Duanmu Yawang, who was too boring, really made noodles.

Xiao Bailu, a person who only eats and only saw noodles, saw that Duanmu Yawang took out a bag of flour, and his big eyes were puzzled: "Don't you eat noodles, what do you use flour for?"


Duanmu Yawang's face was full of black lines: "The noodles are made of flour, don't you know that?"

"Made of flour?" Xiao Bailu opened his mouth and stared at her suspiciously: "You are not deliberately lie to me, are you?"

"..." Duanmu Yawang took a deep breath and decided not to care about a **** who didn't understand human life, but still suspected that he was getting in the way, waved and said: "Let's go, you go out and take the tracking dog outside to sunbathe. Bar."

While speaking, take out the basin and start to pour the flour.

Little Bailu felt magical and wanted to stay and watch, and said eagerly: "I want to see."

"You are too obstructive."

"How can a child like me get in the way?"

Duanmu Yawang couldn't refute, pointing to a corner and saying: "Then you go over there and you can't make a sound."

"All right."

Little Bailu reluctantly agreed, and patted the shaggy head of the dog. "Hey dog, let's sit in the corner together."


The tracking dog raised his head and howled, and followed the little white deer to the corner.

The tracking dog was sitting in the corner with his tongue sticking out, and the little white deer was also sitting on the ground, with a small body next to the tracking dog. The tracking dog was much stronger and much bigger than him. The scene looked quite harmonious.

Duanmu Yawang was ready to knead the dough, and when he looked forward, he saw a person and a dog sitting in the corner, all looking at him eagerly.

Duanmu Yawang felt amused. After kneading the dough, when she woke up, she became bored again. Seeing that the sun outside had harmonized, she stretched out and sat on the deck to enjoy the sun.

As soon as she sat down, the little white deer and the tracking dog also came out.

A person and a dog sat on her left and right sides, and the tracking dog gently rubbed her neck with his head, Duanmu Ya looked at the little white deer: "Why is your Uncle Yin still not awake?"

"I'm probably awake long ago, and I'm cultivating."

Duanmu Yawang felt reasonable, nodded and squinted to look into the distance. Xiao Bailu suddenly said: "You have been away from home for a long time. Is your grandpa worried?"

Duanmu Ya looked stunned, stretched out her hand and stroked the head of the coquettish dog, and said lightly: "I must be worried, but I shouldn't be too worried. After all, I'm always used to going out."

"Aren't you worried about him?"

"The people in the Lingyue Pavilion will help me watch, and Nangong Yunfan will also look at my face more or less. I dare not embarrass my grandfather. My grandfather is optimistic and there is nothing to worry about."

However, when talking about her family, Duanmu Yawang thought of Lan Chengche: "I don't know where my brother has been, but he has not found it now."

"We spent too much time on Banquet Street and here." Xiao Bailu narrated the facts: "If these two places spend less time, we won't be out for so long this trip."

It's almost half a year now.

Moreover, I don’t know how much time it will take for the endless city!

However, he didn't think it would be short, after all, it would take so long to get to the endless city from here.

"Isn't it impossible? I didn't expect that we would encounter so many things along the way."


Sun and Xi, neither cold nor hot, and a gentle breeze blowing in, it is the most comfortable time. Duanmu Yawang is drowsy in such an environment, and her eyelids are getting heavier and heavier.

Just when she was about to fall asleep, she woke up suddenly: "Ah, my face!"

While speaking, he quickly got up from the deck and ran back.

Go in and lift the lid of the noodles and find that the noodles are just right.

She kneaded the noodles, then rubbed them into long strips and then cut the noodles and pulled the noodles into strips and brushed it with oil.

After she came in, Xiao Bailu followed in. Seeing that she did a lot of movements but did not see the noodles, her little face became serious: "If you can't make noodles, you can honestly admit it. I will definitely not laugh. yours."


Duanmu Yawang rolled his eyes and continued to apply oil.

Thinking of something, ask him: "Do you like to face it carefully?"

"Yes, what's the matter?"

"No, then I'll make fine noodles for you, the kind that is very fine for you." After speaking, she used another method for part of the dough.

After finishing it, she went to wash her hands again and went to deal with other ingredients.

Aijia Castle has a lot of food, many kinds, and many kinds of seasonings. Duanmu Yawang has everything in jars, so there are almost any seasonings, not to mention pepper, ginger, garlic, etc. .

However, the food in the giant world will be a little different, and the taste will be a little different, but the difference is not too big.

She has tasted almost all of these seasonings and thinks it's not bad.

After she was ready, the noodles were almost there, but it was not until noon and she was not hungry, so she didn't plan to make it so fast, and she didn't want to be too idle, so she went to practice.

Since her strength became stronger, Duanmu Yawang had very little time to practice. In addition, her strength suddenly became too strong, and she herself didn't know how to cultivate and improve herself.

Therefore, even if you are practicing samādhi, you must feel the power in your body and learn how to control the power.

In the beginning, she actually didn't dare to use her power too much, for fear of the consequences. After this period of time, she was already able to use her power proficiently.

Now she has been cultivating for an hour, and she is particularly comfortable. After the time is almost the same, she starts to make noodles.

She makes oily noodles.

A large and long wide noodle, a thin noodle.

She made fine noodles first. She pulled the noodles thin and long. Little Bailu looked at her mouth open and her eyes were about to bulge out, "Is the noodles pulled out like this?"

"Otherwise you thought it was planted?"

Little Bailu blinked with big eyes and did not refute.

In other words, he really thought so.

Duanmu Yawang found it funny, and continued to make a large piece of wide noodles that she likes to eat. She also made a very long piece of wide noodles. Little Bailu pouted: "Such a big piece, it doesn't taste good to look at."

Duanmu Yawang didn't bother to care about him, and started to scald the noodles after finishing the noodles.

After blanching the noodles and then putting on the seasoning, the scent of the upper **** overflowed the entire cabin in an instant.

"smell good."

Yin Huiyin was attracted, and he asked, "What is so delicious?"

"You splashed noodles, do you want a bowl?"

"Not prepared for me?"

"Done a lot." Duanmu Yawang waved at him, "Which two do you want to try?"

"Wide this kind." Yin Huiyin pointed to the wide face and said: "This kind of look is so novel. I haven't eaten it before, so let's try this one."


Duanmu Yawang served him a bowl of wide noodles, and at the same time pushed a handful of Xiao Bailu: "Go and ask Nongying to eat the noodles."


In fact, the little white deer's saliva came out, but for the sake of politeness, he went to call Ye Nong Ying.

However, as soon as he turned around, Ye Nongying came out of her room.

She said: "I came out after smelling the scent."

"good to eat!"

Yin Huiyin was the first to eat. He instigated a bite of noodles, almost choked by the spicy flavor, but the fragrance and the toughness of noodles, he couldn't help but start complimenting after one bite, "It's really delicious."

Duanmu Yawang was pleased by the reaction of the three. He served Xiao Bailu a bowl of noodles, and while he was serving them for himself, he said to the night: "Two kinds of noodles, you can pick whichever you want, I'll eat it first."

She served it on a plate, and she filled a plate full of it herself.

She obviously felt that it was not spicy enough, so she added a layer of spicy on the surface of the Egyptian plate, poured some oil on it, and sat down at the table with the plate and ate it with big mouthfuls.


After taking a bite, Duanmu Yawang couldn't help sighing.

She is too satisfied.

She hasn't eaten oily noodles in a long time.

She is about to die!

"Ahem." Ye Nongying was also so spicy, and grinned: "It's delicious, but it's too spicy."

"Yours is only slightly spicy. Even if you just ate it, you should be able to withstand it." Duanmu Ya looked at her own heavy spicy, she didn't think there was anything, she said vaguely while instigating the noodles: "This is mine. hot."

"Yours is too spicy." Ye Nongying frowned when she saw the red face of her plate, "Is it really delicious?"

"Of course." Duanmu Yawang raised her eyebrows: "You don't think it tastes good."

"It's really delicious." After two or three bites, Ye Nongying felt that her whole body was warm, and she felt very refreshed: "And I haven't eaten anything like this, I feel so good."

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