The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1966: The whole Black Forest is full of weirdness

After walking far enough, Duanmu Yawang said to Yin Huiyin and Xiao Bailu: "Are you going to come out and walk together?"

"do not want."

Little Bailu refused without hesitation.

Joke, the environment here is bad, who wants to go like this every day, the medical system is free and laid back!

"Let me accompany you."

Occasionally encounter beasts along the way. Fortunately, she is now stronger and she also took out the original moving sky sword, so she is safe along the way.

However, she was holding a torch in one hand and a sword or other animal in the other, and she kept walking forward, so she would really be exhausted if she went on like this.

Yin Huiyin felt it necessary to go out to accompany her.


Of course Duanmu Yawang was not polite. After Yin Huiyin came out, she took a breath and put the original moving heavenly sword back into the Qiankun bag, "You hold on first, and I will rest with this hand first, and I will connect it again when you are tired. ."

It was much better for the two to take turns back and forth.

"Good." Yin Huiyin had no objection.

But this way, the speed is not fast, and the speed is much slower than that of Fu Yuan and the others.

Duanmu Yawang disliked the slow speed, and asked Yin Huiyin, "Do you have a faster aircraft suitable for flying here?"


"Huh?" Duanmu Yawang frowned, "Isn't your previous flying machine also good?"

"Even if it's a flying sword, it won't work." Yin Huiyin said in a bad mood: "The trees here are irregular and dense. Our flying speed is fast. If we fly in the woods, even if we concentrate on our energy, we will keep hitting the trees."

Duanmu Yawang immediately wailed, "Then it will take at least ten days for our short legs to leave the Black Forest completely?"

"should be."

Duanmu Ya looked at her brain pain, and she secretly rejoiced: "Fortunately, I ran away fast. If we continue to follow them, it will take more time for us to take it out."

Yin Huiyin didn't answer, he paused and raised his head to look up: "Should we try to get up from above and get on the aircraft again?"

"You mean, fly out of the deep forest top, and then take the aircraft?"

Duanmu Yawang didn't think about this, but: "But the forest was destroyed hundreds of meters before, and the moonlight and sunlight will cause us harm..."

"Try it!"

Xiao Bailu also felt that walking like this for more than ten days would be a waste of time, "Try it and we will come down immediately if there is a problem."

Duanmu Yawang pondered for a while, nodded: "Also, let's try?"


Yin Huiyin was fine, "Come on." When he said, holding the torch in his hand, he jumped first, kicking the tree and sending the tree up with strength.

These trees are very tall, but Duanmu Yawang can't estimate how high they are. I only calculated that they should be tens of meters above, but this time they climbed, it took a long time for the tops of the trees to be far away. .

"Why can't I see the top yet."

The little white deer frowned and said, "My little master knows that these trees are very tall, but are they so tall?"

Duanmu Yawang also found it incredible. According to their climbing speed, at least they are thousands of meters away. Are these trees so high? Isn't it?

There can be no such high tree in this world!

However, since I have crawled, I can't give up halfway, I can only continue to go up.

After a while, Xiao Bailu exclaimed: "Light! There is light ahead!"

Duanmu Yawang looked up, it was really light.

The light was as cold as frost, and it should be moonlight.


Duanmu Yawang just watched the moonlight, and immediately felt dizzy, and her eyes were sore. She grabbed a tree trunk and said to Yin Huiyin who was walking in front: "Little Yin'er, I should Still can't adapt."

Yin Huiyin walked a little ahead, because the tip of the tree could no longer bear his weight, he jumped into the air, and then the sword stood still. He looked at Duanmuya from above and said, "I don't feel much. However, there is something wrong with the moonlight these four weeks."

Seeing the moonlight, and the wind coming in slowly outside, Duanmu Yawang felt even more uncomfortable, but she didn't say it. She was very interested in Yin Huiyin's words: "The moonlight is a bit wrong? Why is it wrong?"

Before Yin Huiyin spoke, Xiao Bailu couldn't help it, "Let me take a look at me!"

When he said that, the sigh of anger disappeared into the medical system. Duanmu Ya was too late to stop it. She scolded him and said to Yin Huiyin: "Xiaoyin'er, you take him."

"Okay." Yin Huiyin replied, and saw the little white deer bounced out of the deep forest like a hedgehog, and immediately went over with the sword and hugged him firmly.

Duanmu Yawang was really uncomfortable. She slid down a little bit. She couldn't see the moonlight and the wind and could hardly feel any more comfort. Then she asked, "Little kid, are you okay?"


The little white deer's very loud and excited voice came from above, "Oh my god, I didn't expect it to be like this outside. This moon is so big, it's almost as big as the moon I saw in Jiuzhongtian before, and the stars are so beautiful. !"

Duanmu Yawang was taken aback when she heard it, and she was very curious. She actually wanted to go out and have a look, but the moonlight shining on her felt really painful, and she gave up thinking about it.

But it does not prevent her from wondering: "Apart from these, what else?"

"Master, wait first." Little Bailu seemed to be very excited, yelling from above, and discussing with Yin Huiyin about the position of the star in Jiuzhong Heaven before and who should control it.


Duanmu Yawang pulled the tree trunk, with an urge to peel that fart boy.

She thought of a little and asked: "For nothing, will you feel uncomfortable?"

"No." Xiao Bailu responded, and Duanmu Yawang heard him take a deep breath and said with enjoyment: "The wind here is so fresh, I feel so comfortable."


Duanmu Ya looked at her brows, and Xiao Bailu could adapt. Why was she so uncomfortable?

She thought a little, "Could it be Nine Heavens or something on it?"

"of course not."

The little white deer answered immediately, and snorted: "Nine-layered sky purple qi has risen, and the immortal qi is faint, but is it beautiful? It's different from here!"

Duanmu Yawang: "How about it?"

"Ghostly chant." Little Bailu's excited voice fell somehow, "Except for the beautiful sky and comfortable wind, everything else here is dark and heavy, and the forest is endless and pitch black. It looks like a cloud of black air, and it doesn't look like a tree. It's weird anyway."

The tree and the trunk at the height of Duanmu Yawang are thin. She is really uncomfortable holding the trunk. Little Bailu speaks unreliable. She asked Yin Huiyin, "Xiaoyin'er, what do you think?"

"do not like."

Yin Huiyin said three words, and Duanmu Yawang was dumbfounded.

"Uncle Yin, let's go down." Xiao Bailu complained: "The more you stay here, the colder it gets."


Yin Huiyin didn't object, and responded, and then a gust of wind came, and Duanmu Yawang saw Yin Huiyin holding the little white deer down.

"Then I will go down too."

The three descended together.

It took a lot of time again to get down to the ground.


Little Bailu's hair was messed up, he pulled it, and hurried back to lie down in the medical system, and sighed, "It's still comfortable here."

Duanmu Yawang didn't bother to pay attention to him, rubbed his still dizzy head, and said to Yin Huiyin: "Let's keep going."

Yin Huiyin became a little worried as she tightened her eyebrows: "Are you okay?"

"No, it was just a little bit dizzy under the moonlight, but it's not serious, don't worry."

Yin Huiyin: "You have a headache after taking photos below for a while?"

"Yeah." Duanmu Yawang also felt incredible: "I also think it's weird. Isn't the moonlight here the same as the moonlight outside Baizhou? It's okay for me to shine the moon outside the forest."

Yin Huiyin: "I don't know."

The little white deer lay comfortably on the bed, "In fact, the entire Black Forest is full of weirdness. How can there be such a tall tree in this world? Also, the use of nature to set up an array project is too big, even if there are treasures here, it will not be enough. How about this?"

Indeed, the project is too large, and what exactly is hidden in the destination they are talking about?

Yin Huiyin looked at Duanmu Yawang and thought about it again, and said with a smile: "Don't worry about it if you don't understand it. This method won't work, we have to keep going."


Duanmu Yawang nodded, "Let's continue."

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