual.

After preparing the utensils, the next step is to process the medicinal materials. The medicinal effect of the base liquid that everyone needs to refine is different, and the natural medicinal materials are also different.

Many of the people present did not know medicine, and naturally they did not know any medicinal materials. Among the three people in the competition, who had better medicinal materials and who had more scarce medicinal materials.

Duanmu Yawang had no interest in the medicinal materials in the hands of the two great pharmacists. After taking out the medicinal materials he needed, he focused on processing the medicinal materials.

The two masters secretly looked at the medicinal materials of Duanmu Yawang. After seeing that the medicinal materials on her table were all sparse and common medicinal materials, they were not considered rare medicinal materials.

Compared with the two great pharmacists, she used more medicinal materials than Yang Qingzi and Fan Jiawen combined, so it was more troublesome to deal with.

After she processed the medicinal materials, Yang Qingzi and Fan Jiawen had already entered the refining stage.

"Oh, Deyin, why are you sluggish?" Chu Youning looked at one side, with a look of hatred for iron and steel, and shouted from one side over and over again: "Hurry up! Hurry up! !"

Duanmu Yawang didn't pay attention to him at all, and quickly calculated the temperature required for the various substances in the various medicinal materials to escape, filtered all the drugs in his mind, and felt that it would not be wrong before starting to refining.

Two quarters later

The two great pharmacists each refined the base liquid in their hands.

However, for the two bottles of base fluid, they estimated that they used spiritual force to press down the spiritual pressure, so the people watching almost didn't smell the fragrance of the base fluid at all.

After the two great pharmacists finished the refining, they glanced at Duanmu Yawang who was still in the process of cultivating. His eyes flashed, Yang Qingzi turned his head and asked Fan Jiawen with a smile: "Is this time refining, Brother Fan is going well?"

"Normally." Fan Jiawen shook his head and sighed: "If it was in the past, it would be faster."

"Yes, so is Yang."

Yang Qingzi sighed and responded in agreement.

Others on the scene saw the two great pharmacists refining the base liquid so quickly, they couldn’t help but admired them, and they walked over to congratulate them: "As expected of the great pharmacists, these two refining medicines really make me wait. Eye-opener!"

"Yes, so many medicinal materials, in the end, it turns into such a clear base fluid, it is really amazing!"

There was a compliment at the scene, and Yang Qingzi and Fan Jiawen were all smiles.

While Duanmu Yawang is still being refined, Chu Youning did not hear about Yang Qingzi and Fan Jia like other people. He called Duanmu Yawang for a long time, but Duanmu Yawang didn't even give him a look. He was heartbroken, watching When the two great pharmacists had already practiced the medicine, they felt that Duanmu Yawang had lost.

His whole body wilted, and then he lay on his chair feebly, motionless.

Yang Qingzi and Fan Jiawen looked at him, and then at Duanmu Yawang, a light of contempt flashed under their eyes, but the light soon suppressed, almost no one noticed.

After Mo Yue a quarter of an hour, Duanmuya let out a sigh of relief, "It's finally all right."

Too many medicinal materials and too many utensils are used, and it is troublesome to refining.

Fortunately, she was very satisfied.

Thinking of this, she curled her lips, stood for a long time, aching back and stretched her arms lazily.

"Deyin, you have finally refined it!"

Chu Youning immediately rushed over and asked excitedly: "Deyin, what is the result of your medicine!"

"Guess?" Duanmu Yawang smiled crookedly, stretched out his hand to pinch the boy's face, teasing people intentionally.

Hearing the two words Duanmu Yawang, Xiao Bailu in the medical system curled his mouth and was too lazy to complain about her. Every time someone asked her something, they would use these two words to block people. There was nothing new.

"Hey, what is there to guess, can you just just say no?" Chu Youning was even more anxious than Xiao Bailu, and when he heard the words Duanmu Yawang, he almost jumped anxiously.

Duanmu Ya looked at her lips and smiled, her eyes sincerely said: "No one will dislike what you refine. Since you have to tell me, of course I still think it's good, I'm quite satisfied!"

Chu You stared at her fixedly, "Really?"


"Oh." Chu Youning suddenly became even more faint, sighed, and said weakly: "I don't know why, seeing you look like this, my Royal Highness feels that your words are more unreliable."

"..." Duanmu Yawang was speechless to help her forehead.

When other people on the scene heard her, many people also cast mocking glances at her.

Yang Qingzi and Fan Jiawen felt that Duanmu Yawang's remarks were very ridiculous. They had seen confident people, and had never seen such confident people. Even these great pharmacists dare not publicly boast that the medicine they refine is quite good!

He is a stinky hairy boy with a thick skin!

Duanmu Yawang didn't care what other people thought. Under the eyes of everyone, he slowly packed up the things on his desk and took them back into the universe bag.

At this time, someone opened his mouth and said: "It's been more than half an hour, why don't Master Rong and Master Mo come back?"

"Yes, it is reasonable to be back at this time."

When everyone was talking about it, I didn't know who shouted: "The two adults are back!"

As soon as everyone heard it, they turned their heads and looked outside the side hall. Upon seeing this, they saw a man walking towards this side with Master Rong and Master Mo.

Duanmu Ya took a look and found that the man happened to be Shao Donghe, and she raised her eyebrows.

When Yang Qingzi and Fan Jiawen saw Shao Donghe’s eyes light up, they immediately greeted them with smiles, clasped their fists, and said, "This time, it's time for Shao to act."

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