Ye Nongying frowned: "How are you sure?" asked

"According to the 50% of the area occupied, the approximate data was visually inspected and then calculated."

Ye Nongying was a little suspicious of her ears: "It was calculated visually?"

After Duanmu Yawang finished speaking, he raised his eyebrows: "If in doubt, should we try it tonight? Make a bet, if the gap between the left and right is more than ten meters, even if you win, otherwise, I will win, how about?"

Before Ye Nongying answered, Yin Huiyin laughed and said: "As for the numbers, Xiaoya looks very accurate. She is like a measuring instrument herself. She said that the difference is not more than ten meters, so it must not be exceeded. Ye Miss better not to bet with her."

"Then don't bet."

Ye Nongying was able to bend and stretch, and snorted: "What kind of eyes are you, these can be visually inspected."

Duanmu Yawang said with a laugh: "Look at the distance between the soldiers and estimate how many soldiers there are. I am afraid that errors can sometimes be used to estimate the speed of the vehicle. It is easy to figure out."

"Yes!" Lin Sui patted his thigh, "This is really a wonderful method!"

Duanmu Yawang: "Let's not talk about this, let's observe first, where is the better way to enter the main hall."

"Backyard." Ye Nongying elbow propped his chin and said sternly: "If it is the two positions of the main street and the backyard, I will prefer the backyard position. After all, the place where the slave lives is definitely not guarded, and the slave strength is low, we You can climb in from the wall in the backyard, and then slowly touch from the slave residence to the place where Ace will store things."

"It's reasonable." Duanmu Yawang nodded in agreement, remembering something, and then asked Lin Sui: "Do you often have cases of theft in Six Dao Cities?"

Lin Sui twisted his eyebrows: "Thefts, no matter which city it is, will always appear, but I don't know where it happened."

"It makes sense. Have you ever heard of theft in Aijia Castle?"

"Not this one."

Ye Nongying asked, "Have you ever stolen in Linjiapu?"

Lin Sui touched the tip of his nose, and obviously nodded in embarrassment: "It happened."

Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying glanced at each other. They both understood the information in their eyes. Duanmu Yawang said, "Then I can rest assured."

Lin Sui was taken aback: "What do you mean?"

"It's nothing, you'll know later." Duanmu Yawang looked at the distribution map and said to him: "Let the coachman go to the backyard. Let's take a closer look. It's probably better to go in which position."


So, their carriage walked around the city wall in the backyard. Because Xiao Bailu didn’t go out this time, Duanmu Yawang wanted to compensate him, and then asked the coachman to go back to the main street and went to the shop and let the coachman buy some food. , Just returned to the Fuzhong.

Because Ai's castle is big, it took a lot of time to slowly go around Ai's castle two times. It was already dark when they headed back home.

As soon as I returned to the house, I had dinner. After everyone was full, everyone began to discuss what to do tonight.

How to act, of course, the most important thing is who acted. For this, Duanmu Yawang had already had an idea in her mind, and she also said her own thoughts simply: "I will go with Xiaoyin'er."

In fact, it's almost the same if she goes alone, but it is also very good to have Yin Huiyin help to take care of it, or when stealing things, let him help a little bit more.

When Ye Nongying heard it, the first objection: "No, I want to go too!"

Duanmu Yawang had already guessed that Ye Nong Ying would react like this. She sighed and looked at her seriously: "Nong Ying, we have all learned the power of giants, and there are too many guards outside. You really Not suitable to go."

Ye Nong Ying pursed her lips.

To be honest, it was very uncomfortable for her.

She is too weak now, so weak that she can't participate in any serious actions.

She Ye Nongying has never been so underestimated since she was young.

However, her strength is so, she must admit it.

Duanmu Yawang also knew that it was a blow to her, and she was fortunate that she had become stronger during this time, otherwise they would not be able to run out, and they would not be able to do much in the giant's world.

So she knew Ye Nongying, and she didn't say a word of comfort.

Ye Nongying didn't say any more, she agreed with the arrangement.

Ye Nongying didn't go to Lin Sui to understand, just: "Miss Duanmu, why don't you let me go with you?"

"You are more unsuitable than shadowing." Duanmu Yawang's face was serious: "First of all, it is too easy for you to expose the giants over the wall, and secondly, if you expose yourself if this action fails, the whole Linjiapu will be in danger. In. We don’t want anyone else to be involved in any of our actions, do you understand?"

"I understand." Lin Sui took a deep breath, "Thank you for taking care of Lin Jiapu."

"It should be." Duanmu Yawang rubbed the head of the little white deer who was eating with a big fruit on one side, jokingly said: "After all, my brother has never heard of it since he came in Linjiapu."

Little Bailu just took a bite of the flesh, and glared at her with his cheeks bulging: "Sister, don't think that I don't know what you mean by me."

"Knowing that it's not stupid, eat something good, the saliva is sprayed on my face." Duan Mu Yawang pushed his head aside with a look of disgust.

Everyone was amused by the two.

Things were almost done. Lin Sui left for a while when he had something to do. Duanmu Ya looked at the sky and it was too early, so he pretended to be again. This time even the purple color contact lenses were worn and also worn. She wore long silver hair before putting on night clothes.

After getting dressed, Duanmu Yawang and Yin Huiyin said, "Let's go."


Yin Huiyin got up from the chair and left with Duanmu Yawang. Soon, the two figures disappeared into the night.

Ye Nongying looked at their direction silently.

Little Bailu gnawed on the various snacks that Duanmu Yawang brought back to her, looking at Ye Nongying's expression, he took out a small box from his arms and placed it in front of her.

Ye Nongying returned to his senses, "What is this?"

Little Bailu took a bite of the fruit, and said vaguely: "I don't have time to watch it. You can see what my sister gave you."

Duanmu Yawang gave it?

Ye Nongying moved her eyelids and opened the box with her hands.

I saw that there were three bottles lying quietly on the box, one of which was small white ceramic, the other two were small transparent glass bottles, all filled with liquid, one was usually brown liquid, and the other was transparent liquid.

And the bodies of these three bottles are all written with words.

The small white ceramic reads "Yangqi Huangdan", the small brown bottle reads "Zengyuan Base Liquid", and the transparent liquid bottle reads "Xianlu".

She had never heard of these medicines. She frowned and reached out to pick up one of the bottles, only to see a small piece of paper pressed under the bottle.

She unfolded a look--

Take "Zengyuan Base Liquid" three times a day, three drops at a time, and enter the meditation after taking it.

"Yangqi Huangdan" should be taken every time after entering the prescription, three meals a day, one piece. After taking it, three drops of Xianlu can be taken each time.

The three samples take one month.

The content of the note Ye Nong Ying finished reading, and there was no medicinal effect on it, but after Y Nong Ying read it, her eyelids twitched: "This is to help me increase my vitality, expand my muscles, and improve my aura by the way?"

"It should be, I don't know anything about medicine, and she didn't tell me, she just asked me to give it to you when she left." Little Bailu was very devoted to eating, without raising his head: "If you want to know, you can ask me. elder sister."

Even so, he actually wanted to tell Ye Nongying that Xianlu was not something ordinary people could eat. She also asked you three drops per meal for three meals a day. This is probably not as simple as Zengyuan Gudan.

Of course, he didn't understand what the main effect was.

Look at the effect of the last month.

Ye Nongying gently touched the three bottles with her fingertips without saying a word.

Ye Nongying did not make a sound for a while, and the little white deer gnawed the fruit for a while, looked up at her, and saw her thoughtful look, her mouth curled, and she said, "You are really the same as my sister. One who took the medicine was unwilling to say anything, and the other who took the medicine was unwilling to say anything."

Ye Nongying was stunned, she didn't know what she thought of, and smiled slowly, "She really didn't say anything?"


Little Bailu hummed: "When I secretly gave it to me, I asked it several times, why didn't I want to tell me."

Ye Nongying rubbed his head: "All right, you continue to eat in the room. I'll go back to the room and take the medicine."

After speaking, he left.

Little Bai Lu Shunshun's tousled hair, muttered: "I just said that you are like your master, why did you learn how to rub my hair?"

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