After Duanmu Yawang had a bath, it was time for breakfast.

She and Ye Nongying went to the hall for breakfast.

She and Ye Nongying were the latest. When the two arrived, Yin Huiyin, Xiao Bailu, Lin Sui and Lin Dang had a middle-aged woman sitting at the table.

"The two are here?"

The others all stood up one after another, Duanmu Ya Wangye Nongying was a little embarrassed, and said hurriedly: "It doesn't have to be this way, just sit down."

"This is my wife." Lin Master glanced at the woman and introduced Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying.

The two nodded quickly: "Mrs. Lin."

"You're polite, please sit down."

Mrs. Lin had a very calm temperament, and she seemed to have extraordinary tolerance. After everyone sat down, she said: "My husband and Sui'er left the fort. I went back to my natal house for a while, and I came back in a hurry after hearing that my husband and Sui'er came back. I have never wanted to neglect the distinguished guest, I am really embarrassed."

Madam Lin is not quick and slow in speaking, sincere and polite, and the wisdom in her eyes cannot be hidden. Both Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying feel that Lin Sui is actually more like Madam Lin.

The two hurriedly said, "Mrs. Lin is polite, we are bothering you."

"Where to speak."

Mrs. Lin smiled and said, "When I came back in the morning, Sui'er couldn't wait to tell me about the interesting things you got along with on the way. Sui'er praised you again and again. I'm very happy that Sui'er has friends like you."

"Excessive reputation." Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying were a little embarrassed.

Lin Sui said, "Mother, the meal is over, let's talk while eating."

Mrs. Lin nodded and hurriedly greeted everyone for dinner.

Everyone was eating and chatting. Mrs. Lin asked them some things about the world of dwarves with interest. Duanmu Yawang and they said something. Mrs. Lin was very surprised and exclaimed: "Why don’t the giants enter the entrance of your world? There is a real chance. I want to take a look."

Actually said the same thing as Lin Sui.

Worthy of being a mother and son.

As for the endless city, Mrs. Lin probably also knows it. She waved off the servants in the hall and asked, "I wonder when you plan to go to the endless city?"

"Madam, don't talk about the endless city when you are eating." The Lin family obviously didn't like the mention of this matter, and frowned, but the speech was still soft and soft, and he respected Madam Lin very much.

"Why can't you mention it?"

Mrs. Lin frowned lightly, her voice was not loud and not anxious, she whispered her opinion softly: "Since they decide to go, they must have a chat and understand. You should be worried if you don't understand anything."

Master Lin sighed, knowing that he could not persuade Mrs. Lin, so he had to give up.

Mrs. Lin said: "You are going to the endless city, all kinds of Sinan, wind vane, etc. are estimated to be needed. I have sent someone to find it for you, and you will bring it if you find it."

"Thank you mother."

Lin Sui was very happy and stretched out his hand to pinch a piece of meat for Mrs. Lin, and Mrs. Lin smiled softly in reply.

Everyone continued to eat and chat. Because of a lot of things, Lin's family was called away halfway through the meal. Mrs. Lin expected to be able to help, so she also left.

Suddenly, there were only five people left in the hall.

When they are gone, some words will be better to talk.

Lin Sui couldn't wait to ask, "Miss Duanmu, how is it? Did you get the file?"


Duanmu Yawang smiled, reached into the Qiankun bag and took out the dossier and handed it to him, saying, "I'll take a rest after I finish my breakfast and digestion. You take the dossier to study first."


Lin Sui stretched out his hand to take the dossier and asked, "Miss Duanmu, did the file stolen go well today?"

"Except for spending a little more time, everything went smoothly."

"That's good."

Lin Sui nodded, thinking of something, and said: "Why don't I copy the dossier and send it back, otherwise the Ai family will find the dossier is missing, and know that if we go to the endless city, we will definitely suspect that we have stolen it." Understand."

Duan Muya said: "Don't worry about this problem. I think Ai's family is also very persistent in the Black Forest. The situation in the Black Forest is complicated. No matter how smart people are, it is impossible to reach the so-called destination within a year or a half. They are sure. I won't be back so soon."

"I'm afraid that in addition to the three Ai family brothers, there are others who have the right to access this dossier." Ye Nongying started eating and said earnestly: "Ace will definitely leave it to someone to do such a thing, for the sake of Lin Jiabao. It's safe, it's better to go back earlier."

"Alright." Regarding safety, Duanmu Yawang didn't dare to be careless, but: "I think there are a lot of words in the dossier. It would be a waste of time to just copy it like this. You have to help Master Lin handle the affairs, just leave it to me."

Lin Sui hesitated: "You are tired too, I always have to help with something."

Duanmu Yawang smiled mysteriously: "Don't worry, I won't be tired." Printers are very common. Her medical system is equipped with printers all year round. There are a lot of ink and paper. Just print it out.

"okay then."

Lin Sui didn't insist anymore, only said: "You will rest for a while, I will use the file to study it, and I will have someone copy it for you when you wake up."


So, after eating, Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying went back to the room to rest.

After a nap, Duanmu Yawang slept until the afternoon.

When she woke up, she saw Ye Nongying sitting on a large chair to practice concentration, she should wake up much earlier than her.

Duanmu Yawang looked at Ye Nongying, yawned, and got up.

She dressed and got out of bed to drink water. Ye Nongying probably heard the sound, and came out of her meditation, "Wake up?"


Duanmu Yawang put down the cup and stretched, "You didn't sleep all night, when did you wake up?"

"Woke up before lunch."

Duanmu Yawang's movement of stretching her waist stopped. She looked at Ye Nongying with some complicated eyes. In the end, she didn't say anything. She waved her hand and said, "I'll go to Master Geng for something to eat. You can continue to practice."


Ye Nongying continued to practice concentration.

In addition to the door, Duanmu Yawang saw a servant passing by, so he asked the servant to find Master Geng to feed her in the past Yin Huiyin's room, and then went to Yin Huiyin's room.

She knocked on the door Yin Huiyin soon came to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, the tracking dog leaped over, circling around her continuously.


Duanmu Yawang reached out and patted the dog's head, and entered the room with it with a smile.

She watched Xiao Bailu sitting motionless at the table, leaning on her chest with her arms around and watching him: "You have known you for so long, and you are not as enthusiastic to me as a tracking dog."

"Dogs are more enthusiastic than deer." Xiao Bailu was not ashamed of Duanmu Yawang's accusation: "If you want the deer to be so enthusiastic about you, it is impossible."

"Then according to what you said, can I give all the good food to the trailing dog in the future?"


Little Bailu was finally wronged, and pouted: "This is a bit too much."

Duanmu Yawang snorted and sat down, Xiao Bailu stared outside the door: "Why are you alone, Miss Ye?"

"I'm cultivating, and I will start practicing after eating at noon."

Little Bailu frowned: "She practiced all night last night. She ate breakfast and then went to bed. She got up and ate lunch and then continued to practice. Isn't this too hard?" After speaking, she stared suspiciously at Duanmu Yawang: " Why don't you persuade her?"

"She is too competitive, because she is not strong enough, she has always felt that she is a cumbersome role, she urgently needs to make herself stronger, now that she has the opportunity to become stronger, she will definitely speed up and make herself stronger as soon as possible."

When Duanmu Yawang said, he added a faint sentence: "Thinking in another position, if I were in this state, I would be like her."

She is even harder than her, it is possible that she will not sleep for a few days or nights.

Of course, she felt that Ye Nongying would also like to practice unceasingly all night, but because she was there, she wanted to suppress herself, so she took a rest for the whole morning.

"I don't understand."

Little Bailu shrugged, stretched out his hand to squeeze a piece of snack and hugged it, and said vaguely: "Isn't it good to be a happy person? What do you force yourself to do?"

"Not everyone wants to be a rice bug like you." Duanmu Yawang reached out and pinched a handful of his bulging cheeks. "Motivated people like us like to challenge ourselves and don't like being Rice bugs."

Yin Huiyin saw that the two masses of meat on Xiaobailu’s cheeks were severely torn, stretched out his hand and patted Duanmu Yawang’s hand, told her to sit down, took out the file, and handed it to her, saying: "Lin Sui gave me to ask me during lunch. Give it back to you."

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