Duanmu Yawang woke up again and was awakened.

She didn't know how long she slept, she only woke up when someone called her.

She opened her eyes and saw that Fu Yuan was back, and there were four people with him, one of whom was Gayou.

Gayou and the others are even worse than Fu Yuan. His three subordinates are even better. One subordinate can walk by himself, and the other two are supported by Gayou and Fu Yuan.

Looking at the guys from Guyu, Wang Lao Er was very alert, and seemed to have something to say: "Boss..."

"To shut up."

Fu Yuan obviously had no plans to talk to Wang Lao Er, and even a little disgusted that he talked too much. In fact, the word shut up really told him not to talk, for fear that he would say too much wrong.

Wong Lao Er was aggrieved and shut up obediently.

Fu Yuan walked to the side of Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying, supporting him and sitting down, and said to Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying: "You two will show you the situation."

After finishing speaking, he also pointed to Gayo and the other two subordinates.


Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying looked at each other and nodded in response.

The two of them are okay now, it's not suitable to walk around, but it's okay to move two steps with you.

When the two moved, Gayo and others looked at them, and a subordinate in Gaia said suspiciously: "They look at the thighs as big as ours, will they really see a doctor?"

Fu Yuan glanced at the subordinate, his eyes were sharp, and the subordinate bowed his head.

Duanmu Yawang walked a few steps over, and Fu Yuan said, "You help them watch first, I'll come over in a while."

The two nodded, and Fu Yuan left.

When one of Gayo's subordinates saw him leaving, he whispered: "Boss, he probably didn't lie to us. If they are of no use, how could Fu Yuan be so precious to them?"

"How do you see the baby?"

"It was carried by a sash, and I was in the barrier before. When I left, I saw her fainted for some reason. Everyone, including Fu Yuan, went to see her. A slave shouldn't be a slave. , This is not enough baby."

Guyu narrowed his eyes and nodded meaningfully.

Duanmu Ya looked and listened, and couldn't help but mutter to Ye Nong Yingxinyu's voice transmission: "They said this in front of us, are they when we can't hear it?"

Ye Nongying: "It's not when we can't hear it, people don't see us in their eyes, and they think that even if we hear it, it's nothing."


I have to say that Ye Nongying made a lot of sense.

The two of them were in average spirits. After they walked over, they said to Fu Yuan, "Thank you, please stretch out your hand. Let's give everyone a pulse."

Several people looked at them carefully before reaching out.

Duanmu Yawang pulsed the two people one by one, and found that everyone was actually heartbroken. She pulsed two people in a row, and she had a general understanding of the situation.

At this time, Fu Yuan came again.

He holds a Qiankun bag in his hand.

However, she had never seen this Qiankun bag.

After Fu Yuan came over, he handed her the Qiankun bag in his hand.

Duanmu Yawang was taken aback, thinking she had misunderstood, she couldn't help asking: "Give it to me?"


Fu Yuan responded with a word.

Duanmu Yawang took it and couldn't help asking: "This is..."

"Medicinal materials."

When Duanmu Ya looked at it, he knew that it should be the medicinal materials in the village head's Qiankun bag. Fu Yuan went to the village head to get medicinal materials just now.

Fu Yuan asked: "How is their situation?"

Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying glanced at each other, and both of them explained the situation, and the results of the last two were almost the same.

Gayo wasn't too interested to hear them speak too much, but just asked: "Will it be healed?"

Duanmu Yawang both nodded: "Of course."

"Then quickly prescribe medicine for us." Gayou said to Fu Yuan: "Many of my brothers are still waiting on the spot. After we take the medicine, the situation is better. You can look at them one by one and prescribe them. "

Duanmu Yawang smiled and said: "In fact, it doesn't need to be so troublesome. If everyone is injured under the sun, then everyone's injuries should be similar. All you need to do is to drink the medicine soup together."

Ye Nong Ying glanced at her: "You put it simply, the medicinal soup for so many people has to be boiled at least many times, right?"

In fact, Fu Yuan and the others also brought the pot. It's not too big. It's definitely impossible to cook so many soups at once. It must be divided several times.

"No problem, I have a pot over there."

Gayou waved his hand and said boldly: "If it's so convenient, you can also give me the medicine. I will take it back and let me suffer."

Duanmu Ya looked at Fu Yuan and asked his opinion.

Fu Yuan nodded.

Duanmuya nodded and asked, "You bring medicinal materials, and I will hold medicinal materials for you?"


Everyone was silent for a while, and Gayo said in embarrassment, "We don't have such a device on our body."

One of Gayo's subordinates suggested: "Or, the little girl will come with us, she will choose the medicine and throw it into the pot, teach us how to make the medicine soup, and then we will send her back?"

When these words came out, everyone looked at Fu Yuan.

Because the decision is up to him.

Wang Lao Er was very nervous, staring at Fu Yuan's back, fearing that he would agree.

However, Fu Yuan nodded, "Yes."

"Good, good, good!"

Gayou smiled and said okay, but fortunately, he stretched out his hand and patted Fu Yuan's shoulder like a buddy, "I have felt your sincerity, and I think what you said to me is feasible."

Fu Yuan still had no expression on his face, and nodded, "That's it."

"Oh, you just love to keep your face straight." Guy You tweeted: "You really have a disgusting temper. I hated you very much at the beginning, and I was arrogant all day long in evening clothes."

Fu Yuan was still expressionless, neither sad nor happy.

It seems that any evaluation from others has no effect on him.

Even Duanmu Yawang couldn't help admiring his calmness.

Gayo: "However, I think people who talk a little now do big things. They don't have to be really arrogant. Maybe they just don't like talking."

After finishing speaking, his face was a little solemn and added: "Brother Fu, I also know that she is a talent of yours. You value her very much, and you are afraid of being robbed by us. Don't worry about this, we said. If you send it back, you will definitely send it back. There is no falsehood."

Fu Yuan only has two words: "I believe."

"Very good!" Gayo laughed and said, "Actually, it was more convenient to take her away this time, because one of my brothers was badly injured and bleeding from seven holes. He has never woken up yet. It is estimated that the same medicinal soup that we drank will not heal so quickly. I can only let the little girl show him alone, so I can rest assured."

Fu Yuan still has two words: "Understand."

Gayo also understands his words: "However, if you don't worry, you can follow us together, staring at us all the time."

Wang Lao Er nodded desperately behind, but Fu Yuan said, "It's not necessary."


Wang Lao Er is about to doubt life.

Gayou looked happy, his eyes were a little shocked, and he admired Fu Yuan's way of doing things, and patted him on the shoulder again: "Very well, then let's go first?"

Fu Yuan nodded.

Gayou looked at Duanmuya: "You are inconvenient to walk, and the person is small and does not account for the weight. We will carry you?"


Ye Nongying didn't know when she had returned to sit on the nun. Hearing this, she coughed lightly on her nose and asked Fu Yuan, "Can I go together?"

Fu Yuan glanced at her, "It's up to you."

As a result, the two sat on the wheel, and the four who were staggered by walking carried away.

As soon as they left, Wang's second child couldn't help it. Enduring the pain, he stood up with the trunk of the tree and asked, "Boss, did you really let them follow Gayou like this? You just believed in Gayou like that. ?"

Fu Yuan glanced at him coldly, and was obviously dissatisfied with his questioning.

Wang Lao Er was not afraid this time: "You know we need those two girls so much, they can't make any mistakes!"

Fu Yuan felt a headache from being quarreled, and he pinched his eyebrows and replied: "I hate Qin Fengyue because he is unbelievable and capricious. He pretends to be gentle and harmless to deceive everyone. For Gayou, I was back then. There is no other opinion on him."

Wang Lao Er listened and sorted out his words: "You mean, he has a lot of money?"

"A word of money is not enough, at least there is morality."

Wang Lao Er listened, his complexion improved, but he was still worried.

But he saw that Fu Yuan's face was not good. It is estimated that walking around just consumed his physical strength, so he stopped quarreling him and told him to close his eyes and rest, and he followed to rest.

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