Yin Huiyin thought of another point: "I'm afraid it's not just the camp. Don't forget. We left the tracking dog in the camp and didn't bring it. I was afraid that the tracking dog might also have trouble."

"I'm not worried about the tracking dog."

Duanmu Yawang had long thought of the tracer dog, "The tracer dog is very spiritual and sensitive, and has a strange breath approaching. If the pressure is strong enough, it must be very keen to discover it, and it will quickly Avoid danger."

Animals in nature usually find danger earlier than humans.

This is true whether it is a natural disaster or a man-made disaster.

Ye Nongying: "In any case, let's go back first."


As a result, they left in a low-lying place, separated by a distance, quietly passing through an inconspicuous place in the low-lying place.

Quickly flew back to his station.

However, they were still a step slower to go back.

A few people went back halfway, and saw someone wandering outside the camp from a distance.

These people are too tall, they are even taller than the tall camps they set up.

"How to do?"

Seeing the mercenaries wandering outside, several people stopped, hiding in the low-lying place and secretly revealing a pair of eyes to watch secretly, "Should we wait for them to go, or go back now?"

Ye Nongying squinted in the sun and looked at the direction of the camp and said: "There are seven or eight people outside the camp. It is estimated that some people have entered the camp, but I guess there should be no more than ten people."

Duanmu Yawang nodded.

It is already very difficult for her to get the three giants under her camp, and the iron boron underneath will surely collapse when a few more giants enter.

For the giant, this camp is definitely not solid.

Ye Nongying turned to look at her: "Ten giants, should we be able to solve them?"


Little Bailu was worried about the trailing dog, "I still haven't seen the trailing dog. I haven't seen it all around. Did you run away?"

Duanmu Yawang was not angry: "We all know to hide, don't the tracking dogs know?"

"Yeah, don't worry, except for the camp, I don't seem to see any bloodstains anywhere else." Yin Huiyin calmed the little white deer.

"Yes, yes, yes." Little Bailu patted his chest with a sigh of relief.

"Let's go out now." Ye Nongying said: "Don't you care about the beds and pots, what if they destroy them?"


Anyway, not afraid of them, Duanmu Yawang also felt that there was no need to hide.

The four quickly galloped back.

The four of them stopped hiding, and they were gradually approaching the camp. The giant who looked at the four tables quickly found out and shouted: "There is someone in that direction!"

The giants who heard the sound lined up one after another with weapons in their hands.

Behind the two weapons, looking at the rapidly approaching shadows, there were doubts in each other's eyes: "This, such a small person? Is it a child?"

Some people disagree: "Children don't have that speed."

"Yes, it came too fast!"

They are all mercenaries, with extremely high acumen, and they also know what danger is. Watching Duanmu Yawang and others get closer and closer, the giants holding weapons took a few steps back on guard.

The instinct of the mercenaries tells them that although these people are short, they are not easy to mess with.

A few tens of meters away from the giant, Duanmu Yawang and the others stopped and stopped moving.

The mercenaries were still vigilant. One of the mercenaries stared at them intently and said, "Call the mercenary out."

"No need to call, here it is."

At this time, a giant came out of the camp slowly.

As he walked in front of the other mercenaries, he stared at Duanmu Yawang and others intently.

He is taller and bigger than other mercenaries, but unlike other mercenaries with a thick waist, he is thinner, older and more happy, looking calm and calm.

Staring at Duanmu Ya for a moment, the servant's lips lifted: "Dwarf?"


The other mercenaries were startled, "Why are there dwarfs here?"

The servant naturally did not answer. He stared at Duanmu Yawang and the others: "Since we came to our habitat station last night, why did we sneak away? There are very few foreigners in Chengwei Highland. We will be happy if you come. , Really don’t have to hide."

After hearing this, Duanmu Yawang felt half-truth.

Duanmu Yawang pondered for a moment, and said half-truth, "It was our rudeness that we didn't show up last night. Today, we are all very happy to want to see me."

The servant licked his lips, "You were really rude last night, after all, you took our five files without saying hello."


Duanmu Yawang nodded, "We are rude."

The modest conversation between the two of you coming and going, the mercenaries became more and more tense.

The mercenaries don’t understand these dwarves, but they understand their servants. For those who infringed on their territory, they have always been annihilated without saying a word. Now they are so polite and humble in the disguise that you come and go with people. It's really different.

If they are not ordinary people, their servants will not do this.

However, if they can sneak into the servant's study and steal the dossier under their noses, how can they be ordinary people?

But some people are also thinking that these people only dared to sneak into their roost station last night, but did not dare to pave the way. It must be because they were afraid of them.

Since these people are afraid of them, why are they still afraid?

Someone suggested: "Servants, you don't have to be polite with them, trespassing the perch station and stealing the files, just these two points, we can't keep them!"

"Yes, you can't stay!"

"Can't stay!"

It's a matter of dignity, you can never keep them!

The mercenaries yelled, the mercenary curled his eyebrows and raised his hands without looking back.

Without scolding, he made a gesture, but the mercenaries calmed down instantly and did not dare to roar again.

Ye Nongying and Duanmu Yawangxin said: "It seems that these mercenaries respect this mercenary very much."


Duan Muya looked at him: "We were careful enough last night, but he still found traces. From this point of view, we know that he is wise."

"It's strange that he sees that we are not in trouble."

Duanmu Ya Wang said in agreement.

She originally thought that these mercenaries would immediately kill when they saw her and force them to return the dossier, but they didn't do so, instead they were talking to her calmly.

The mercenary stopped clamoring, the mercenary seemed to see what they were thinking in their hearts, and raised his lips and smiled: "You must be very curious, why I didn't do it to you, and I didn't ask you to return to the stolen one. file?"

Duanmu Ya looked at her eyelids and said, "I'm really curious, please let the servant express it."

"You have rummaged through my study. The stolen files are all related to the endless city, and this is the easiest place to enter the endless city. You should be because you want to enter the endless city, but you know about There are not many things in the endless city, so we stole our dossier, do you want to learn about the endless city through the dossier?"

He didn't ask questions, instead he said something like this, and his attitude was very good, Duanmu Yawang really felt puzzled.

Seeing her suspicious eyes, the servant smiled: "You seem to be surprised, do you think I should kill you?"

Duanmu Yawang and the others couldn't comment on this.

They really think that the mercenaries will do something against them, but kill them, these mercenaries have no such ability!

He has a good attitude, and Duanmu Yawang is too lazy to refute him. After all, it is best to solve it peacefully. She doesn't want to kill anyone at any time.

"I don't think the servant really seems to have the intention to act on us. We really want to know why."

The servant smiled and said, "In this case, why don't we sit down and talk?"


"Please." The servant made a very polite gesture, indicating that everyone can enter Duanmu Yawang's camp to chat.

Little Bailu suspiciously said: "How strange is this person? Will there be fraud?"

"As long as it's not stronger than us, I'm not afraid that he will be deceived."

"What if it is better than us?" This person looked unfathomable, making people unconscious.

Duanmu Yawang rubbed his head, took his hand and walked with him while walking with him, saying, "It's better to be better than us. Even if there is a fraud, we can't do anything."


Little Bailu felt very reasonable. The four of them were about to camp together. At this time, there was a whining sound from one side and the sound of animals running swiftly.

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